goddess above

Chapter 654

Chapter 654
He ran over in a hurry, those big men took advantage of the situation to attack, and cut him down with big knives, leaving a bloody gash on his exposed back, Ming Huai staggered a few steps and knelt on the ground, taking a breath and ignoring it The people behind raised their swords and cut off the thin thread and continued to rush in. With a slash of the sword, the girl screamed, clutched her arms and fell back a few steps to the ground, throwing all the firewood in her hand on the ground.

"little Master."

Those big men also ran over, and the two of them went to help her, and the others continued to teach Ming Huai, Ming Huai was holding Jing Yu in one hand and holding a sword in the other to watch them out, when both sides were about to make a move, the girl yelled out.

"Wait." She was still able to stand up: "Throw away my things if you want, this is a lesson for you, you'd better bring them back to me, otherwise I will be rude to you."

It is rare for Jing Yu to be so angry as he is now, struggling to get up, but Ming Huai used his strength to carry him on his back: "You're welcome? We'll wait until you're alive."

He swept over with one leg, and the blazing fire swayed in all directions, and those people immediately backed away, and when they stopped, they were already surrounded by the flames.

The country of Qin is already arid, and it hasn’t rained this year, and it’s still dry everywhere. There are many fallen dead branches in the forest, and the slightest spark will set them on fire. Just now when they threw firewood, some dead branches have been ignited. Blocked by Ming Huai, the surroundings seemed to be a circle of fire, the flames shot up extremely fast, and thick smoke filled the air in no time.

"Cough cough cough~"

Jing Yu coughed a few times, Ming Huai picked up the bundle and jumped out, whistled and called the horse to go into the woods first, and when they got out of the dense forest, he helped Jing Yu up, turned the horse's head and left.

The fire in the forest spread very quickly, and the east wind swept through a large area of ​​trees at night. In the quiet night, beasts roared and birds flew in chaos, and even after running a long distance, you can still see the sky-high flames.

Near dawn, they found a small stream in the mountain, and found a sunken stone trough beside the stream. It wasn't too big, but it could accommodate five or six adults, enough for them to have snacks and rest.

Jing Yu's face turned slightly pale, but the blood had stopped flowing, and he and Ming Huai supported each other off the horse, took the burden into the stone trough, and sat on the ground without strength.

The wound on Ming Huai's back was already a little numb. He looked at the blood mark on Jing Yu's front, estimated the size of the wound on his back, and regained some strength for the time being.

The two of them leaned together in silence and fell asleep in a daze. When they woke up, the sun was shining directly on their bodies. Although it was scorching, it was still very warm for them without straw clothes to protect them from the cold. cold.

Ming Huai calmed down, seeing that Jing Yu was still awake, took out her handkerchief and went out, wet it with water and spread it on the hot stones, and carefully took off his clothes.

Those people's saber skills are brutal, not very subtle, but they are very powerful, and a single cut can make people's mouth numb. If he hadn't focused on coping, he would have suffered a lot. It was a life saved.

Picking up the already warm handkerchief, he reached to wipe the blood on his back, but someone held his hand, took the handkerchief and carefully wiped the blood on his back.

Ming Huai turned his head and asked, "I'll do it myself, you still have an injury on your shoulder."

Jing Yu gritted her teeth without making a sound, hid behind him with watery and red eyes, carefully wiped off the blood, sprinkled it with medicinal powder, tore off a clean gauze to bandage him, and wrapped it around his waist behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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