after tomorrow is the end

Chapter 460 Military Burial

Chapter 460 Military Burial
"The speed of the nuclear reactor has dropped to 98%! It continues to decrease! 95%!" In the control room of the nuclear power plant, a group of people are busy, and they are preparing to shut down the nuclear power plant.

Li Jie and his group also stood in the control room, watching the values ​​on the big screen gradually decrease.

But shutting down a nuclear power plant is not something that can be done simply by cutting off the power. There are two methods.

One is that when the fuel runs out, it stops working.The fuel used in nuclear power plants is uranium. The nuclear fuel made of uranium is fissioned in the "reactor" equipment to generate a large amount of heat energy, and then the heat energy is taken out by water under high pressure to generate steam in the steam generator. , The steam drives the steam turbine to rotate with the generator, and electricity is continuously generated and sent to all directions through the grid.

However, Shire Town has not been rebuilt yet, and the Federation will not need it to generate electricity tomorrow, so the only choice is the second method: gradually shutting down the nuclear reactor.

To gradually shut down a nuclear reactor is to slowly reduce the reaction speed of the reactor.The reason why nuclear reactions can continue to happen is that a certain number of neutrons will be released when nuclear fission occurs. These neutrons can hit other nuclei like bullets, causing them to undergo fission again and produce new ones at the same time. of neutrons.

Therefore, it is necessary to insert the control rods completely into the reactor core. The function of the control rods is to absorb the neutrons emitted by the fission of the material.

As long as the amount of neutrons released by the nuclear material is controlled, the power of the reactor can be controlled. If the neutrons are completely absorbed, the reactor will shut down.Therefore, as long as the number of neutrons in the reactor is controlled, the reaction speed can be controlled until the control rods absorb all the neutrons and the reaction stops.

"The speed of the nuclear reactor has dropped to 90%! Everything is normal! Now it is leveling off, and the decline will be slow! 89%!" And absorption also takes time, just like a high-speed train, emergency brakes can A certain amount of braking time and distance is required.

"Brother Jie, Stukov died." Liu Mang walked over and said in a low voice.

"Yes, I see." Li Jie nodded. In war, people die every day. All he can do is to set up a monument for it, and do his best to hope that the spirits of the dead can rest in peace.

"How is Xuanxuan City?" Li Jie asked without turning his head. There is nothing to deal with in the nuclear power plant, and he is now worried about the situation of Xuanxuan City.

"Commander Valentin called back. The riots in the city lasted for three days. After our troops took over, they have improved." The clerk Liu Mang held the latest telegram in his hand.

"Well, are there many casualties in the city?" Li Jie asked with concern. During the few days of riots, it was the gap between the handover of local soldiers and outlaw soldiers, which made the selection city anarchic.

"Well, there are a lot of rebellious soldiers. There are also a lot of innocent people. But there are also rational soldiers." Liu Mang didn't know how to describe it, anyway, it was just one sentence, as much chaos as possible, it was no different from the end of the world.

"Do you know everything about the rebellion?" Li Jie is not a saint. He couldn't let the fugitives intervene in the city's security when they were in a downturn, risking their lives to protect the rights and interests of others.

"According to the tracking and shooting of the drone and the information provided by the Eagle Squad, we have a general understanding of the situation." After speaking, Liu Mang was about to hand a list to Li Jie.

"I won't read it. I will send this list to Weiwen. After the town is stabilized, they will be judged." Li Jie didn't bother to read it. This kind of post-autumn settlement is already secondary to him.

"Send it to Deputy Commander Weiwen?" Liu Mang reconfirmed. You must know that Commander Valentin is in charge there, so send it to the deputy. Is this...?

"Well, issue another transfer order to let Valentin come back, and Weiwen will be the agent there." Li Jie nodded, meaning that you heard correctly.

"Yes." Liu Mang didn't dare to ask any more questions, and quickly wrote it down, thinking that it would be to kill the donkey, right?No, Brother Jie is not that kind of person.

"Finally, the tunnel leading to Hope Valley was opened, and the army is ready to go north." Finally, Li Jie added that although Hope Valley can be reached directly from the sea, there are no kilometers there, and it is impossible to open the tunnel. The north is far away, and the army needs to carry a lot food and military supplies.

"Understood." Liu Mang quickly recorded one by one.

"Jie, everything is ready outside, let's go together." At this moment, Rachel came in from the outside, looking at her, her face was full of sadness.

"Okay." Li Jie knew what was going on, and led a group of people out of the control room to the mine on the south side.

Here, a tall wooden platform was set up, and the people lying on it were all the federal soldiers who died this time.

Cremation is the only and best form under the virus doomsday.

Officers and special contributors may have individual cremations, but the vast majority of soldiers are cremated collectively.

For Stukov, there was a separate small fire frame. Li Jie and others stood in front of them, took off their hats, and performed the farewell ceremony.

The ceremonies are nothing more than the proclamation of their valor, and the illustrious are named and honored.

As the host of the funeral, Liu Mang changed from his usual playful smile to a serious and sad face.

Li Jie and Rachel, fingers intertwined, stood side by side at the front, listening to Liu Mang's word-for-word presidency, bowing their heads in silence.

Whenever a person's name is read, whether it is known or unknown, Rachel's hand that holds Li Jie will always tighten.

Li Jie used his other free hand to lightly pat Rachel's cold handshake. She is not only Li Jie's wife, but also a field doctor, and she couldn't be rescued from her hands. It made her feel uncomfortable for a long time. calm.

Bai Ye was also present, with a very heavy heart, as there were his comrades-in-arms who went through life and death at the funeral.

As for his wife Xisha, fortunately, after emergency treatment, her life was safe.But the bullet hit Xisha's spine, causing her lower body to be paralyzed. For the rest of her life, she could only sit in a wheelchair.

However, compared to the martyr in front of him, Bai Ye was already very satisfied. He swore that he would take care of Xisha for the rest of his life.

"Salute!" Liu Mang shouted.

Crash!Uniform salute, solemn and solemn.

"Get ready!" The honor guards on both sides changed from standing at attention and holding their guns to pointing their guns at the sky above.

"Fire the gun!" Liu Mang shouted with a slightly trembling voice, and his heart was sore.

bang bang bang!All shoot once, and then return to the posture of standing at attention and holding the gun.Then raise the gun and shoot again, and repeat this three times.

At the same time as the gun was fired, the trumpeter sounded the extinguishing signal, indicating that the dead had begun to sleep.

The whirring fire ignited at the same time, bringing the former comrades-in-arms into the world
(End of this chapter)

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