Chapter 104

She never expected to run into Cui Chengzhi here, An Ran was taken aback for a moment, and greeted politely: "Long time no see, Young Master, why are you here in Jizhou?"

Cui Chengzhi's eyes flickered, the woman in front of him was still as beautiful as he remembered, it should be said, even more beautiful than the woman he remembered, but Cui Chengzhi knew in his heart that no matter how beautiful she was, it was not her own, and her eyes were only strange .

An Ping was left by An Jiamu to follow An Ran today. If he could find an errand to follow his wife on normal days, he and Anshun would be happy to die. Not to mention it's easy to follow his wife. Sometimes, he can still get some food. My wife will do it. What kind of snacks, eat, and never forget to reward the people in front of you.

And even the simplest things that Madam cooks are delicious, and only the servants of Anfu have such a good taste. Therefore, when the Elder gave orders today, Anping almost died of joy, but it's a pity that the joy is turning into sorrow.

Others don't know what the old man is doing in private, but he and Anshun are very clear about it, especially Cui Chengzhi's matter. Speaking of which, this man is really not suitable for being an official. He was originally sent to Jinzhou as a Tanhualang. It's a good thing that no one else can think of. I haven't seen many alternate officials, and they have been sitting on the bench for several years.

There are very few people like Cui Chengzhi who are released as soon as they are hit. Generally, there are only two possibilities. One is that they have a strong family background and someone in the court, or they have fallen into the eyes of the emperor and intend to promote him.

Cui Cheng's house is no more than a Songyue Building. Although his cousin-in-law Su Meng was in the officialdom, he was only a judge in the Jizhou Prefecture before, and later he was promoted, but he was only a garrison in the Jinling Prefecture. Who in the capital knows who he is, so it can only be the second type.

Ordinarily in the eyes of the emperor, is it just around the corner? This bastard almost lost his life. He was impeached by Jinzhou officials. It's not that the old man stretched out his hand to help him. I guess he is still in prison at the moment. stay inside.

The reason why the Eldest Master meddles in such nosy affairs is not because of good intentions. Their Elder Master's kindness will only be used on the Elder Madam in this life, not to mention, in the eyes of the Elder Master, this person has schemes against the Elder Madam .

Anping used to really feel that the elder was thinking too much. Cui Chengzhi and the madam had never met each other, so how could he be interested in the madam? Dislike.

Of course, this was Anping's previous thinking. Now that he saw Cui Chengzhi looking at the madam, Anping knew that he was a bad dish. I just can't love it, if the old man knows about it, it will be fine.

But this matter is really difficult to handle, the eldest lady obviously has no such intentions, besides, the eldest lady is the master, and it is the rule of the family to go up and stop the two of them from meeting and talking.

As he was thinking about recruiting, he listened to Cui Chengzhi: "I heard that you opened a culinary art academy. Chengzhi still doesn't believe it. Now I know it's true. Can Chengzhi go in and have a look?"

An Ran: "It's natural, please."

The two entered inside one after the other, Anping stomped his feet anxiously, dragged a kid over from the side, whispered a few words in his ear, and the kid ran away on horseback.

Anping didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed.

To be honest, An Ran doesn't know the purpose of Cui Chengzhi's visit today, but she admires Cui Chengzhi's erudite knowledge about food and drink, so she also hopes that he can take a look at her culinary art academy and give some pertinent opinions. After all, I am a modern person, although I have moved the whole modern set over, I don't know if it fits.

They pointed to him one by one: "This is where the classes are held, where is the cooking practice, where is the student cafeteria, and where is the student dormitory..."

The two walked around and sat down at An Ran's temporary office. An Ran curiously glanced at An Ping who followed in. This kid is the smartest like An Shun. Usually, even if he follows him, he has good eyesight. Usually he comes in here by himself. Well, most of the two of them would not follow in, but waited outside on the porch. Today, for some reason, they insisted on following in.

The maidservant brought tea, An Ran: "Young Master, please have some tea."

Cui Chengzhi thanked the students, took a sip, put the tea bowl by his hand, and looked up at An Ran: "You just said that you need to invite some gentlemen to teach the students to read, since you are learning to cook, why do you need to ask the gentlemen who can read? "

An Ran: "Nowadays most people have prejudices against cooks, and even many people in the kitchen industry think that to be a cook is just to know how to cook, and to be a cook after learning the skills taught by the master and cooking well , In fact, it is not the case. Of course, as a cook, cooking well is the most fundamental thing, but how to cook well is more than just learning the skills taught by the master. That is an endless repetition.

