goddess above

Chapter 109 This is a trap

Chapter 109 This is a trap
The other generals also spoke out.

"The lady is honorable. It is not appropriate to visit the border in person. Safety is so important. To disclose the news of the lady in Anzhou, wouldn't it put the lady in danger?"

"Yes, this method is not appropriate, and the general is unwilling to do so."

They objected, and Xu Chang had expected it a long time ago. He just looked at Jingyu: "When Yingfu was arrested, the Qin and Zheng armies knew that the queen had arrived in Anzhou. Otherwise, Minghuai would not immediately attack the city. Princess Deyang's original intention was also for Dongchuan. , I also hope that the lady will be cautious."

Deyang really knows how to use tricks to buckle such a big hat all at once.

"Hey!" She sighed heavily: "Deyang can have this awareness, how can I hold her back? Since Deyang is so righteous, then how can I not fulfill it? Come, pass on the news, today The whole army is exempted from fighting and preparing for the Laba Festival. In addition, Princess Deyang is pregnant, and she is deeply favored by the empress, but she can come to Anzhou to work with me in person. This is commendable. Let's go to the tower with me to share porridge, to show that Princess Deyang understands righteousness."

It's really not her temper to want to plot against her, make a joke, and not drag Deyang into the water.

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Wei immediately responded: "The general will post a notice to let the people of Anzhou know the great kindness of Princess Deyang."

With his cooperation so much, Xu Chang didn't even have room to defend Deyang, Jing Yu nodded with great satisfaction.

"Go ahead, hurry up."

They all rushed out, and Jing Yu looked at Xu Chang with a smile.

"There is no need to be wary of Zheng Jun these days. Mingwu Mingde is greedy for pleasure. I'm afraid he will be more diligent than us during the holidays. Let's rest."

She also stepped out, leaving Xu Chang and the others who had just woken up from Jing Yu's long speech with a dazed look on their faces.

Didn't you let the queen be the bait?Why did it sound like Princess Deyang was at a disadvantage?

They were still sorting out what Jing Yu had just said. Chen Wei and the others had already listened to her arrangements outside, and the group talked while walking.

"In the past few days, please invite Ying Fu to visit the tower every day, and remind Ying Jiang not to act rashly. In addition, quietly gather people and horses, take Ying Fu with you on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, go out from the other side of the city gate, bypass Anzhou City, Zheng Jun waited on the left. On Laba day, if Zheng Jun attacked the city, he would go straight to Zheng Jun's camp, and then pretend to be negligent, so that Ying Fu thought he could leave. If he wanted to leave, he could only wear Dongchuan's military uniform. Then take advantage of the chaos and let him die in the hands of Zheng Jun; if Zheng Jun doesn't attack the city, still use this method to make Ying Fu leave, and then lure Zheng Jun to intercept and kill him, remember?"

Murder with a knife!
Whether it was Zheng Jun who got the plan to attack the city and was attacked, or whether he didn't get the trick and killed Fu by mistake, Dongchuan would not suffer any disadvantages, and even if there was no benefit, Jing Yu would not suffer either. Anyway, the solution was proposed by Deyang, and it has nothing to do with her.

After she made arrangements, Chen Wei and others immediately went to prepare one by one, and as soon as the notice was posted, the news immediately spread to Zheng Jun.

Ming Wu laughed happily after hearing the scout's report: "A ruling lady, and a princess who is the emperor's favorite, are both in Anzhou, which is really a bargain."

Mingde has no doubts either: "I heard that Jingyu and Deyang have always been at odds. This time Deyang intervenes in Jingyu's territory. I'm afraid there will be unrest in Anzhou. Laba is laboring. It's clear that Deyang is causing trouble for Jingyu. Second brother , Such an opportunity should not be missed."

Just as they were happy, Ming Huai strode in: "This is a trap, second brother and fourth brother should not fall for it."

 Thank you little cuties for your votes and comments, I love you, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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