after tomorrow is the end

Chapter 615 Familiar Strangers

Chapter 615 Familiar Strangers
Li Jie stood on the top of a mountain, looking at Levin City below the mountain.

From the moment he fully awakened as a mother, he unconsciously developed a strong sense of similarity with Ash.

But this does not hinder Li Jie's decision-making.

Because... the same kind... are often rivals who kill each other...

The theory of evolution emphasizes "natural selection, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, and survival of the fittest". This is true for ordinary species, let alone viruses, which are more contagious and aggressive.

"Li Jie, what are you thinking?" A soft and pleasant voice came from behind Li Jie.

Li Jie looked back and saw that it was Rachel, but her mental state was not very good, obviously she had not had a good rest.

"What's wrong? Is something uncomfortable?" Li Jie stepped forward, gently embraced Rachel, and let her whole body lean against him.

"No... just... no..." Rachel hesitated, she didn't know how to describe it.Because she discovered it sensitively, she didn't know when it started, it seemed that from the moment Li Jie woke up, the atmosphere of the whole camp became very strange.

Although in normal times, the soldiers are also very solemn and orderly, but occasionally they chat with each other during the rest time.

But now, he has a completely mechanical expression, and he sits with his back straight when resting, as if he is being trained, just like the half-Asian soldiers in the camp next door.

This is not the most terrifying.

Now even the medical staff and non-combatants are all in the same state. Except for Rachel herself, the entire camp is like a robot army!

Every time she thinks of this, Rachel feels scared, and among this group of people, she becomes an outlier.Even the person next to him who was with him day and night in front of him made him feel a little strange.

"I'm not afraid of's okay...when I finally win...I will remove my identity as the head of the federation, and we will live a stable and peaceful life together." Li Jie felt Rachel's trembling in his arms, and hugged her tightly. Tighter.

"Hmm..." Rachel closed her eyes reassuringly, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. She was also tired all these years.

I remember when I was very young, the epidemic broke out in mainland China tomorrow, and all over the world fell. Rachel's hometown, Levin City, was also facing an unprecedented crisis.

But her father, Joseph, the mayor of Levin, stubbornly refused to cooperate with the military and refused to accept military control.

In the end, the result of Levin City was inevitable and sad. Infected people bloomed in the city. If there were one, there would be two, and if there were two, there would be four. They multiplied geometrically, sweeping the entire city like a tornado.

Levin City fell, and Joseph also died heroically. The young Rachel escaped from the nightmarish Levin City with her sister Ingrid.

On the panicky escape, the sisters met the warm-hearted Fernando, a fat man who likes to tease and chatter, but has a great sense of justice.

From then on, the three of them walked together in this last world, and as a man, Fernando naturally took on more responsibilities, such as being both a father and a mother in the days of taking care of little Rachel.

It is precisely because of his gentle and cheerful personality that Rachel, who was hit hard, gradually walks out of the shadow of her childhood, and finally regains her lively and positive attitude.

But it is a pity that Ingrid has long been an adult, and the tragic experience has always made her hard to let go, and her mind has undergone a strong rebellion.

There are two words that she often hangs on her lips: "Responsibility and morality are the two words I hate the most." "It is full of rotten and gunpowder smoke, and it really is my home, heh."

The first sentence is about responsibility and morality, which is exactly what his father Joseph has always upheld, and it is precisely because of his father's obsession that he died in the line of duty together with the occupied Levin City.Although it is great love, it is ruthless to her sisters.

The second sentence is because of their situation in the wild all year round, not only to avoid the pursuit of infected people, but also to guard against malicious attacks of the same kind.It was during that period that she had to arm herself and learn to fight.

Later, the trade alliance was established, and the refugees in the south attached to the alliance, and human beings were able to temporarily live in the four camps.

In order to survive, the three joined the General Chamber of Commerce of the Trade Federation.Fernando served as the deputy captain of the Fifth Caravan, and Rachel also became a member of the caravan as an adult. Because the Fifth Caravan is responsible for the management of the camp, it is relatively safe.

But the rebellious Ingrid joined the mercenary leopard team of the General Chamber of Commerce and often went out to participate in some dangerous missions, which made Rachel even more dependent on Fernando.

Later, she met Li Jie, gained love and marriage, and now in Rachel's heart, Li Jie is her only one.

She couldn't imagine how dark her future would be if she lost Li Jie...

"Führer! It's time to go!" An untimely remark interrupted the gentle two, it was Lin Lingxi.

"Well, isn't it right? Are you all assembled?" Li Jie looked up at the sky, the sun was shining in the sky, it was getting late, and it was time to set off.

This morning, Li Jie received calls from Valentin and Donald respectively, saying that a wave of corpses suddenly broke out in Nancy City, the source of which is unknown, and that epidemic prevention is being stepped up, and they asked Li Jie to return early.

"Then... I'm going to clean up too..." Rachel left with some reluctance, and glared at Lin Lingxi angrily at the end. The commander of the guard, Fan Langlan, didn't even come to plead for orders. You are a little doctor. To disrupt the situation?


Thinking of this, Rachel stopped and looked back at the mountain. Li Jie was talking to Lin Lingxi. The latter was listening to the training devoutly, and the scene had an indescribable sense of mystery.

"Minister of Health? Minister Rachel?" A soft call brought Rachel back to reality.

Looking back, it was Yisu, she was Leviathan: Eve's repairman, and also her good friend.

"Oh, it's Yisu. Huh? What did you call me just now?" Rachel suddenly felt that something was wrong. Looking at Yisu's calm eyes, she lacked the vitality of the past.

"Minister of Health, it's time for us to get ready to go." Yisu's face was expressionless, as cold as a robot.

"Ah? Oh." Rachel was disappointed, and Yisu also changed. They used to be called sisters, but now...

No!Not only has she changed, everyone has changed!Thinking of this, Rachel felt fear again, wishing to escape this suffocating environment immediately.

"My lord, she seems to have noticed something." Lin Lingxi looked at Rachel who was going away, with eyes like a poisonous snake.

"Lin Lingxi! I warn you! If you have thoughts of hurting Rachel, be careful that I'm not polite to you!" Li Jie saw through Lin Lingxi's thoughts at a glance, and angrily scolded, Rachel is Li Jie's own reverse scale!

(End of this chapter)

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