Moreover, no matter how smart the apprentice is, it is impossible to learn exactly the same craft from the master, because there are many uncontrollable factors in cooking. Similarly, this is because each chef has his own distinct characteristics and style, or cooking habits, or techniques, or the order of adding ingredients, which will change the taste of the dishes.

A successful chef will grasp this change and create a dish that is popular with diners. Then this dish is successful. The chef is also a real chef, and most chefs cannot control it. This kind of change will be said to be poor cooking skills.

Although there is talent here, the most important thing is that there is no clear and thorough understanding of this dish, these ingredients, and even these seasonings.

Take the classic dish of the southern school, crab roe and lion head, for example, most chefs can cook it, but the finished dishes are quite different. , and most of them can’t say it. They just think that when they first learned the craft, the master taught it like this, and he will teach the apprentice in the same way. If the apprentice has high comprehension and talent, he may be able to learn this dish. Yes, probably only ambiguous. "

Cui Chengzhi couldn't help asking: "Is this related to asking Mr. to teach them to read?"

An Ran shook her head: "I didn't ask Mr. to teach students how to read. At first, I wanted to ask Mr. to teach the way of food in our great China, from origin to development, so that students can understand the changes and development of the kitchen industry. Later, I found out that Few of the students who came to sign up were literate, and most of them were illiterate.

Cooks do not need to take scientific examinations, but if you want to be a cook, you must also be able to read at the most basic level. If you don’t even know how to read, you can only learn cooking skills from the master, and you will never improve your cooking skills.

Moreover, many ingredients also need to consult books and materials in order to have a deeper understanding. For example, how many types of mushrooms are there, which are poisonous, and which are edible. If you can’t understand clearly, it tastes good when used in cooking. Bad things are trivial things, if it is poisonous, it will kill you.

There are also many taboos between ingredients, just as there are eighteen anti-nineteen fears in the medicine classics, and the same is true for ingredients. Many cooks do not know these basic common sense. "

Cui Chengzhi suddenly understood: "Could it be that you want to compile these into a book so that all cooks in the world can see it."

An Ran: "Mr. Mingyue has done a lot of research on this. I have invited him to compile a booklet on the application of ingredients. Compared with recipes, this will be more useful. However, the premise is that you must be able to read. What is the meaning of the booklet?"

Cui Chengzhi couldn't help but feel reverence in his heart. This small and seemingly weak woman in front of him has such a big heart. These things are easy to say but extremely difficult to do. He couldn't help but say: "Sincerity is enough!" Are you qualified to be the teacher of Anji Culinary Academy like you?"

An Ran: "The Young Master's family is just joking. The Young Master's family is the pillar of Yan's talent. It would be a pity if we resigned to An Ran's small culinary academy."

Cui Chengzhi smiled wryly: "So you really don't know about Chengzhi."

An Ran was stunned: "What's the matter?"

Cui Chengzhi didn't answer, and stood up: "Chengzhi was just joking, Miss An don't care, Chengzhi has resigned now, and now that the rebellion in the south is over, Songyue Tower should be reopened, and my father is old, Chengzhi has been away from home for a long time, he is really unfilial, he will set off to return to the south in a short time, this time he came to Jizhou, firstly, he wanted to see the girl's culinary art academy, and secondly, he also wanted to say goodbye to the girl, Miss An cherishes it."

An Ran stood up: "An Ran wishes the Young Master's family a smooth journey."

After sending Cui Chengzhi out, An Ran glanced at Anping who was about to sneak out, and called him: "Anping, do you know why Cui Chengzhi resigned?"

"This, this..." An Ping thought about it, and now that Cui Chengzhi has come to Jizhou, the eldest lady will know about this sooner or later, and she can't hide it, so she simply said: "Back to the eldest lady, Cui adults offended him in office. The officials of Jinzhou jointly impeached Mr. Cui for corruption and bribery. The emperor was furious and ordered him to be escorted to Beijing for strict interrogation. After hearing that his grievances had been redressed, Mr. Cui was disheartened and resigned from office and returned to his hometown. He ran to our Jizhou mansion."

An Ran turned around in her heart, as if she understood a little bit, and asked him: "Who is presiding over Master Cui's case?"

Anping: "I don't know the specifics, but I only know that Mr. Guo, Minister of Rites, is the supervisor."

An Ran nodded: "You must have helped a lot."

