When the iceberg is sweetened by me

Chapter 678 Xueluo Lonely City Chapter Meizhi Xueluo's Confessions 6

Chapter 678 Xueluo Lonely City Chapter Mei Zhixueluo's Confessions 6
I even feel that if I do this, I can immediately cut off the little flame of my love for Luo Gucheng, and make a new Mei Zhixueluo.

It's just that I didn't expect that Luo Gucheng would remember me.

He said my name, Mei Zhixueluo.

I regret.

I regret saying that.

I would rather my mother and grandfather hate me and scold me in the ground, I want to continue to like him.

After my grandfather died, I sometimes felt that I was an invisible person, like a stray dog, lingering in the dark tunnel.

No one knows my pain, and I can't find an opportunity to recall the rare beauty of my youth.

Luo Gucheng makes my heart beat, and he can also remind me of the blurry and bright days when I was a child.

I think at that moment, I fell in love with him directly.

Such a young man seems to be my salvation in the future.

Then I did this, put aside a lot, just wanted to like him, but also to understand him.

The deeper I get to know him, the more difficult every part of his growth is, and he precisely stepped on the weakest part of my heart.

He lived too hard for his sister and for the only family he had left.

Both him and Shui Rao are more bitter than me.

If my biological father didn't die, I would hate him too. I would hate why he loved his later child so much, but refused to give me a little care.

But he's dead and doesn't mind that.

Being bound by hatred and dominated by desire makes people feel uncomfortable.

But Luo Gucheng and Shui Rao have hatred and desire for their parents at the same time.

The hardest and the hardest, when it was so difficult that he felt that he could not survive, such as when Shui Rao was diagnosed with cancer, Luo Gucheng once broke down and cried.

He cried hoarsely in front of her and said, "I want to smash my head in front of mom, can she meet Shui Rao instead?"

Look, in the end, people like Luo Gucheng still yearn to be loved by their parents deep in their hearts.

It is said that parents sacrifice for their children, but children must rely on their parents to survive from the moment they are born.

They were forced into this world because they were born as human beings with feelings, and they were destined to love their parents, so children are born to love their parents.

No matter how weak the family relationship is in the future, at first, only parents abandoned their children, but never saw a child who could walk and talk, or even be taken away by human traffickers to beg, to covet some outstanding elders, and despise their own parents.

Luo Gucheng still didn't go to see his mother, he lay on the cold floor and smashed his head in front of her.

It seems that he wants to hit himself with amnesia, and the matter of Shui Rao getting cancer will be a dream.

The forehead he hit was bloody and bloody, and then he was fine and cheered up.

He bought a lot of delicious food for Shui Rao and went to the hospital, telling her that it was either a serious illness or a small lump in her stomach that required surgery.

Shui Rao didn't believe it at first, but she has a good appetite.

Luo Gucheng said: "Look, you have a good appetite, but there is a small lump, don't think too much about it."

After finishing Shui Rao, he began to frantically search for ways to treat cancer, and all kinds of folk remedies were never missed.

When Shui Rao was undergoing chemotherapy for the first time, outside the ward, he held his head and murmured such a sentence: "Is it because I was born earlier than Shui Rao, and I took advantage of the favorable birth time, so that Shui Rao, who was born later, had an accident?" , is she in such poor health?"

I almost couldn't resist telling him that he was actually the one who was born later.

Twins really have telepathy.

And before a person goes, the person himself will have a feeling.

That day was fine, Shui Rao suddenly wanted to wear a white dress and go for a walk by the lake, she asked Luo Gucheng to buy it.

Luo Gucheng suddenly developed a fever and went into shock on the way to find the white skirt.

At the same time, Shui Rao went quietly.

Many people regret that Luo Gucheng did not see Shui Rao for the last time, but I think this is actually very good.

Maybe in Luo Gucheng's dream after the shock, Shui Rao told him a lot of things, told him to comfort him, calmed his emotions, and then left with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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