after tomorrow is the end

Chapter 472 Returning to Shire Town

Chapter 472 Returning to Shire Town

chug chug. Helicopter sailing in the night sky.

"Headquarters! Headquarters! Call the headquarters! We are returning now, we are returning now! Please instruct! Please instruct!" Liya was contacting the headquarters. Their mission was completed and the trapped rescuers were successfully rescued.

The trapped persons were none other than Akiyama Hikaru and Katyushka.

It turned out that after they secretly left Camp 101, they first returned to Shire Town, found a helicopter, and prepared to return to the Empire.

As a result, not long after flying out, he was hit by a rocket and had to make an emergency landing in Hope Valley.

Helicopters are much less difficult to make an emergency landing than fixed-wing fighters. When the engine stops working, the rotors of the helicopter become "autorotors", which can rotate with the movement of the body in the air. It is a bamboo dragon that can fly by itself. Serpentine.

At this time, the autorotating rotor can still provide a certain pulling force for the helicopter at low altitude to ensure its slow descent. This buffering effect can greatly improve the probability of a successful forced landing of the helicopter.

Therefore, the proportion of successful helicopter landings is actually quite high.In addition, the "Black Hawk" helicopter of the Empire, its cockpit structure and seats have strong anti-crash capabilities, which can ensure that the deformation after the crash is small, and the main frame and anti-crash seats can absorb the impact energy of the crash, ensuring occupant safety.Its fuel tank is also a special "anti-crash fuel tank" to ensure that the fuel in the fuel tank will not explode or deflagrate after falling to the ground.

The people who attacked Akiyama Hikaru were precisely a group of believers led by Sangui, and their shooting positions were also very particular. They deliberately shot down the helicopter instead of destroying it, obviously trying to kidnap them.

After landing, Hikari Akiyama and others fought a fierce battle with the believers. Two retainers Ryo Aihara and Taku Sato also died in battle. She and Katyushka hid in the Nobel Academy in a panic. the next thing.

"This is the headquarters, the apron can be landed. Repeat! The apron can be landed! Please follow the guidance of the ground personnel and perform a safe landing. Please follow the guidance of the ground personnel and perform a safe landing." Soon, there was a reply in the communicator .

"Understand! Understood!" Liya controlled the helicopter, drove through Hope Valley, and entered the territory of Shire Town, where the Tomorrow Federation established a temporary military camp.

On the dark ground, there is a circle surrounded by eight heliport boundary lights, glowing with green lights, which is the temporary apron of Shire Town.

The floodlights of the heliport, with white and soft light, illuminate the helicopters taking off and landing at night.

A ground command officer, holding a yellow light stick and waving his arms, guides the helicopter to the correct landing pad.

Chututu Liya controlled the helicopter, according to the instructions, slowly landed, turned off the engine, and the huge rotor gradually stopped rotating.

Tread Tat. A group of soldiers in white chemical protective suits ran over from all around. They carried all kinds of disinfection equipment in their hands, and sprayed the helicopter crazily when they came.

Pupu disinfectant drenched the entire helicopter, they didn't let go of any place, even the wheels of the plane were carefully disinfected over and over again.

"Okay! Come down!" A master sergeant knocked on the window glass, indicating that the crew could come down.

Wow, as soon as the door opened, Van Langland was the first to come down.

"Please wait a moment, we need to be disinfected." The Master Chief stopped Van Langerand and began to spray him with disinfectant.

The whirring white spray is like the effect of a fire extinguisher. Its main purpose is to eliminate the source of nuclear radiation pollution attached to the body.

After spraying for a while, the Master Chief took out the radiation monitor again and scanned Van Langerand's body back and forth.

Dididi, whenever there is an alarm of excessive radiation, there will be a spray of disinfectant spray, and Van Langland will be honest and at their mercy.

"OK! Next!" Van Langer was not allowed to pass until the test value reached the qualified standard.Not only him, but every member on board must undergo strict disinfection.

"Captain Fan, please take off your clothes." Van Langerne walked out of the tarmac, and first came to the health center where the temporary tent was set up. Here, he took off his helmet and military uniform, all of which were to be destroyed.

"Please take it, please go inside." A chemical defense soldier handed the naked Van Langer a set of toiletries, and motioned him to move to an adjacent car washing machine.

"Okay." Van Langer held this set of toiletries, all of which were sterilized.

Over there, Hikari Akiyama and other women were assigned to another health center, which was full of female soldiers. Tomorrow Federation conducted a very humane separation of men and women, and everyone went into their own car washing machines to wash their cars for nothing.

Pupu, the powerful jet of water from the car washing machine hit them so hard that they couldn't open their eyes. Also, this was originally used for washing cars, but now it's overkill to shower them.

After rinsing, they are given a comfortable set of clothes, all of which are tomorrow's military uniforms.

Wearing Qiu Shanguang on the body, looking at the mirror from the left to the right, it feels very awkward, it feels like a betrayal.

"Miss Photon, it's time for dinner." Rachel lifted the curtain, came in from the outside, and looked at her with a smile. She had black and beautiful black hair and a good figure.

"Oh, thank you, who are you?" Akiyama Hikaru politely greeted, judging from the other party's military rank, it should not be low.

"Oh, just call me Rachel." Rachel still has that playful and lovely personality, smiling with everyone, giving people an unconscious sense of intimacy.

"Thank you, thank you." Qiu Shanguang was indeed a little hungry. He had fought fiercely all day and hadn't eaten anything at night.

Soon, a group of people came to a restaurant with long dining tables, which is a feature of the army.

Food is also very rich, there are carrots, tomatoes, kelp, lean meat, animal liver and other foods rich in vitamin A, C and protein, which can enhance the body's ability to resist nuclear radiation.There are also some spicy foods, which can not only mobilize the immune system of the whole body, but also protect the DNA of cells from radiation damage.

In fact, only the radiation dust left by the nuclear explosion is left at the Nobel College, and the most severe nuclear exposure has long since disappeared. As long as all-round protective measures are taken to reduce exposure to exposed skin and air, this kind of nuclear radiation will The degree generally does not cause harm.

"Everyone! This is iodine medicine. Take one tablet half an hour after meals to prevent radiation infection!" Rachel held a small bottle in her hand and began to distribute pills to everyone. She is also a military doctor. Radioactive iodine cannot invade.

"Miss Guangzi, we'll finish eating later, our president wants to see you." Rachel murmured softly when passing Qiu Shanguang.

"Okay, I see. Thank you again for your help." Qiu Shanguang nodded, with a decision in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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