Anping chuckled: "Ma'am, you just understand it in your heart. The Elder Master also looked at Master Cui's pity, so he stretched out his hand."

An Ran snorted: "According to what you say, your elder is truly a bodhisattva."

"Who has the heart of a Bodhisattva?" An Jiamu walked in quickly, presumably in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to put down the whip, and there was still a fallen leaf stuck to his hat.

An Ran couldn't help being angry and funny, reached out to take off the leaves on his hat, and asked knowingly: "Didn't you go to Jifu to have a drink at the invitation of Mr. Zhifu? Why did you come back again?"

Naturally, An Jiamu couldn't say that he was caught up by the boy sent by Anping before he even entered the city gate. Hearing Cui Chengzhi's words, he couldn't care less about Ji Gongming, and asked Anshun to send a letter to the government office first, saying I have some urgent matters, tomorrow I will host a banquet for Ji Gongming at the mansion, and I rush over in a hurry, fearing that my wife will be abducted by Cui Chengzhi.

Seeing his daughter-in-law staring at him now, he chuckled twice: "Master Ji suddenly has some urgent matters, so I don't want to disturb you, so I'm back."

An Ran nodded: "Master's footsteps are fast enough, in my calculations, he has just entered Jizhou City at this moment."

Anping couldn't help laughing, An Jiamu glared at him, and said angrily: "Get out of here, you don't win, you can't wait here to receive the reward."

Anping hurried away.

There was no one in front of him, so An Jiamu handed over tea with a playful smile: "Madam, drink tea."

An Ran took it and took a sip, and couldn't help being funny seeing him like that: "If you help Cui Chengzhi, just help, and you're trying to hide it from me like a thief."

An Jiamu didn't care about these things, but said, "Then why is Cui Chengzhi here?"

An Ran glanced at him: "He wants to come to the Culinary Academy to be a teacher."

When An Jiamu heard this, his eyebrows were raised: "No."

An Ran raised her eyebrows: "What can't be done? It's really rare for a dignified Tanhua Lang to be willing to teach students to read and write."

An Jiamu's face was ugly: "He has no good intentions for you at all. In short, he just won't do it. I don't agree. If he dares to stay in Jizhou, don't blame him for being rude."

After uttering harsh words, he realized that his daughter-in-law didn't like this, and his face changed: "Well, I mean, he should go back to Suzhou. After all, it's not appropriate for Songyuelou's young master to stay in our Jizhou mansion."

An Ran couldn't help but give him a blank look, and when she thought about it, she felt it was ridiculous, so she burst into laughter: "Don't worry, I'm here to say goodbye."

Only then did An Jiamu heave a sigh of relief, and sat next to An Ran: "He's smart."

An Ran looked at him for a long time: "I have never met Cui Chengzhi a few times. If he hadn't come here today, I would have almost forgotten that there is such a person. To me, he is more familiar than strangers. Even friends Not really, it’s ridiculous that you spend so much time trying to eat.”

An Jiamu thought to himself, you are not interested in him, but he is interested in you. Even if Cui Chengzhi didn't say anything, he still hasn't gotten married for so long, and he doesn't even have a good woman by his side. If it wasn't for his wife , how could this be the case.

It's just that An Jiamu would never tell his wife these things, and he's not stupid. Since his wife didn't take Cui Chengzhi seriously, could he remind her how much Cui Chengzhi cared about her? From now on, never appear in front of their husband and wife.

He was afraid that An Ran would let Cui Chengzhi come over to be his teacher. In less than three days, he would have all the teachers from the culinary art academy, only those who teach reading and writing. As for the cooks, An Ran still needed to write a letter to invite them personally.

An Ran's current position in the culinary industry can be said to be well-received. An Ran did not directly say that he should come to be a teacher, but posted a post to invite famous chefs from all over the world to come to Jizhou to attend the opening ceremony of the culinary art academy. With the appearance of the Academy of Arts, as for whether to come and teach students, it is much easier.

The opening ceremony of the Culinary Academy was scheduled to be on the tenth day of September after the Double Ninth Festival, but it was Yue Jintang who came first, and Mr. Mingyue who came with him.

An Ran was quite surprised, although she also invited Mr. Mingyue, An Ran was already prepared that Mr. Mingyue would not be able to come. After all, there are not many days in peace in the south, and Mr. Mingyue must be safe and sound, so she did not want to rush over.

An Ran stepped forward to meet him: "Mister is really here?"

