Bodyguard: my daughter

Chapter 224: Whatever You Do

Chapter 224: Whatever You Do (1)
Early in the morning, Chen Shou woke up from the practice of Condensing Qi Jue. He let out a long breath and felt extremely comfortable. He rolled over and got out of bed. Before performing Tai Chi.

This Taijiquan was self-taught by Chen Shou after watching the video on the Internet and reading related books after he came into contact with the Duanshui knife technique.

His thought at the time was very simple, nothing would come out of nowhere, since Taijiquan is a national art, although it usually looks like a show, but it was because he was a layman, if he really went deep into it, he might not be able to find anything.

It was with this kind of thinking that Chen Shou learned Taijiquan, but he didn't find anything from it. The result he got in the end was that Taijiquan was indeed a show.

Taijiquan is a boxing technique based on the theory of yin and yang in the Book of Changes, the meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, Daoist guidance, and breathing. , in a good mood, he involuntarily used this Tai Chi, and every move was done in a precise and orderly manner.

Forget it at the beginning, Chen Shou used it all the way, and the whole exercise became more and more devoted. When he finally stopped, he realized that he had finished performing Tai Chi without knowing it. , the whole person seems to fit into a certain state of mind invisibly.

Taiji begins with Wuji and is divided into two instruments.From the two ceremonies to divide the three talents, from the three talents to show the four images, evolve into gossip.

Chen Shou was muttering the terminology of Taijiquan in his mind, and he couldn't help paying attention. He is different from ordinary people. He is a person with very strong self-concentration. He has always understood what he is doing, but just now, he has completely forgotten himself. .

This is just a set of boxing skills that are just a show in his eyes, but now he realizes that he has misjudged his eyes.

It is true that when he performed Taijiquan at the beginning, his state of mind was indeed different from that of normal times. At that time, he was very relaxed, but it was not enough for him to be like this.

Thinking of this, Chen Shou wondered if he could use his internal strength to perform Taijiquan. It might not be possible to have unexpected effects, but it is a pity that although he has learned the mental method of Condensing Qi Jue, he only learned it. The law of luck, the specific method of controlling qi, needs to be studied twice.

(End of this chapter)

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