Chapter 372
"Is this a story about putting a three-year-old to sleep?" Lu Jie asked a little funny.

Xi Xiaoxiao also felt that this was like a fairy tale she read in elementary school.

She said to Lu Jie: "Remember this story and put our children to sleep in the future."

The husband and wife sang together, and Su Ningshu, who was beside him, couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

Mo Tianyuan looked embarrassed.

"Don't make fun of me, these rumors are true. There was a junior sister of our Bound Cloud Sect before, and that's how I met the shark."

Hearing such words, everyone will believe it.At the same time, everyone's eyes were on Su Ningshu.

Speaking of beauty three words.

Su Ningshu was the only one present who could get this title.

Xi Xiaoxiao has a big belly and a haggard face. Although she is considered a beauty, no one dares to let her go on a boat adventure at sea.

Su Ningshu came here with Xi Xiaoxiao, not only for medical care, but also for help with these things.

There was a forest behind the beach, and he immediately took wood and used the magic trick to build a boat out.Accompanied by Mo Tianyuan, Su Ningshu drifted around in the vast sea by boat.

Under Xi Xiaoxiao's gesture, the wood left over from making the bed was turned into two deck chairs by Lu Jie.
The husband and wife lay leisurely on the chair, looking at the beautiful couple on the sea.

Maybe Xi Xiaoxiao's eyes were too focused, so Lu Jie misunderstood what she meant and thought it was because she also wanted to take a boat.

"After you give birth, we'll come and play boating!" Lu Jie made this promise generously.

Xi Xiaoxiao: " may not know, but I am actually seasick."

This is not her nonsense, when she was on a boat, she felt weak and sometimes dizzy and vomited, and now she kept looking at Mo Tianyuan and Su Ningshu on the boat so seriously, just because she was thinking: Fortunately, she was not allowed to take the boat.

Lu Jie reacted very quickly, and immediately said: "Then we don't take a boat, we can bask in the sun here, enjoy the scenery, and enjoy the sea breeze."

Xi Xiaoxiao smiled.

"it is good."

Several hours later, Su Ningshu and Mo Tianyuan came ashore from the boat. The two of them had been floating in the sea for a whole day. When they walked, they felt light under their feet.

Sitting by the fire, Mo Tianyuan, who had always been full of confidence, couldn't help but question.

"What is going on with this record of the Bound Cloud Sect? Could it be that the former disciple was talking nonsense? She really just told a story to coax a child?"

At this time, Xi Xiaoxiao, who should have been the most impatient and worried, turned out to be the most peaceful person.

"Brother, don't be angry." Xi Xiaoxiao comforted Mo Tianyuan very patiently. "Maybe the merman is not at the bottom of the sea today, so I didn't see you. It's useless to be anxious. Come, eat something."

She stuffed the grilled fish into Mo Tianyuan's hand, as if she didn't take it seriously at all.

Mo Tianyuan took the grilled fish, and Xi Xiaoxiao lowered his head and was busy grilling other food.

There are countless rumors that the mermaid people in the South China Sea who have been living in the depths of the sea will not come out to meet other people so easily!

A few people by the sea were busy by the fire, and in the silent night, the voices of a few people were carried by the sea breeze and drifted far away.

And the sharks in the depths of the sea are busy with their own lives, and just missed these sounds on the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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