Yue Jintang said with a smile: "This could be false. Once the rebellion in the south was pacified, my husband went north with me. I only arrived in Beijing two days ago. If the emperor hadn't summoned my husband to enter the palace, I would have come to Jizhou mansion a long time ago."

Mr. Mingyue said with a smile: "Once you leave, this old man will miss you a lot. Although your second senior brother and your apprentice's cooking skills are also passable, I always feel that the dishes cooked by your little girl are not as good as yours, not to mention the taste. , the artistic conception is a little bit different.”

An Ran couldn't help laughing, the second senior brother and Defu are rough men, how can they understand Mr. Mingyue's meticulous thoughts, and it is quite rare for the picky Mr. Mingyue to say a word well. Telford's culinary skills have indeed improved a lot.

But Yue Jintang said anxiously: "Don't say these things are useless, this king rushed over in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to eat. Chef An must not let us starve."

An Ran laughed: "Naturally, sir, please go to the guest house to rest for a while, and An Ran will cook for him in the evening."

Mr. Mingyue nodded and followed Liu Xier into the room.

Yue Jintang hesitated and began to order: "I want to eat twice-cooked pork, spicy chicken, chickpea curd... By the way, there is also the yellow croaker in soup that you made last time in the Royal Kitchen Competition. As for the others, you see Just weigh it, I won't pick it."

An Jiamu gritted his teeth: "You're still calling it a picky one. Think of our Anfu as a restaurant."

Yue Jintang chuckled: "If you can eat in the restaurant, the dishes cooked by your daughter-in-law, I wouldn't have traveled all the way to your Jizhou mansion."

An Ran was in a great mood, and went to the kitchen to prepare a banquet for Mr. Mingyue.

When he went out safely, Yue Jintang said: "There is something I need to tell you, you should be on your guard. Although Shangguan Yi was executed this time, Shangguan Yao is nowhere to be found."

An Jiamu frowned slightly: "Shangguan Yao?" If Yue Jintang didn't mention it, he could hardly remember this woman.

Yue Jintang looked at him in astonishment: "You can't forget, don't you say that Shangguan Yao wanted to marry you at the beginning, but those things later, if you didn't intervene, it wouldn't be known to everyone."

An Jiamu raised her eyebrows: "She's not married, so how can she still have the face to go back to Suzhou?"

Yue Jintang sighed: "King Ning followed Shangguan Yi to rebel. She heard Xin'er, left her husband and ran back to Suzhou, and then the army broke through the city and captured Shangguan Yi, but Shangguan Yao was nowhere to be found. I asked people to search I didn't find anyone in Suzhou City, I'm afraid I've run out of Suzhou City, and now that Shangguanyi has been convicted, I'm not afraid of anything else, I'm afraid she has hatred for your daughter-in-law, if she runs to Jizhou, it will be troublesome , she has a vicious mind, and now she is desperate, but she can do anything."

An Jiamu's face became serious: "Thank you for letting me know."

The two talked about things in the south for a while, and Yue Jintang couldn't help thinking of something: "Thanks to Wu Xiao, who you recommended this time, he is really a rare general. The emperor has named him General Annan. The emperor knows that he has not married yet. If you want to be a matchmaker to give you a marriage, all the ministers in the court are eager to get married. He is Jiashu's senior brother. I don't know the details, but I think he seems to have something in his heart, so you have time to ask Jiashu. Shu, if he has a woman he likes, he might as well say it earlier, if he waits until the emperor bestows the marriage decree, it will be too late if he wants to go back on his word."

An Jiamu knew that Wu Xiao had made great contributions in suppressing the rebellion, and the emperor was overjoyed. However, if he was granted the title of general first, and then personally bestowed the marriage, this kind of grace is really rare in ancient times, but is there something wrong with his heart?Not like it.

The reason why I know Wu Xiao's talent is that apart from having met him a few times, Jia Shu often mentions this senior brother with admiration in his words.

Jia Shu is the youngest of the three brothers. Since he was ten years old, he went out to study art with his master. He didn't spend much time at home, but after all, he was a real brother, so he knew his temperament quite well.

This kid is so arrogant and arrogant, it is rare for him to respect someone so much, therefore, An Jiamu believed that Wu Xiao was a great talent, in addition, although their master was a hermit in the world, he was really a master, the disciples he taught would not be bad, it was Jia Tree, seemingly simple in mind, can still take care of itself when encountering troubles.

Just like the incident in Suzhou this time, if it wasn't for Jiashu, let alone Yashe, those people's lives might not be saved.

