When the iceberg is sweetened by me

Chapter 53 It's not hard for me to guess that your medical skills should be very good

Chapter 53 It's not hard for me to guess that your medical skills should be very good

When Mu Jinhan said this, he stared at Beiyan and said word by word: "Do you think you can speak in front of people?"

For a moment, Bei Yan didn't understand what this suddenly cold and arrogant brother meant.

She thought again and quickly decided: "I will!"

"Huh?" Mu Jinhan raised his eyebrows, "Then tell me, why did you mention acupuncture in front of me..."

"Girl, if you know how to read words and expressions, you will first think about the identity and ability of the person in front of you. Then you will decide whether you should say something or not."

He was suddenly so cold, but when Bei Yan heard this, not only did she not show timidity on her face, she was relieved instead.

Looking at Mu Jinhan again, she said, "Mr. Mu asked me to come over. I'm a fake interviewer. You... want to hear if I have a solution for Mrs. Mu's eyes?"

Mu Jinhan frowned, waiting for her to continue.

"Mr. Mu, although I have very little experience, since I was a child, I have seen countless strangers in temples, and there are not a few pilgrims with wealth."

"Of course I can see that you are not short of money. If you have money, you will definitely be able to find a famous doctor you have heard of or various medical techniques to treat your wife."

"It's not hard to imagine that you must have considered acupuncture, too."

"Furthermore, I grew up as a medical student. In such a good age, I must have been exposed to Western medicine. Of course, I will think about the cause of the blood clot in Mrs. Mu's brain."

"In my opinion, you are like a mountain high and the emperor is far away. The emperor sits in the palace. Even if he can attract talented people in the world, some of those talented people recommend themselves, and some listen to other people's performances. In the world, there are many others. An unborn expert, even if the emperor covers the sky with one hand, he has never heard of it."

"And after thinking about this, I asked you why you didn't try acupuncture. It's because...my master is one of them. She has a high level of attainment in traditional Chinese medicine."

After hearing her words, Mu Jinhan suddenly showed a very satisfied and hopeful smile.

"What I want is your words." He said.

Bei Yan was surprised: "You...you guessed what I was thinking?!"

Mu Jinhan nodded: "You can know what Chinese medicine is just by smelling it, and you have studied medicine for more than ten years. I can easily guess that your medical skills should be very good."

"Also, when most doctors meet a patient, they will understand the patient's condition through the current treatment method of the patient. For example, when some doctors hear me say that my wife takes traditional Chinese medicine, they are most likely to ask whether they are taking Chinese medicine. Which medicines, but after you heard it, you blurted out decisively, whether you have tried acupuncture or not.”

"I can only think of one possibility. You have been exposed to this situation, and you know or have seen treatments that don't require taking medicine, so your subconscious mind directly excludes the treatment that takes medicine."

"Acupuncture and moxibustion...is a treatment method that tests skills. A good doctor is not necessarily a good acupuncturist. This kind of cultural heritage left by our ancestors, I know that there are, but if you That being said, I didn’t find any for my money.”

"Before, after I said that I was afraid of permanent blindness caused by acupuncture, you obviously have something to say. I can basically conclude that you may have a way, or...know a way."

After the explanation, the pupils of Mu Jinhan's slanted and cold eyes flickered slightly, "Bei Yan, if you understand, I beg you to help my wife..."

If the man in front of her could guess so much just by relying on her eyes and a few words, it would make her sigh.

And his sudden pleading slightly shocked her.

"But..." If she asks Bei Yan, she is in a dilemma: "Although I also know acupuncture and moxibustion, but the blood stasis and clots in the brain, if the place where the nerve is compressed is dangerous, I am not very sure, I need my master to come ……But……"

(End of this chapter)

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