after tomorrow is the end

Chapter 436 Selection City Siege Battle

Chapter 436 Selection City Siege Battle ([-])
bang bang!Snapped!A Union armored jeep had a punctured tire.

Squeak and rumble. The jeep lost its balance, rolled on its side, and rolled out.

"Reinforcement! Reinforcement! We urgently need reinforcements here! We are about to be overwhelmed! Request reinforcements! Request reinforcements!" A commander kept calling with a microphone in his hand, and drones whizzed past his head.

"Hold it! You must stand it! Reinforcement will arrive soon! Reinforcement will arrive soon!" The other end of the phone promised again and again, but at this time there was chaos in the city, and the direct passage between the city hall and the city gate was blocked by the rebels, resulting in inability to echo.

Da da da. Another drone swooped down to shoot, and the lasing bullets hit two straight lines. Wherever they passed, they were either killed or injured.

"Damn! The enemy's ground troops are attacking! Hurry up! Fire!" The commander of the No. 14 fort saw the federal army approaching below. If they didn't stop them, they would be approaching the city.At that time, it will be the dead end of the fort's attack.

Kaka's deputy gunner turned the steering wheel quickly, trying to lower the muzzle as much as possible, and the mercenaries faithfully carried out the orders.Although they are not a regular army, but at this time of life and death, they also burst out the most primitive blood.

"30 degrees to the left! The depression angle is -10 degrees! Fire!" After the gun position was adjusted, the main gunner immediately roared and pulled the trigger again and again.

There was a burst of gunfire, and the target was Sonny, who was chasing an alliance jeep.

The jingling bullets hit Sonny's mecha, bursting into sparks, and splashing pillars of sand on the ground.

Didi Sonny quickly covered his head with his left arm, and looked at the firepower point at the top of the city with his electronic eyes illuminated by red lights.

The jet engine behind Chi Chi slammed twice, and Sonny's moving speed rose sharply, forming a zigzag, and rushing towards the city wall.

"Quick! Get rid of it!" The fort commander yelled, waving the small flag in Sonny's direction again and again.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Everyone on the turret shouted crazily, chug chug. Bullets fired continuously, chasing Sonny, and also hit a Z shape on the ground.

The machine gun on Kaka Sonny's left arm was just broken, so he could only use the machine gun on his right arm to aim at the NO.14 turret.

Da da da. Rows of bullets shot out, hitting the NO.14 fort.

Puff puff "Ugh!" The deputy gunner was hit in the head, half of his skull was instantly shattered, and his fallen body lay on the steering wheel, causing the entire gun emplacement to shift.

The turret commander rushed forward, dragged the dead deputy gunner off the turret, went up by himself, turned the steering wheel, and restored the gun position.

Chug Chug. The main gunner aimed at Sonny again and continued firing.

"35 degrees to the right! The depression angle is -10 degrees!" The No. 35 battery on the other side also adjusted its gun position and joined the ranks of attacking Sonny. The two lines of fire were X-shaped and crossed fire.

Da da da. Not only the turret, but the Browning heavy machine gun next to it also fired together, and suddenly a large number of attacks enveloped Sonny.

Dangdang Sonny shielded his head with his arms, and the bullets hit him in all directions.

The missile launcher behind Kaka Sonny was in place, and two missiles were fired into the air, targeting the No. 14 and No. 35 turrets.

"Missiles! Missiles!" The turret commander screamed, and the muzzle was raised accordingly, sniping at the flying missiles.

boom!The missile fired at Fort No. 35 was detonated, and a brilliant firework exploded in the air.

But the missiles fired at the NO.14 turret were unimpeded and shot straight down!
"Reload! Reload!" The main gunner anxiously pulled the trigger, firing the empty gun, and the ammunition hand behind him was also stepping up to change the magazine.

boom!Once it hits, the huge power blows everyone on the fort to pieces.

Chutchuk. Two alliance gunships broke through the harassment of drones and flew to the front line.

Da da da. The six-barreled Gatling machine gun rotated at a high speed, and the bullets poured at Sonny.

Dangdang crotch. Sonny's figure flickered, and he knelt down on one knee. The wiring on the back of his neck was interrupted, and electric sparks creaked.

Da da da. The gunship continued to shoot forward, Eve and Thales behind jumped and dodged, and one of the chariot robots was hit.

Whoosh!Eve fires a missile that hits the tail of one of the helicopters.

boom!Click!The helicopter whose tail was blown broke into two on the spot, and plunged to the ground, bursting into flames.

Da da da. Another helicopter broke away from the first line and rushed towards the second line of the alliance.

Clinking, bullets hit an armored jeep, the machine gunner in the car was shot and killed, and rolled off the car.

Da da da. The helicopter came over the federal truck force, and the six-barreled Gatling machine gun focused on a military truck.

With a bang, several holes were pierced through the windshield of the truck in an instant. One of the bullets hit the driver's neck, and blood from the aorta sprayed all over the cab.

Hum. This unmanned truck, like a wild horse that has run out of the rein, rampaged and crashed straight into the mountain on the side of the road.

"Jump! Jump quickly!" Dark Night Sirius yelled, urging the soldiers to jump out of the out-of-control truck like dumplings.

boom!The truck eventually hit a rock and the entire front of the truck was crushed into it.

"Get out of the car! Get out of the car! Get out of the car!" All the other vehicles stopped suddenly, and the federal soldiers got out of the car one after another, relying on the truck, and focused on the helicopter in the air.

boom!There was also an RPG shot directly at the helicopter.

Chuck. The helicopter suddenly flipped over, and the RPG flew past it.

Da da da. Immediately after nearly a thousand people shot, like a wasp stinging, the bullets jingled and hit the helicopter.

boom!And the sniper is Fan Fan.

The machine gunner on the pop plane was shot in the head, and the spinning Gatling suddenly misfired.

"Launch! Launch!" The co-pilot urged loudly, and the crisp sound of bullets hitting the fuselage rang around his ears.

The helicopter climbed rapidly. The rotors of the armed helicopters themselves have strong bulletproof capabilities. As long as they exceed the effective range of the assault rifle, they will not break the defense at all.

Ka Ka Swish, two more RPGs fired at the helicopter. Although ordinary firearms did not pose a threat to the helicopter, the Federation also had Gustav rocket launchers.

"Hold on tight!" The helicopter pilot is an experienced veteran pilot. Facing two RPGs from different angles, he actually made a sharp turn and somersault in the air!
Swish, two RPGs flew up and down, and bombarded the opposite mountain.

"Hahaha! Ooh!" The co-pilot shouted excitedly, but before he was happy for a while, he suddenly saw the radar on the dial, detected a missile approaching, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Damn! Yes! Thermal missiles! Thermal missiles!"

"Oh damn! Our climb rate is not enough! My God! We can't hide! Ahhh!" Although the driver tried his best, the performance of the helicopter was not good. There is no way to escape.

boom!The helicopter was hit directly and exploded in the air!Pieces of fire were scattered.

(End of this chapter)

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