Chapter 45
Morian, what should I do?
She has always thought that she is a woman who does not have and does not deserve love.But now, love is so close to her.

For the first time, she wanted to break free from the shackles of that transaction and let herself breathe a little free air.

"Please, I still want a future..."

Was the helpless request at that time in order to still be entitled to love?

But, where is her love?Will her love come because of Morian?
Subconsciously, she raised her hand tied with thick gauze and stroked her lips—for a moment, she didn't know whether she was thinking of the man who made her feel so inferior that she dared not love, or Morian who was giving her so much love.

"Promise, what did the doctor say?" Morian's low voice rang in his ears.

"Ouch—" As if someone had discovered a secret that had been hidden in his heart for a long time, Xu Nuo suddenly took off the hand on his lips in fright, bumped it against the corner of the chair and cried out in pain.

"Did you hit the wound? Does it hurt? Is there any bleeding?" Morian frowned, and quickly took her hand to check it carefully. He didn't see any bleeding, so he relaxed a little, and carefully moved her hand Putting his hand on his palm, he asked softly, "Does it hurt? Do you want to call the doctor?"

Through the thick gauze, Xu Nuo could still clearly feel his fingers gently stroking the wound, Xu Nuo said in a panic: "After a few stitches, it will be fine. How is Yun'er? What did the doctor say?" "

As he spoke, he withdrew his left hand from his big hand with his right hand, and looked down at his injured hand.

Yes, she hasn't figured out how to face him - after his treatment like that, after her rejection like that, when she thought of that man again in his love...

Morian looked at her seriously, he was frustrated by her evasion, but he still answered the topic she deliberately changed with full patience: "Yun'er is just a little bruised, she passed out because she was frightened, and she is recovering now gone."

Morian said it very tactfully, and the promise certainly understands—the sudden fainting was just to escape the chaotic situation at that time: Any woman, looking at her boyfriend who has been dating for eight years, will first put other women in danger when she encounters danger. I can't face it when I hug her in my arms to comfort me, or when I'm worried about other women.

Even after hearing his confession, even seeing his entanglement with others, this most instinctive reaction of human nature is the most hurtful!
Thinking of this, Xu Nuo became silent and sober - when she was hesitating whether to start her love with Morian, she forgot that the other woman was hurt because of this, and that the other woman saw this man. It is more important than life.

The existence of Lin Yun'er made her clear her thoughts in an instant - she didn't love him, she just wanted to enjoy his love selfishly, to prove that she still had the ability to love.

Her liking for him was not enough for her to cruelly trample another woman's love under her feet.

"Morian, take good care of Yun'er, she is not easy." Xu Nuo's voice was low but clear.

"I've made it clear about Yun'er's problem. Her parents are on their way here. Promise, promise me, don't do anything stupid." Morian reached out to caress her soft face, and said softly: "Don't be afraid of my love , Don’t rush to run away from my love, my love is not to force you into the arms of other men. So, I will give you time, and you promise me not to entangle with him again, okay? He is not your mess people who can afford it."

"Morian, I'm not..." Xu Nuo subconsciously glanced at Gu Zixi who was lying on the bed—it's okay not to look at him, but he couldn't help being startled again when he saw it, and the hand that was troubled by disasters came back again. Hitting the corner of the chair, the pain made her want to jump up.

"Don't worry, am I awake?" Gu Zixi's hoarse and comforting voice made Xu Nuo froze there for a moment - this man must not have just woken up and was just waiting to watch his play.


"Nuo Nuo, how long have I been asleep? How is your hand? Apart from your hand, are there any other injuries on your body?" Gu Zixi looked at Xu Nuo's blank look, and a playful smile flashed in his eyes.

"Don't move, the doctor told you to lie down and observe." Seeing him struggling to sit up, Xu Nuo didn't care to call him hateful, walked over quickly and pushed him down.

"I want to see the wound on your body." Gu Zixi glanced at Morian who was beside him with a livid face, and said seriously.

"I'm fine, I've had stitches in my hand." Xu Nuo said calmly and seriously when he turned his eyes from his face to Morian's face with a sullen face: "Morian, I understand everything you said. So ,do not worry."

Is it to reassure him that she is sure of this deal?Or do you rest assured that you will not continue to entangle with Gu Zixi in order to avoid him?
Promise, for you, how can you easily say rest assured?How can it be so easy to say let go.

Morian smiled wryly, stood up slowly, and approached them.

"Morian..." Seeing that Morian's eyes had been looking at Gu Zixi, Xu Nuo panicked.

"Promise, I have two words that I need to say to Mr. Gu alone." Morian gave Xu Nuo a comforting smile, but his tone was an unquestionable request.

"Nuo Nuo, I'm a little dizzy, help me call the nurse, and let the nurse see your hands." Gu Zixi smiled faintly, and the tacit understanding was fully played out in his words and expressions.

Xu Nuo bit his lower lip lightly, and his eyes flicked around the faces of the two of them - the indifference and calmness on their faces was so similar to the arrogance and persistence in their eyes.

The two men who were nodding acquaintances are now confronting each other because of him, it's really funny to think about this situation.

Xu Nuo shook her head, turned around and left the ward - men have men's way of solving problems. Although she was worried about Gu Zixi's scheme, she believed in Morian's reason and demeanor.

"What capacity do you use to make promises with me?" Gu Zixi was never a passive person, and before Morian could speak, he asked the question.

"She's just a little girl in confusion. She just didn't want to disturb my life and chose to escape. So, please don't take advantage of others' danger, and please hold your hand high." Morian didn't answer Gu Zixi's question—on Their identities, none of them have the identities to dictate to Xu Xu; but he has the responsibility to protect Xu Xu.

"Since you have made your words clear, I will keep others secret." Gu Zixi twitched the corners of her lips, and the seriousness in her eyes was a recognition of Morian's demeanor—a proud man who was obsessed with this woman , even disdain to argue whether the status is appropriate.

For them, no matter whether their identities are appropriate or not, they will be obsessed with what they want to do and their inner choices—the same pride makes him have full respect for Morian.

(End of this chapter)

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