It is said that it is a welcome banquet, but An Ran does not cook too many dishes. Apart from the few dishes ordered by Yue Jintang, he also cooked a vegetarian eight treasures, and there is also a top-grade sauce crab that Mr. Mingyue praised: "The taste of crab , this is the most."

Speaking of these crabs, we have to start with the Shui Paozi of the Culinary Academy. Jizhou is not as rich as Jiangnan, and there are not so many water sources.

The large piece of reed by the water was in the way, so someone pulled it out. This pulled out a lot of crabs. No one came here before. These crabs have been breeding in the pond for several years, and they are big and strong. Fat.

Picking the fattest baskets and bringing them to Anfu, Anran remembered this top-grade sauce crab dish, the recipe is very simple, first prepare the sweet sauce cooked in a big jar, live crabs, wrap them with hemp rope, Take out the sauce, spread it evenly on the crab, wrap it tightly like a mud ball, then put it into a jar, seal it for a month, then open the jar, if the navel shell of the crab is easy to peel off, it can be eaten. The method absorbs the essence of sweet sauce, which is more flavorful than steamed crab, and can be preserved for a long time. It is most suitable for seasonal river delicacies such as crab.

As soon as An Ran said that the crab was fished out from the pond of the Culinary Arts Academy, Mr. Mingyue became quite impatient, and went to the Culinary Academy with Yue Jintang early the next morning.After wandering around, no one came back at night, and lived in directly.

Anran wished that Mr. Mingyue liked it, so that it would be much easier to kidnap him to give lectures at the college more often. Naturally, Anran did not expect Mr. Mingyue to teach in the college for a long time. Cuisine, culinary history, I am more familiar with it. The old man has studied it for most of his life, but he has a lot of knowledge. If he can listen to the old man give a class, he will really benefit a lot.

And the master and Mr. Mei are also there, which must be the reason why Mr. Mingyue insists on moving there.

An Ran was not worried about the Culinary Arts Academy, An Ran was busy with family affairs, Jia Yan and his wife came with Hao Si Hao Yu, Jia Shu also rushed back from Suzhou, the family finally got together.

Jiayan's family of four is fine, they just separated not long ago, but Jiashu, the chaos in the south, although it is not dangerous, is really frightening, if it is not for Jiashu who is not in danger, protecting Yashe and the rest of the family Those famous officials headed by Mr. Mingyue, killing the red-eyed Shangguanyi, can really wash Suzhou City with blood.

Therefore, this reunion really feels like the rest of life, especially the three brothers, although they didn't say they hugged each other and wept bitterly, but the worry in their eyes and the brotherhood revealed in a few light words made it even more impressive. people moved.

An Ran and Manniang's sister-in-law cooked the kitchen and prepared the family banquet, leaving the three brothers to eat wine at the table, while the sister-in-law went to the back room to talk.

As soon as Haosi heard that Mr. Yue was here, he didn't feel like playing anymore, so he went back to the house to read a book. Haoyu ran away with Zhou Tai, and went to Zhou's house to find playmates of the same age. Two, it was very quiet.

Speaking of what happened in Beijing, Mannia said: "King Ning committed suicide in fear of crime, and the Wang family was convicted. The Empress Dowager moved from the palace to Yunhui Temple in the suburbs. She said it was to make atonement for King Ning. This was said to the outside world. I heard that it was the Empress Dowager who murdered the Dragon Heir, and in order to save the last bit of decency, she invited herself out of the palace. What do you think the Empress Dowager is doing? The Emperor is not her own. I am also very close to King Ning, a half-brother, so why use these vicious thoughts to end up harming others and yourself."

Knowing that she thought of Mrs. Xie, she couldn't help sighing for a moment, if everyone could be content and happy, there wouldn't be so many quarrels and disturbances, as Jiamu said, where there is good, there is evil. It is a living and real world.

While the two sisters-in-law were sighing, they suddenly heard a good word from outside about General Annan: "Third brother, General Wu is your senior brother. I have something to tell you. People, you can ask for marriage first..."

As soon as Jiayan finished speaking, there was a bang, and the cup in Jiashu's hand fell to the ground, and Mannia hurriedly got up and walked out.

The couple were talking on the kang in the evening, Jia Mu also mentioned this matter, and said to An Ran: "I see that something is wrong when Jia Shu comes back this time, and he doesn't say anything when I ask him, it's really worrying."

An Ran propped herself up and asked him: "Did Jia Shu not like women getting close since childhood? Do you know the reason?"

