goddess above

Chapter 669 This Place Is Unlucky

Chapter 669 This Place Is Unlucky

He is just a partial general, and it is reasonable to not be able to attend the banquet, but Bailixiang arranged an extra seat for him, not far behind Deyang, as if to let him keep an eye on Deyang, and Chen Hangqiao also noticed the little farce just now However, he didn't care too much, instead he kept looking at Wang Xian, who was the leader of the military commander.

Although Wang Xian is a member of the imperial court, since Jing Yu became the female monarch, Jing Yu has almost emptied the military power in his hands, and has the official position of a general of the country. He has never been seen in the palace banquets before. The officials' ladies are curious, and when they see him here today, they all look at him quietly.

Yu Jiang followed Chen Hangqiao's gaze and glanced at Wang Xian, and found that the sizing up of those people was not unusual, as if it was not her fiancé who was spied on, and her expression was unexpectedly cold.

Half an hour after the palace banquet started, everyone understood the purpose of the palace banquet. It was obviously a marriage ceremony. The empress said something meaningful and began singing and dancing, but no one was asked to perform. After all They are all noble girls, so there is no need to put down your body to please everyone. These fun-seeking things are done by singer Wuyou.

Wang Xian drank half a jug of wine and went out. Chen Hangqiao immediately followed him, and also slipped out through the back door. Yu Jiang's eyes moved slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There were many people in the palace today, and even Xu Yaling, who was sent by the empress to supervise the construction of the ancestor's tomb, was called back to guard the palace.

Seeing Chen Hangqiao, Xu Yaling was surprised, stopped him and asked, "Why did Brother Chen come out? It's not long since the banquet started."

Chen Hangqiao had a problem with him stopping her from talking nonsense, so she lied casually: "If you want to show respect after drinking too much, Mr. Xu will help you."

He bypassed Xu Yaling, trotted a few steps to catch up with Wang Xian, saw him enter a palace gate, and immediately followed, Xu Yaling was a little suspicious, hesitated for a moment, and followed.

Outside the gate of the palace is a palace alley, Wang Xian leaped a few times, and turned directly into the direction of the abandoned palace. Chen Hangqiao was already familiar with the way to the abandoned palace, so he immediately followed.

Turning into the palace alley leading to the abandoned palace, the surroundings suddenly fell into absolute darkness, as if the starlight was covered by the tall palace walls.

Chen Hangqiao stopped at the corner, looked at the dark palace alley, and had a feeling that he was about to enter the mouth of a giant beast. Although he was good at it, he was definitely not Wang Xian's opponent. Deliberately seducing, he had to be more vigilant.

"What are you doing here?" Xu Yaling chased after him, holding a palace lantern in his hand to illuminate the palace alley: "This place is unlucky, don't go here at night."

Chen Hangqiao nodded: "Thank you Master Xu for reminding me, but I just saw someone go in, and I want to go in and have a look."

Xu Yaling was the commander of the Forbidden Army. When he heard someone broke in, he immediately asked, "Did you really see it?"

Chen Hangqiao didn't say much, took the palace lantern in his hand and shone it on the ground: "Master Xu, see for yourself."

Xu Yaling knelt down and took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw half a footprint.

Chen Hangqiao said: "The palace alley leading to the abandoned palace is almost unswept, and there is a lot of dust on the ground. If ordinary people go in, they will leave a complete footprint, but this footprint is only half. Master Xu should know who it is. Will leave such footprints."

Xu Yaling naturally knew that, except for people with excellent kung fu, who would leave only such footprints while running.

(End of this chapter)

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