Conquer the enchanting palace master

Chapter 736 I am a demon cult, not a bandit

Chapter 736 I am a demon cult, not a bandit

If his wife is not used to anyone, then he must have arranged everything.If she wants to fight by herself, he will help her to restrain her. If she is too lazy to do it, he will do it for her.

What request does she have, as long as she asks him, he will definitely do it.

"Let's not talk about the hands-on things first, but if you didn't look serious about that sword manual, I really think you are mocking me on purpose." Su Yuan rolled his eyes at him directly, "I didn't know that sword manual How can I understand it, it is very difficult to understand by myself.”

"Of course this is normal, everyone is like this."

"But your explanation is much more detailed than those elders in the school who teach. Even the master has never explained the sword manual to us in such a detailed way. If I still can't understand, I will really be fooled to death by myself."

When this guy explained the sword manual to her, he seemed to have endless patience, trying to explain all the points in the most detail.If she can't understand immediately after his explanation, then she can really pack up and go down the mountain to farm.

Martial arts is not suitable for such a fool.

"How can my wife be stupid?" Mu Qinghan was quite dissatisfied with Su Yuan's description, "It's all about understanding, you just need to understand, and it's fine if you don't."

"As for actually encountering an opponent, it depends on the individual's reflexes and experience. This kind of thing must be accumulated slowly and cannot be forced."

"You have little experience in dealing with the enemy, so it's normal that you sometimes can't react well. For me, with more experience, I will naturally look stronger."

After so many years of licking blood with the tip of a knife, his understanding of swordsmanship is naturally much deeper than that of his own wife.

In short, from Mu Qinghan's point of view, her daughter-in-law's full understanding is definitely not because she is stupid, but because she has too little experience.His daughter-in-law is good everywhere, how could she be stupid?
"Okay, okay, don't excuse me." Su Yuan was a little embarrassed by what he said, "I know what level I am, and you can't blow a flower."

"I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a person with average talent. Anyway, I still have you. If you don't understand anything, you can ask. It's no big deal."

While chatting with Mu Qinghan, a black shadow suddenly appeared in her peripheral vision.Turning her head to take a closer look, she realized that the boat that picked them up had arrived at this time.

"It's this boat, right?" Su Yuan wasn't worried about admitting her mistake, after all, a large boat suddenly appeared in this deserted place, and she really couldn't think of what else the other party could do besides picking up people.

"En." Mu Qinghan nodded, "Let's go back in this seat."

As he said that, he hugged Su Yuan directly into his arms, and moved towards the direction of the ship as soon as possible.

After him, Ye Wuhen and the others followed closely, and landed on the deck steadily.

The boat that came to pick them up was huge and had all the facilities.After Su Yuan wandered around in it, she had to sigh again, this guy is indeed very rich!
"Why are you so rich?" Su Yuan asked suspiciously, "Everyone is from the quack, why am I so poor? Could it be that you came here by robbery?"

He doesn't look like the kind of businessman who can make money, how can he live in such a luxurious way?

"I'm a demon cult, not a bandit." Mu Qinghan pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, "I have a lot of property under my name, and there are people who take care of it. I have money to spend, it's normal."

(End of this chapter)

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