Jiamu was silent for a while and sighed: "This matter is our family's privacy. When Jiashu was five years old, something happened. My mother found that Jiashu often had some unusual marks on her body, so she asked carefully. Jiashu, Jiashu was young and timid at that time, and he squeaked for a long time before saying that the woman who served him did it. When the woman saw that there was no one in front of him, she stripped him naked and touched him. He even threatened him not to tell his mother that my father was furious when he found out about it, and was trying to settle accounts with that old woman, but that old woman somehow heard about it and hanged herself to death, since then, Jia Shu didn't like women to approach her very much."

An Ran was silent for a long time before saying: "No wonder you were so cautious when choosing a nanny for Dudu. It turned out that it was because of Jia Shu. You were angry about something in the aisle back then, and it was also because of this incident."

An Jiamu nodded: "I always think that Jiashu can forget about it. Obviously, judging from his rejection of women, it's very difficult. I'm afraid that it will remind him of his childhood memories, so, I just ordered to find that girl and take the heavy responsibility, I don't think it's you, a little drunk cat, running around drunk..."

An Ran blushed: "That was an accident."

However, An Jiamu sighed: "I have been wanting to marry Jiashu a wife for the past few years, but every time I mention it, this kid will make a fuss with me. I can't figure it out. Which matter, Jia Shu will never marry a wife in this life."

An Ran's eyes flickered, and suddenly said: "Do you believe me?"

An Jiamu laughed, leaned forward and kissed her: "If my husband doesn't believe you, who else can I trust? Don't say this again in the future."

An Ran: "If you believe me, leave this matter to me to resolve, but there is a condition, no matter who Jia Shu likes in his heart, you are not allowed to object."

An Jiamu said in disbelief, "You said Jiashu has someone he likes?"

An Ran nodded: "If you don't have someone you like in your heart, how can you explain that he is not close to women? With a flirtatious elder brother like you as a role model, you can also learn from it."

An Jiamu coughed: "Daughter-in-law, let's not talk about it, don't we pay the bill?"

An Ran laughed: "I just said it casually, what are you so concerned about?"

An Jiamu didn't intend to refute this matter with his daughter-in-law, because no matter how he argued about this matter, he had no reason to argue, so he wisely chose to avoid it and changed the subject: "But Jiashu doesn't even have a maid by his side, who can he like?" ?”

An Ran: "Don't worry about this, anyway, I will ask clearly."

An Jiamu really has nothing to do with his brother. Jiashu is different from Jiayan. No matter what Jiayan says, the husband and wife are living happily and happily. If Jiashu insists on not marrying a daughter-in-law, it is impossible for him to force him to marry , if there is really someone he likes, wouldn't everyone be happy.

Moreover, although my daughter-in-law doesn't often take care of things, she is really not comparable to ordinary people in terms of intelligence. Maybe she really has a way, so she nodded her head.

An Ran has long been concerned about it. Although the childhood incidents caused some harm to Jia Shu, fortunately, she was young at that time. People usually have memories between the ages of three and six. Jia Shu's five-year-old memory should not be Profound, even such a bad thing will only leave some shadows in my heart, so that I won't be close to women for a lifetime.

And Jiashu is not really misogynistic. The real misogyny is that as long as a woman is close, he can't do it. But Jiashu is not like this. When he came back, he hugged Xiaoyue'er and teased him for a long time. Although the son is small, she is also a woman, so judging from this, Jia Shu is not a misogynist.

If it wasn't for the fact that misogyny is not close to women, there is only one possibility. Jia Shu likes men. Moreover, An Ran can roughly confirm that the person he likes is eight out of ten, and nine out of ten are his amazingly talented big brother. brother.

Today, when Jiayan mentioned that the emperor was going to give a marriage to the general, there were clues. Jiashu panicked and dropped the wine cup to the ground without knowing it. Moreover, he could see clearly from his face at that time.

However, An Ran would not recklessly ask Jia Shu directly. Although she is the elder sister-in-law, it is not appropriate to ask her uncle such a thing. Instead, she posted a post asking Liu Xi'er to send someone to the General's Mansion in the capital overnight to invite General Wu to come. Jizhou.

In An Ran's post, she didn't say that she was here to attend the opening ceremony of the Culinary Arts Academy, she just wanted to test Wu Xiao. If he also had Jia Shu in his heart, he would come over as soon as possible.

