Cute Wife Attacks: Happy Bamboo Horse and Pretty Enemy

Chapter 166 The 18-year-old coming-of-age ceremony 5

Chapter 166 The 18-year-old coming-of-age ceremony 5
I thought about it all night in a daze, but in the end it didn't work out, and just before falling asleep, Mengmeng was thinking in her heart, it would be good to give myself to him

It's just a pity that Yi Nie doesn't know what Mengmeng is thinking at this time. If she knew, she would throw herself on the bed and hug her and kiss her fiercely.
In fact, Mengmeng woke up because of the stomach's protest caused by the scent. She sat up suddenly, but her eyes did not open. She sniffed a few times with her nose and got out of bed following the scent.
Stumbled into the kitchen all the time
Listening to the footsteps behind him, Yi Nie couldn't help but smile, "Get up."

"I'm getting up, but my soul and my thoughts are tightly attached to the bed and I don't want to get up." Mengmeng put her head on Yinie's shoulders, with a pair of small noses, she kept sniffing the fragrance
This made Yi Nie think of a puppy, but still a greedy puppy, she turned around and put her hands on Mengmeng's forehead and pushed her away, "Go and brush your teeth and wash your face."

"I want you to hug me." Mengmeng was pushed away by Yi Nie and leaned closer

"go alone"

"No, you hug me, or I'll bite you again." Mengmeng puffed up her cheeks, staring at Yi Nie with wide eyes.
Yi Nie raised his eyebrows and pointed to his mouth, "Come on, bite here"

Mengmeng: . .Really annoying
Looking at Mengmeng's appearance, Yi Nie smiled, reached out to hug Mengmeng and went to the bathroom, "Daughter-in-law, I think you are getting lazy."

"Because you are here, you are the one who spoils me, otherwise how could I be so lazy?"

"That's it, then I won't pet you anymore"

"No way." Mengmeng stretched out her hand and tightly strangled Yinie's neck with her own wrist, "You have to pamper me, you have to"

"Cough, cough, daughter-in-law, let go, let go, if you don't let go, you will be a widow." Yi Nie stuck out his tongue and coughed
Mengmeng let go, rolled her eyes, "Say, do you want to spoil me in the future?"

"Pet, I pet, I don't pet you, who do you pet?" Alas, it seems that he is making an offering to an old Buddha.

They don't worry about their birthdays, they just need to appear on the stage on that day. However, it is a lie to say that they don't expect it. is an answer: when the day comes you will know
However, now, what kind of decoration did Mama Mama make up their birthday venue, what program did Mabama Mama arrange for them, and what gift should be given to Yi Nie, all of which were left behind by her.

Woooooo, Nie Gege's cooking skills are getting better and better. Woooooo, this crab porridge is really delicious.

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you"

"Yi Nie Gege, your cooking skills are really getting better and better now, delicious food, so happy, Yi Nie Gege is a good man" Mengmeng looked at Yi Nie Jingying with a little moisture in his eyes

Alas, there is a good saying, if you want to grab a person's heart, you have to grab her stomach first, even though he grabs her heart first and then her stomach
At that time, Dad learned to cook in order to catch his mother's heart, and his cooking skills were also trained for his mother. Well, since a man who can cook is considered a good man, his mother is undoubtedly the best in the world. The happiest person in the world, good men are all hers

However, when I think back to the scene when I was trained by my mother, my nose and tears are all caused by the evil novels.

(End of this chapter)

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