after tomorrow is the end

Chapter 400 Lonely Mountain Island

Chapter 400 Lonely Mountain Island

"63.74 south latitude, 45.89 east longitude. Arrive in one hour! Please prepare for battle!" This is a full-screen broadcast.

"Check the weapons and ammunition!" The commanders in each landing craft shouted loudly. They are all veterans who have experienced several storms, and now they are at least platoon leaders.

Kaka... The soldiers check their weapons. Basically, each squad is equipped with an M249 machine gun or a Gustav rocket launcher.

The landing craft they stayed in was 11 meters long and 3.4 meters wide, driven by a 1-horsepower diesel engine, and could advance on the water at a speed of 225-9 knots.Each boat can accommodate a platoon of 12 people, or an armored jeep, or a total of 36 kg of equipment.

It resembles a barge, with a very shallow draft (0.9m stern and 0.6m bow), which allows it to go all the way to the shoreline, and a half-channel design at the bottom of the stern to protect the built-in propeller from sand and other debris. destroy.

They are advancing slowly here, while the Northern Empire is attacking on the other side of the Ark Science and Technology Association. The shouts and artillery fire from both sides are loud.

Wow... I can gradually see that there is a shadow of land at the end of the sea and sky.

"Arrive at the scheduled location in half an hour!" Full-screen broadcast.

"Prophet... please guide me in the direction I'm going..." A local soldier prayed to God as he muttered words.

"You... are you a believer?" The soldier next to him looked at him in surprise. Tomorrow's Federation expressly stipulates that believers are not allowed.

"What... what's wrong? The prophet is fraternal and omnipotent." Obviously, he was possessed by demons.

"Okay! Now it's the battlefield! Remember the usual training moves! Lower your body! Avoid ballistics! Make good use of the terrain!" The platoon leader shouted loudly, now it's not a matter of arguing about beliefs.

Although this battle was to rescue the exiles, Li Jie also took into account the future local wars, so local soldiers were also dispatched in this battle.

"15 minutes left!"

Everyone stopped talking and waited for the last moment.

"10 minutes left!"

Gulong... A soldier swallowed nervously, and wiped his sweaty palms on his clothes.

"There are still 5 minutes! All ships open the hatches!"

Kaka... The door of the ship's bilge opens, and the humid sea breeze blows in, and the Gushan Island on the other side can already be seen.

On the surface, it was just an ordinary island, but no one thought that it was the clone production base of the Society of Science and Technology.

Gushan Island is far away from the mainland, the sea water is clear, the sand content is low, the bottom of the sea area is mainly silty clay, the seabed topography dips from west to southeast, the water depth is generally between 15-25 meters, and the northeast and southwest sides are deep water The channel has a water depth of more than 30 meters, and the deepest reaches 45 meters.

This area is dominated by sea erosion landforms, with zigzagging coastlines, clustered headlands, numerous bays, dense reefs, and diverse beaches.The climate here is mild, with an average annual temperature of 16.5°C. There is no extreme heat in summer and severe cold in winter. Unfortunately, the island is almost all mountainous, which is not suitable for people to live in. It can only be used as a tourist attraction.There are three natural beauties.

Dasha'ao is the only beach on Gushan Island, and other places are densely covered with rocks and reefs.The entire beach is 800 meters long and 600 meters wide, and the sand is rare shell sand in the world.Under the sun, golden sand and clear waves, people will linger and forget to return. Before the end, you can drive a beach motorcycle and rampage on this wide sandy beach.

Not far from the sea is another beautiful Huyu Island, like a tiger lying on the sea, fighting among the waves, or just rushing to the sea from the deep mountains and dense forests.Tomorrow's destination of the Federation Fleet is here. The ship is hidden behind it, and the landing craft is dispatched to rush to land on the beach.

At the last place, there is a big cave at the western foot of the mountain. Two blue and white rock veins dive out of the cave, meandering like big snakes to the beach (Dasha'ao).But at this time, it was closed by a steel gate, and there was no longer any stubborn stone bell spirit inside. Instead, it was hollowed out and expanded, and the secret base of clones was hidden inside.

"Arrive at the predetermined location and release the landing craft!"

The ship was hidden on Huyu Island, and the landing craft were sent into the sea from the automatic driveway in the bilge like bubbling.

Wow... The landing craft stirred up waves, like a dragon entering the sea, sailing towards Dasha'ao behind Huyu Island.

Kaka... The reef along the coast of Gushan Island made a mechanical sound, and the defense disguised as a stone opened by itself, revealing a unique metal reflection. It is a coastal artillery!
Landing craft were released one after another, like an ant colony, from both sides of Huyu Island, pinching Dasha'ao on the opposite bank.

bang bang!The coastal artillery made a hideous sound, and the target was the landing craft on the sea.

Boom!The shells hit the sea, stirring up columns of water, and the falling seawater sprinkled the surrounding landing craft, wetting the soldiers inside.

"Lower your head! Lower your head!" the platoon leader yelled, just as a puddle of seawater hit him in the face.

"Prophet bless... Prophet bless..." The believer clasped his hands and prayed devoutly.

"This...does this really work?" A soldier next to him nervously listened to the rumble of guns around him, blowing up waves.

"It's useful, hurry up and pray with me." The believer continued to mutter there.

"But..." The soldier wanted to say something else. He knew that religious belief would be banned in the Federation tomorrow, but there was a violent explosion, and a landing craft next to them was hit by a cannonball. The soldiers inside seemed to be shot cucumbers Same thing, it was blown to pieces.

Snapped!An arm fell from the air into his arms.

"Ahhh! The Prophet bless! The Prophet bless!" He also went to the doctor in a hurry and began to learn how to do it.

Boom!There were several more explosions, and several landing craft were hit.

"Uh ah ah ah!" At the same time, it was accompanied by screams.

Hush... The sea water poured into the adjacent landing craft, and there was still blood.A desperate man choked, and then vomited out the overnight meal in disgust, and it was unknown whether he was seasick or bloodsick.

Under the baptism of artillery fire, no matter whether you are a fugitive or a native, if you are hit, you will end up in the same misery.In such a cruel war, many people could not help but shiver.

"Forward! Forward! Break through this blockade!" The commanders of each team yelled loudly. The drivers stepped up their horsepower, and the coastal artillery fired far but not close.

Hush... The speed of the landing craft suddenly increased, and it was still trying to avoid the air attack.

"Release the first batch of drones." Valentin always controlled the situation through the live broadcast. Although Li Jie was the commander, he was still in charge.

"Yes!" Lin Lie issued an instruction on the console.

Beep... The indicator lights of a fleet of drones are on, and the bottom compartment of the ship that transports them is also opened.

Buzzing... A large number of drones poured out of the cabin like a swarm of wasps.

"Drone! It's drone reinforcements!" The drone flew over the landing craft, and received a lot of voices.

Kaka... The coastal guns also found a large number of drones, and they raised the muzzles one after another.

Bang bang bang... It's like a cannon hitting a mosquito, bombarding it again and again!
(End of this chapter)

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