Conquer the enchanting palace master

Chapter 328 1 Question 3 I Don't Know

Chapter 328
Once, every scar on his body... was a painful memory for him.When you see it, you will think of those unpleasant things.

Over time, he also developed the habit of smoothing them out.

Seeing her surprised expression, he knew without even thinking that she must be slandering him for being hypocritical, and that a big man still uses such things as jade muscle ointment.

"Oh." Being aware of his thoughts, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Su Yuan's face.

In order to hide the embarrassment, she had no choice but to quickly put away the ointment, and then changed the subject, "Since you have dealt with them before, do you know the approximate number of them here?"

He had admitted before that the deaths of those people from southern Xinjiang had something to do with him. Perhaps, he also knew some information that they didn't know.

Perhaps, like them, he was called to take over because the people he sent out for the first time were limited in strength and had no choice but to retreat.

If so... perhaps they could share intel?
However, before she finished her wishful thinking, the clear voice, like the sound of a scorching piano, interrupted her thoughts, "I don't know."

This is true.

Although because of her, he personally paid attention to the forces infiltrating in Nanjiang, but the work was still done by the people below.

He didn't do everything himself, and he didn't know many details.When the people below report the situation, they usually focus on the key points and don't report everything.

So he really doesn't know the specific situation here.

However, no matter how many people there are on the other side, he is not worried.Because under the absolute strength gap, the number of people is not so important.

"Then have you fought against those people in Tsing Yi before?" Seeing that he didn't know the number of opponents, Su Yuan changed another starting point and continued to ask, "How strong are they among that group of people?"

She wanted to know if there was anyone stronger than the man in Tsing Yi.

If not, then as long as Senior Sister and the others rendezvous with Second Senior Brother, they should not be in danger again.

If there is, then things may be a little troublesome...

"I don't know, it's my first fight today." Mu Qinghan still answered her question honestly, but the answer... can't help but make people feel hard to explain...

Su Yuan twitched her lips helplessly, and asked her last question, "How much do you know about their purpose?"

Everyone is here, it is always because of some information, right?His power has sent out such a powerful person as him, and he may know the purpose of the people in southern Xinjiang.

However, Mu Qinghan's answer disappointed her again.

"I don't know." The four words almost made Su Yuan wonder if he didn't want to tell the truth and deliberately deceived her.

Pursing her lips, she said bluntly, "I'm not asking you unilaterally, I want to exchange information with you."

"Since everyone has the same goal, why can't they cooperate?"

"We can communicate with each other. You tell me the information you know, and I can tell you the information I know."

"Mutual benefit and win-win, how wonderful."

"But I really don't know." Mu Qinghan's face darkened, and he said with a little displeasure, "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

Regarding that group of people, he didn't gain much.The only thing of value seems to be a messy map.

Those signs, his people have not finished exploring.So he really didn't know the purpose of those people from southern Xinjiang.

(End of this chapter)

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