Sure enough, in just one day, An Ran met the famous General Annan. Although it was not far from Jizhou to the capital, it was not too close. If it was a few hundred miles away, if he came here in one day, he had to work hard to do it. It can be seen that How impatient the general is.

After all, he is an outsider, so it is not easy for An Ran to show up. An Jiamu hosted a banquet, Jiayan and Jiashu accompanied him, and the banquet was held in Zhiqiu Pavilion in the garden.

Although the scenery of Anfu is not as good as that of the other courtyards in the suburbs, it has a different artistic conception. For example, the Zhiqiu Pavilion, guarding the several clumps of autumn chrysanthemums in full bloom outside the pavilion, is quite interesting.

This way, An Ran didn't need to go to the banquet in person, but she also specially cooked a few dishes that Jiashu liked, and enjoyed tea with Mannia at the bookstore not far from Zhiqiu Pavilion.

Although Mannia didn't understand why her sister-in-law dragged her to the bookstore to drink tea, she liked it very much and kept going to read the books in the bookstore.

An Ran couldn't help but think of Qingzhu Lane, the collection of books here is nothing compared to Qingzhu Lane, and with Mannia's book-loving character, if she gets to Qingzhu Lane, she probably won't be able to get out.

An Ran let her enjoy herself, but he stared at Zhi Qiuting next to him, obviously even though he had cooked a few dishes that Jia Shu liked, he still ate them absent-mindedly, and he was a little nervous.

Finally, I saw Jiashu and senior brother leave the Zhiqiu Pavilion one after the other, Anran quietly went down the bookstore, just as Anran went down to the first floor, she heard voices coming from the back window.

Outside the back window of the bookstore is a somewhat secluded passage, where a clump of green bamboo is planted. Although it does not grow well, it is enough to cover the view from the outside. Knowing that the two of them are martial arts practitioners, An Ran listened quietly. .

General Wu's voice was a bit deep and magnetic, and he was very easy to distinguish: "Brother, when you were in Suzhou, brother had too much wine and got confused for a while, and offended brother, brother already knew his mistake, brother, please forgive me?"

Even though she had expected it, An Ran was a little silly, and she said that Jia Shu just secretly liked this senior brother, but now she found out that the two had already had physical contact, and the offense from the senior brother's mouth should be because of what she wanted. that matter.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard Jia Shu say: "You are going to marry the general's wife, so what else do I do?"

An Ran almost laughed out loud, it was obviously a jealous and awkward tone, if this elder brother didn't understand, he would be an out-and-out elm lump.

Sure enough, after a long silence, I heard the elder brother say: "Senior brother, after so many years, don't you know the heart of the elder brother? If you really want to marry a wife, how can you wait until now? There is always only one brother in my heart. As long as the younger brother doesn't annoy the younger brother, call me Brother can do anything."

An Ran is convinced now, that is true, people are not judged by their appearance, if they hadn’t heard it with their own ears, they would never have imagined that General Annan’s extremely serious face would say such nasty love words, and, what’s more, he said So emotional.

It was unbelievable, so Jia Shu said: "You are right. If you have no intention, how can the emperor give you a marriage? You don't have to worry about me. I will just pretend that nothing happened in Suzhou. From now on, you will still be married." My senior brother, woo woo woo..."

An Ran suddenly opened her eyes wide, looking at the two figures pasted on the back window of the bookstore, never knew that two men could kiss so passionately, and, this General Annan is really a man, Jia Shu is also a martial artist The man, An Ran has seen him punch a big man, but now he is as weak as a woman.

The two kissed for a long time before the eldest brother let go of Jiashu and said in a low voice: "After your sister-in-law's culinary art academy starts, you and I return to Beijing. I will hand over the general's seal and ribbon, and we will leave, no matter where we go all good."

Jia Shu said in a low voice: "Are you willing to give up the rich salary of a high official?"

The elder brother smiled: "Compared with the younger brother, high officials and rich salary are nothing." He paused.

An Ran suddenly felt the elder brother's gaze, as if shooting in through the back window, and couldn't help being a little nervous, but fortunately, this feeling disappeared after a while, and heard the elder brother say: "If you don't want your two elder brothers to know now, We'd better get out soon."

The two left one after the other, An Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and when she turned her head, she found Mannia holding a book, staring at the disappearing figure outside the window in surprise, and said after a long time: "Outside, outside, that is, little girl." Uncle and Ann, General Annan..."

It was hard to say anything, An Ran nodded, and Mannia came back to her senses: "No, I have to tell Jiayan, my uncle, this senior brother, obviously wants to abduct Jiashu and elope."

