Chapter 163 Exam Rewards
Ling's villa.

As soon as Shen Dongcheng came back, Zhou Huiqin waited on him sadly.

When he sat down, Zhou Huiqin brought another bowl of soup.

"Honey, you just came back, I'll serve you a bowl of chicken soup and you drink it first..."

"I've been stewing this chicken soup since noon, so drink it quickly."

Zhou Huiqin's gentleness made Shen Dongcheng feel a lot easier in an instant.

"Sit down too, I will drink this chicken soup."

Shen Dongcheng loosened his tie, "Just tell the kitchen staff about this kind of thing, why do you always do it yourself?"

Zhou Huiqin curled her lips like a little girl, "Then I'll just wash my hands and make soup for you."

Shen Dongcheng smiled, and his mood immediately improved a lot.

As soon as the two sat down, they talked a few words before unconsciously talking about Shen Xue.

Shen Xue did not perform well in the mock test this time, so Zhou Huiqin naturally wanted to speak well of her daughter.

"Xiaoxue has always been measured. This time it's just a mock exam. It must be the summer vacation."

Hearing Shen Dongcheng's words, Zhou Huiqin breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she started probing again, "Husband, Yaoyao did very well in the exam this time, what do you think I should give her as a reward?"

Shen Dongcheng frowned when he thought of Ling Yao's current attitude.

Zhou Huiqin looked happy.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, I heard Ling Yao's voice, "I heard that Shen Xue can earn hundreds of thousands every time she gets a good grade in the exam. I won the first place this time, so give it to me anyway 100 million, right?"

Zhou Huiqin froze.

She just said casually, she didn't expect Ling Yao to come back by such a coincidence!
Ling Yao approached, and asked Shen Dongcheng with a smile, "Dad, am I right?"

Shen Dongcheng still had chicken soup in his mouth.

He wanted to shake his head.

But at the next moment, Ling Yao said again, "Recently, many students have been asking me what rewards I will get for doing so well in the exam. I am too embarrassed to say that there is nothing..."

"Before Shen Xue talked about the benefits of passing the exam in class. If Dad treats one more favorably than another, I will feel ashamed..."

Although Shen Dongcheng was impatient, he also knew that what Ling Yao said made sense.

So he said, "I will transfer 100 million to you later, the reward for this exam."

Zhou Huiqin could hardly keep the smile on her face.

"Dad, let's transfer it now." Ling Yao said with a smile, "I'm afraid I'll forget it by then."

"Huiqin, you transfer 100 million to Ling Yao first."

After Shen Dongcheng finished speaking, Zhou Huiqin didn't respond.

After a few seconds, she belatedly responded.

Seeing that Zhou Huiqin wanted to vomit blood obviously excitedly, but wanted to transfer money to herself pretending to be calm, Ling Yao couldn't help laughing.

After the 100 million arrived, Ling Yao put down her bag and sat across from the two.

Zhou Huiqin thought the matter was over, and was about to get up with the soup bowl in hand.

Ling Yao took the folder out of her bag.

"What is this?" Shen Dongcheng asked.

"Dad will know when he sees it."

Ling Yao has never thought that Chi Ming's ability is so great.

Not to mention that the Navy Studio checked him out, even the Jiayu Company was no exception.

The chat records, company records, and photos of Zhou Huiqin entering and leaving Jiayu in the file were all printed out by Ling Yao one by one, so she naturally read them all.

Shen Dongcheng picked up the documents and flipped through them, his complexion became worse as he went on, and he even glanced at Zhou Huiqin from time to time.

Zhou Huiqin suddenly felt uneasy.

After reading everything, Shen Dongcheng put the folder on the coffee table, and asked coldly, "Yaoyao, are these real?"

"of course it's true."

 Only to find that the fan level of the lottery is set too high
  It should be a trainee

  But it can't be changed...

  The next two will be trainees

  sleepless night, insanity

  [For those who want to participate in the previous lottery, it is enough to book a full order plus a reward of 200 book coins, or just participate in these two times]

(End of this chapter)

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