Chapter 358
"Go away! Go away! We don't welcome you!" At the gate of the village, a group of unarmed survivors were demonstrating against the Federal Guard.

Sid and Altaïr watched gloatingly from the side, they were members of the guards, they had just collected insurance premiums here, and spread rumors that it was the tyranny of the Federation.

The soldiers of the guard army had strict military discipline, obeying orders and stationed in place, watching the group of people not far away yelling.

"Are they sick? We came to help them eliminate the zombies, but they don't welcome us?" Withered Wood folded his hands on his chest, carrying an AS50 sniper rifle on his back. This was a new gun he had just received yesterday.

Originally, I wanted to test my skills on the spot, but I didn't have a chance at all, and the chances were all given to those recruits.

"Ah? What did you say?" Fan Fan next to him was distracted just now. Recently, there have been frequent reports of player deaths in the real world. It is said that the government has intervened and asked the game company to stop operations immediately and conduct self-examination and self-correction.

But Fan Fan knew that all of this was a conspiracy by the Science and Technology Association, and she was the No. 1 person who infiltrated the isolated island base.

Knowing the danger, Fan Fan, who is a bodyguard, persuaded Ruanyang several times not to log in to the game in the near future.

However, now Ruanyang has fallen in love with Wang Meng, and the men and women who are in love will panic if they don't see each other for a long time.What's more, Ruanyang is now the company commander, and has responsibilities and responsibilities.

Fan Fan can only go online with her, and she believes that only after death will she be captured by the technology society.But what happened later was beyond her imagination.
"I said! Are they sick!" Dead Wood said again.

"Ah? What?" Fan Fan turned his gaze away from Wang Meng, and she was distracted again.

Now Wang Meng has also joined the sniper brigade, he was originally a sniper.

"What's the matter with you? Have you lost your mind recently? Is there something on your mind?" Dead Wood didn't bother to repeat it, and looked at Fan Fan with concern. After all, he belonged to a small team, and he was also one of the earliest members of 666.

"It's nothing, you don't understand." Fan Fan shook his head. There's no way to talk about this kind of thing. It's one thing to believe it or not. The important thing is that she still doesn't know what to do next.

"Cut! It's mysterious." Deadwood no longer entangled in this topic, and turned his attention to the village again.

"Your Excellency Commander, what should we do if the villagers don't let us move in?" Wei Wen asked Valentin next to him.

"Hmm, that's weird." Valentin has been fighting for half his life. This sign is abnormal. He always feels that there is a pair of invisible hands in the dark, pushing something that is not good for them.

"Let's go, first go and eliminate the zombies on the farm in the north. They are unarmed and pose no threat to our retreat." Valentin could only temporarily give up.

Looking at the dilapidated houses and overgrown yards around them, the survivors here are obviously living a very difficult life, far from the good living conditions in the center of Sequoia Town.

"Look! They're gone!"

"Hu finally left, I have no money to give them."

"Oh, if only the mayor of Van Langerland was still here." The villagers sighed and sighed at each other when they saw the guards leave, but they mentioned a name: Van Langerland.

Turn the direction of the Tata Guards and head towards the direction of the abandoned farm
A few sheep were bleating, eating the scattered grass on the ground.The sheepfold that originally surrounded them has long been dilapidated.

A little further away, the ears of wheat, which should have been golden yellow, rotted in the ground because no one harvested them for a long time.

Large windmills, forage sheds, crooked carts, scattered wheat grains, and piles of bundled straw.It can be seen from the messy scene that people fled in a hurry.

It used to be a large-scale mixed farm, which is based on the mixed ecological model of wheat planting, animal husbandry and sheep herding.

Wheat is one of the three major grains. After being ground into flour, it can be used to make bread, steamed buns, biscuits, noodles and other foods. After fermentation, it can be made into beer, alcohol, liquor (such as vodka), etc.

The straw left after harvesting the wheat grains can be used as feed for sheep and can also be returned to the field.

Straw returning to the field is a method of applying straw that is not suitable for direct feed into the soil directly, or piled up and decomposed.It can increase soil organic matter, improve soil structure, loosen soil, increase porosity, reduce capacity, and promote microbial activity and root development of crops.It has a significant effect on increasing fat and production, and generally can increase production by 5% to 10%.

Sheep, which can provide humans with products such as meat and fur.Its sheep dung is also a high-quality fertilizer for wheat fields, and it can also be sprinkled on the pasture, so that the nutrient-rich pasture can be used as feed for horses in southern horse farms.

Coupled with the gold mine running from north to south in the east, this place is simply a paradise for farming.But now, it is a paradise for zombies.

"Second Battalion attack!" Battalion Commander Drizzt gave an order, and the Second Battalion was in charge of this attack.

chug chug. Still the gunship first started, the armored jeep opened the way, and the infantry followed.

Da da da. Light and heavy machine guns crossed from the air and the ground, taking away pieces of blue blood.

"Uh uh." A zombie was shot in the head, and the huge tearing force directly exploded its head!

"Rush! Rush!" The four company commanders, Li Xiao, Di Yun, Zhang Xiao, and Bai Ye, led the charge.

Boom!Rockets, grenades, and another bloody storm set off, and some innocent sheep became "the dead under the gun".

"Kill! Kill!" The soldiers shouted and rushed into the farm, using the weapons in their hands to destroy all living creatures.

Da da da. Ten beat one, and many zombies were beaten with holes before they had time to let out a mournful roar.

"Ugh! Ugh!" Finally a zombie let out its roar, and it was a giant zombie.

I saw it waving its claws, taking big strides, and pounced on the soldiers rushing like a tank.

"Kill it!" Lixiao yelled, and the soldiers concentrated fire on the giant zombies, and no one retreated.

Da da da…

"Uh uh." Even the giant zombies had rough skin and thick flesh, but they couldn't resist such fierce firepower, and fell to the ground with a bang after running a few steps.

"Ah! Ahhh!" The red-eyed soldier still couldn't let go of his hatred, and continued to shoot at its corpse, da da da.
"Here!" Bai Ye led the team outside a wooden house.

Hang Han, a flash bomb was thrown through the broken window, and a dazzling white light flashed inside.

Bai Ye kicked open the door and rushed in, Xisha also rushed in, and the two are now married.

"Wild boar! Wild boar! Hahaha!" Di Yun shouted excitedly, not letting any creatures go.

The one-sided massacre ended quickly, and some zombies were still captured to let the recruits who had not seen blood practice their courage.

"Below, is the abandoned mine." Valentin looked at the map, but so far, the battle has been extremely easy, with almost no casualties in the troops, except for a few unlucky ones who ran too fast and fell down.
(End of this chapter)

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