An Ran hurriedly grabbed her: "You can't tell Jiayan about this in advance."

Mannia looked at An Ran for a while, as if she had figured it out: "Sister-in-law and sister-in-law have long known about Uncle and General Annan, so they drink tea in this bookstore."

An Ran: "At the beginning, it was just a guess. The person Jiashu likes is his elder brother. He wrote a post to invite the general to Jizhou. He also wanted to test them out. I didn't expect that the two of them had developed a mutual love."

Mannia hurriedly said, "But my uncle and the general are two men, how can we talk about being in love with each other?"

An Ran: "What's the difference between men and women, if you like it, you like it."

Mannia: "Yes, but in this way, my uncle can't get married, so how can he have children?"

An Ran: "What are you afraid of? Eldest brother doesn't care. Our An family is not without children. Just let my uncle live the life he likes. But, don't tell Jiayan about this. Jiayan is old-fashioned. It’s not necessarily acceptable to do that.”

Mannia opened her eyes wide: "Could it be that big brother can accept it?"

An Ran: "It's the truth whether to accept it or not, unless he doesn't want Jiashu as a brother, otherwise, he has to agree with Jiashu's choice, and I don't intend to tell him right now, no matter what, he has to wait until the start of the Culinary Academy After the ceremony."

Although Mannia was shocked, she knew that what the sister-in-law said would be correct, so she kept the matter secret.

After the Double Ninth Festival, the opening ceremony of the Culinary Arts Academy finally came. Looking at the students wearing uniform uniforms, An Ran felt as if she had stepped back into modern times. After a long silence, her agitated mood just calmed down. She stood The front spoke: "As the dean, I have no other requirements for you. You don't need to be a great chef, but I hope that you can all be upright and upright people..."

As soon as An Ran's words fell and thunderous applause erupted, Yue Jintang couldn't help turning his head and said to An Jiamu: "Your wife is the dean, how can I be familiar with it, as if I have been in it for many years."

An Jiamu's eyes flickered, but he didn't say anything, but he already had an answer in his heart. After such a long time as a couple, even though they didn't mention An Ran's background, An Jiamu gradually sketched out the life of his daughter-in-law before. Talk about the life in the previous life.

His daughter-in-law has never been a mediocre woman, no matter in the last life or this life, but he is very fortunate that he can meet her in this life, love her, marry her, and he is not in a hurry to know her origin, He believed that one day, An Ran would take the initiative to tell him.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly saw a figure rushing up: "You bitch, go to hell, go to hell..."

With a hundred secrets, it never occurred to me that Shangguan Yao would easily blend in with these students, guarding against everyone, but not these students. Moreover, An Ran was standing closest to the students, and her husband was on the side. An Jiamu Even with those guests, even if An Jiamu reacted immediately, it was too late.

Facing the cold light of the sun, he went straight to An Ran, An Jiamu was scared out of his wits, no one could save An Ran at this time, but there was one person who could, and that was An Ran herself.

Between life and death, An Ran turned sideways subconsciously, dodged the knife in Shangguan Yao's hand, and punched her flying.

It was absolutely impossible for Shangguan Yao to get up again. Before anyone else could rush up, those students had already pinned her to the ground and tied her into rice dumplings with rope.

In the eyes of these students, the existence of An Ran is almost like a god. Moreover, this culinary art college not only does not need to pay tuition fees, but also can learn crafts. Where can you find such a good thing? Well, if the dean makes a mistake at this moment, where can they learn their skills?

The more he thought about it, the more he hated him, staring at Shangguan Yao with both eyes, wishing he could chew her alive one bite at a time.

There was a sudden change, no one thought that An Ran didn't feel anything, but An Jiamu was frightened, rushed over to check up and down, and kept saying: "Is there any injury, move your arms, lift your legs... ..."

Regardless of being in front of so many people, because of An Jiamu's nervousness, the originally dull atmosphere was a bit funny, Mr. Mingyue couldn't help laughing, and sighed: "It's nice to be young after all."

The guests behind couldn't help laughing, An Ran blushed, and hurriedly pushed An Jiamu away: "I'm fine, her knife didn't touch me."

An Jiamu was relieved after making sure that her daughter-in-law was not injured, and knew that the occasion was not right, so she let go of her, stepped aside, and let An Ran continue to preside over the opening ceremony. Die, is it too cheap for her...

(End of this chapter)

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