goddess above

Chapter 134 Do I Look Like This?

Chapter 134 Do I Look Like This?

The silk silk has not been fully unfolded, but the eyebrows and eyes suddenly appear, it seems to be a beauty.

Seeing that they were all staring at the silk and saying nothing, Mingyu couldn't help boasting: "This scroll, but the lonely king ordered someone to go to the home of the nobles in Lin'an to get it, and he just got it in his hands, and he hasn't opened it yet."

Ming Huai stared at the silk, and when the woman's eyebrows and eyes on the silk were exposed, he clenched his fists, and immediately stared at the brazier beside him, strode forward to grab the silk, but before Stretching out his hand, the silk was completely opened, and he stopped again, looking at the woman above and letting out a sigh of relief.

The woman in the painting has an ordinary appearance, even though the peonies between the brows and the flying flowers all over her body complement each other, she is still a bit dull. How can she look like a calculating and straightforward woman?Except for a pair of black eyebrows that resembled Jing Yu very much, there was no slight resemblance in other places.

Ming Wu sneered: "Is this what Dongchuan Mistress looks like?"

Mingyu himself didn't seem very satisfied, but he didn't want to lose face in front of Mingwu, so he could only say bluntly: "That's natural. My informant is a dignitary in Dongchuan, who is very familiar with Jingyu. The portrait he gave How can there be a fake?"

Mingde doesn't speak, but the dismissive smile in his eyes is still obvious, Mingwu just ignores Mingyu, Mingyu's face is a little restless, and just about to get angry, Minghuai speaks:

"Prince, can you borrow this portrait temporarily? This time Zheng Guo was defeated. There were rumors in the army that Jing Yusheng's exquisite heart had disturbed the army. I want other generals to see Jing Yu's appearance to eliminate They were afraid of Jingyu in their hearts, so they mustered their courage and defeated Dongchuan under the command of the prince."

He broke Ming Yu's embarrassment at the right time, and complimented Ming Yu a bit, Ming Yu was somewhat satisfied with him.

"Okay, take it."

"Thank you, Prince."

After getting the silk, Mingyu babbled for a while, Mingde proposed to host a banquet to welcome Mingyu, Mingyu declined after a while and then nodded, and Minghuai took advantage of this gap to go back.

Jing Yu was burning charcoal, her hair was loose, she was wearing his clothes, she fell to the ground loosely, and she was holding a small wooden stick and staring at the brazier seriously.

Ming Huai went in and took a look at her, then sat directly on the low table: "Why are you up?"

She coughed twice, her voice a little hoarse: "The charcoal fire is out, it's a little cold, and I want to drink some hot water, so I got up to boil the water by myself, by the way, why are you back? Don't you need to accompany Mingyu? "

Ming Huai gave her the silk: "Look at this."

Jing Yu put down her things, sat down on the couch in front of him, opened the silk and looked at it: "Who is this?"

"It was you, Mingyu, who got it from the dignitaries in Lin'an, Dongchuan."

She was slightly surprised, and immediately went to the basin: "Do I look like this?"

Ming Huai added two pieces of charcoal for her, and said with a smile: "You don't look like this, but I don't think that's what you care about."

She came back and sat down again, holding the silk and looking at it seriously: "What do you care about if you don't care about this? Did the rich and powerful give Mingyu the care?"

Ming Huai asked back: "Otherwise?"

She stood up on her knees and approached him slightly with the silk in her hand: "Look carefully, there are two styles of brushwork in this portrait, one kind of style for this pair of eyebrows, and another way for other places, completely drawn by two people." , Besides, the peony flower between the eyebrows, don’t you think it’s a bit like a drop of blood?”

(End of this chapter)

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