The happy son of the city

Chapter 49 This is also the way to pick up girls

Chapter 49 This is also the way to pick up girls

Wang Zihan knew that these two women must be talking about something related to him.

Seeing Lin Rulan's heart-wrenching expression, he really wanted to know what the two women said, but he was too embarrassed to ask.

"Let's go," Chen Qingning took Lin Rulan's arm, and then greeted Wang Zihan, "Let's play slowly, anyway, we have nothing to do in the afternoon. You can show off your knowledge now, I hope you can convince us with your bragging."

"I'm ashamed to show off when you say that," Wang Zihan smiled awkwardly, "I'll talk nonsense if I want to say it again later."

"Just tell me," Lin Rulan smiled at Wang Zihan, "I like to hear historical allusions from others."

As a result, Lin Rulan's arm was pinched by Chen Qingning.

"Is Xi Shi in your eyes?" She still whispered in Lin Rulan's ear.

Lin Rulan ignored Chen Qingning.

"In the Qin Dynasty, there was already a royal forbidden garden on the side of Qujiang Pond, which was called Yichun Garden at that time." In order to make the two women admire him, Wang Zihan began to tell the allusions related to Tang Furong Garden, "During the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Disgusted by the twists and turns of the waterways here, and thought it was unlucky, he changed Qujiang to "Furong Garden". The Tang Dynasty was established in the Sui Dynasty, the national power was further strengthened, and the Qujiang area became more prosperous. Qujiang has undergone a large-scale expansion, and the grand occasion of Furong Garden is unprecedented. The current scenic spots in the park should be the architectural scale of Li Longji's time! By the way, the performance of "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" we watched at night should be the same as Li Longji's Longji is related to Yang Yuhuan."

"Are you envious of someone who is an emperor? How good it is to be an emperor. There are 72 concubines in the Sangong and Six Courtyards, and 3000 beauties in the harem." Chen Qingning looked at Wang Zihan sarcastically, "So, you are very emotional here, right? "

"I thought you guys would say again, did I travel from the Tang Dynasty?" Wang Zihan smiled wryly.

"I'm still a little skeptical," Lin Rulan tilted her head, looking at Wang Zihan with a half-smile, "Otherwise, it's really hard to understand the sudden appearance of you."

"Just think of me as someone from the Tang Dynasty. You can treat me as Li Shimin, Li Ke, Li Longji, or ordinary people," Wang Zihan teased Lin Rulan with a smile, "Anyway, you It doesn't matter how you treat me as anything."

"Yo, do you really think of yourself as the emperor?" Chen Qingning's face was full of yin and yang, "No wonder, no wonder."

Lin Rulan giggled, "Some people may be born to be princes and generals, and we ordinary people can't understand their thoughts."

Wang Zihan smiled and didn't take the jokes of the two women seriously.

The three continued to go, and Wang Zihan continued to tell them stories related to history.

"The Tang Dynasty was a great dynasty that surprised future generations. After Li Shimin became emperor, the national power of the Tang Dynasty began to increase. In the ninth year of Wude, that is, the year Li Shimin just became emperor, the Turks invaded the Central Plains south, and their cavalry hit the Near the Wei River, Chang'an shook."

Chen Qingning interrupted Wang Zihan's words strangely: "Isn't Li Shimin's reign title Zhenguan? How did he become a martial artist?"

Many women are idiots in terms of history. Wang Zihan believes this, so he patiently explained: "Li Yuan's reign name is Wude. After Li Shimin came to the throne, he changed his reign name to Zhenguan in the second year, so he just came to the throne. It was still the ninth year of Wude. The Turkic people should know that there was an internal struggle in the Tang royal family, so they took this opportunity to invade the south. In the end, Li Shimin had to sign an alliance with the Turkic people and gave Jieli Khan a lot of property to let him The Turks retreated. In Li Shimin's eyes, this was a great shame, and he must take revenge. Three years later, at the end of the third year of Zhenguan, Li Shimin decided against all opinions and decided to launch a northern expedition and take the initiative to attack the Turks."

Seeing that the two women were attracted by his narration, Wang Zihan couldn't help feeling a little proud, and continued to speak in a rhythmic tone: "The commander of that Northern Expedition was Li Jing, the most famous general in the Tang Dynasty."

Chen Qingning couldn't help interjecting again, "Is that King Tota Li?"

During the questioning, she made a gesture of holding something with her hand.

"Those are two characters, completely different," Wang Zihan explained with a little embarrassment, "Li Jing was the No. 1 general who founded the Tang Dynasty. The army successively destroyed the two countries of Eastern Tujue and Tuyuhun. Moreover, there are many books on the art of war, peaches and plums are all over the world, and there are countless famous generals in the younger generation. There are three people, Su Dingfang and Hou Junji; Su Dingfang has another disciple, Pei Xingjian; the talents and achievements of the five members of this division are unmatched by others."

"It goes without saying that Li Ji is the half-god and half-immortal Xu Maogong in "The Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties". Scared to death."

"You are talking nonsense, how could a king be scared to death?" Chen Qingning expressed dissatisfaction, "Do you think we are easy to fool?"

Seeing Chen Qingning and Lin Rulan's unbelievable faces, Wang Zihan smiled and said, "I'm not kidding you, King Gaochang was really scared to death by the army led by Hou Junji. He thought that the Tang army would not go deep into the desert to attack Gaochang, but the Tang army turned out to be like a god." He came to the outside of the capital of Gaochang like a soldier, and he was frightened to death when he saw the densely packed Tang soldiers under the city. If you don’t believe me, you can check the information, and Baidu will do the trick.”

Seeing that the two women were attracted by what he said, Wang Zihan felt more complacent, and continued: "Another disciple of Li Jing, Su Lie, Zi Ding Fang, is also a master. Khanate became the first Chinese general to conquer Central Asia; when he quelled the Western Turkic rebellion, the [-] cavalry he led were surrounded by [-] Turkic cavalry, do you know what happened?"

Having said this, Wang Zihan stopped talking, and whetted the appetite of the two women.

"How was the result?" Chen Qingning and Lin Rulan asked at the same time, they were attracted by Wang Zihan's narration.

"As a result, the Turkic Khan was defeated. He escaped with only 36 cavalry and was finally captured alive."

"Ah!" The two women exclaimed at the same time.

"What a genius," Lin Rulan couldn't help but sighed, and smiled sweetly at Prince Han.

Lin Rulan's smile made Wang Zi feel as cold as a spring breeze.

"In Su Dingfang's twilight years, he still fought non-stop. When he was in his seventies, he led only a few thousand cavalry to fight against 1000 Tibetans. In the Battle of Wuhai, he defeated [-] Tubo troops with more than [-] soldiers and horses, almost Annihilating them all made the Tibetans still terrified when writing history books."

Wang Zihan's words once again amazed the two women.

Looking at the two women's pretty faces full of surprise, and looking at him with strange eyes, Wang Zihan reaffirmed that if a girl wants to like you, or even admire you, she must learn how to brag.As long as it's a topic they don't like, you can just blow it up.

Everyone, this is also the way to pick up girls, learn a lot.

Of course, the premise is that the girls are not completely uninterested in the topic you are talking about. If you can arouse their interest, it will be effective if you brag about it.

(End of this chapter)

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