Disciples are all debts

Chapter 14 Master Uncle Is Very Busy

Chapter 14 Master Uncle Is Very Busy

Because he was given a bowl of medicine by the little apprentice in the middle of the night, he fell into a deep sleep without dreams and no disturbed mood, so he accidentally woke up late again.After tidying himself up, he suddenly found that the inn was deliberately quiet.

Full of suspicion, I just stepped out of the room and was about to go downstairs when I was startled at the top of the stairs.

In the lobby downstairs of the inn, Shushan disciples were all standing there, neatly dressed and ready to fight.As soon as our side appeared, the greeting of "Master Zhang Zao" sounded, and the sound hit the roof.

The shock made me come back to my senses after a while: "What time is it?"

"Back to the head, it's noon."

I looked surprised.From behind the disciples came Qiantuiyou's calm and generous remark: "I said it a long time ago, your sect leader likes to sleep in. You really don't need to stand in line here early in the morning. Look, this little girl is so hungry that she is about to faint."

I hurried downstairs and apologized: "Ah, you don't have to wait for me in the future. If this happens again, you can go back."

"Master Uncle! You don't want disciples anymore?" Lan Ruo rushed out from the side and tried to kneel and hug her thighs again.

As soon as I lifted the hem of my clothes, I took a quick step, and flashed to an empty table in an instant, pulled out the bench, threw my clothes and sat down, all done in one go.

The nephew, Sun Yi, was taken aback, and turned around to follow the table. Just as I pulled a bench away, a figure snatched him away and sat down first.

Lan Ruo stared at her almond-shaped eyes, turned her head to look, and instantly turned her anger into flattery: "Good morning, little uncle."

Tianji nodded, relying on her seniority, she ordered: "It's time for breakfast. Master wants to use porridge, which should be light and not meaty."

In view of the current time, I suggested: "It's better to have lunch directly, and it will save trouble."

When it comes to insignificant details, the little apprentice always insists stubbornly: "No, master has a high fever all night, so let's eat porridge to recuperate first. You can't save breakfast."

Lan Ruo was undecided, not knowing who to listen to, suddenly caught the key word, her eyes widened, and she exclaimed in surprise, "Master uncle had a high fever all night? Why didn't I know? I even talked to master uncle half the time!"

At this time, another figure blurred in front of me, sat across from me, and took out a row of small medicine bottles, "Senior Brother Mu is sick?! Come on, take a dose of my Luojiashan panacea!"

Swish, a few figures flashed afterward, several Shushan disciples were starving, but still respectfully held up a few medicine bags: "Master, this is the elixir of our Shushan, please take it as you like!"

"..." I turned my head, "I'm ready."

After finally waiting for the purple potato and white fungus porridge, I held a spoon to take a sip, and saw a crowd of people gathered around me, with sincere eyes, as if looking up at a totem.

All of them had holy light on their faces, and I couldn't get rid of them, so I had to resist a circle of sincere gazes, and performed the totem drinking porridge.Everyone is satisfied with this.

After I finished my meal, the inn returned to order. Of course, there are only Shushan and Luojiashan factions in the inn right now, because they are jointly reserved by these two factions.There are no other idlers.

I went to the roof to get some air, and by the way, I kidnapped Yuu Chitose.

"Mu Xiaowei, you have countless subordinates now, why are you still flirting with me, brother?" Chitose You, who was always abandoned, stared at me.

"Put away your resentful woman's face first." I found a ridge and sat down, overlooking the courtyard of the inn. Tianji squatted by the well to wash my clothes. Lan Ruo begged to change hands several times but was rejected. Qiantoseyou, who changed his face to the side very quickly and instantly transitioned from the face of resentment to the face of gossip, "I have something to tell you."

"Hurry up, save the rendering and get to the point!" A raging fire ignited in the eyes of a certain person who couldn't wait.

I paused, and said directly: "I'm going out for a while, you take care of Tianji and Wangcai, and take care of the disciples of Shushan."

Chitose worry instantly exploded: "Fucking Mu Xiaowei, you're leaving me alone again! Why are you going?"

I said: "We will pay homage to the Moon Sect Master for a while."

Qiantoseyou's eyes lit up again: "Is that the moon worship leader who is neither male nor female, can be male or female, has unparalleled beauty, and perverted taste?"

I glanced at him: "Dead your dirty heart as soon as possible, the strength of the Moon Worshiper is not inferior to mine, if you go, you will die, or die in vain, I will not avenge you."

Qiantui Youjiang stared: "Worshiping the Moon is not under you, so what are your chances of winning? You are planning to go and never return. What is it if you are not Tuogu?"

I slowly raised my hand, rolled up my sleeves, and said slowly: "It's rare for the old man to be humble, and you think that there is no return."

Chitose looked at me out of the corner of his eye: "Bah! You have no opponent, but who had a high fever last night? You can beat yourself to death if you have no opponent!"

I looked far away: "Anyway, I can't die for the time being."

"Yes, you can't die for the time being, but what about in the future? Who will take care of Xiaoji? Poor Xiaobaicai, she was left alone for no reason."

Turning my gaze, I cast a glance into the courtyard. Tianji's small face was hidden behind the clothes that were hung up to dry, and she always glanced at the roof worriedly.

"Let's talk about the future. I'll leave today and come back in three or two days. If you don't come back, you must stop Tianji from looking for me." After thinking about it, before Chitose Worry exploded, I Add another sentence, "Don't come looking for me either. Don't think too much. If I don't come back, I must have other things. It may not be that I was killed."

Chitose looked at me with a tangled expression for a long time, but still couldn't feel relieved: "Then can you promise me that there will be no accidents?"

I pondered for a moment: "If there is a sudden landslide, tsunami and sky collapse, I really can't guarantee it."

Hearing this, Qian Suyou finally grinned: "Mu Xiaowei, are you swearing forever to me?" Before he finished laughing, he rolled down the roof with a voice of "Aww", "Mu Xiaowei, you are really against Lao Tzu! Always abandon!"

Everyone in the yard followed the sound and looked at me.I apologized: "Ah, I accidentally slipped my hand."

Taking advantage of the chaos, I jumped down from the shadow of the roof ridge, and stood in the shadow of the bamboo forest behind the inn, standing with my back, looking at the thousand knots of bamboo.

Sure enough, the sound of light footsteps came from behind, stepping on the fallen leaves, approaching slowly with extreme caution, "Master?"

I swept my consciousness out of the bamboo forest, and there was no one else, so I turned around in peace of mind, and saw Tianji standing under the bamboo forest, the brows of the distant mountains and the bamboo leaves complement each other, and the emerald green of the world and the green of a person are printed in the deep pool of my eyes. The figure in the shirt is lush and strong, green and green.It's unbearable to look at this picture-like look.

Sensing that I was hesitant to speak, she hurried closer, suppressing the concerns in her eyes, and asked tentatively: "Master is planning to go back to Shushan? People in Shushan are not good to Master, right?"

The little apprentice is thoughtful and always likes to think wildly, but the concern in her eyes is thick and deep, as if her master needs her protection.I couldn't help laughing and said, "Who said that? I came out of Taohuawu as a teacher. Of course I have to go back to Taohuawu. As far as Shushan is a teacher, there is only old love."

The half-believing little apprentice let go of any entanglement, and fixed me with a pair of phoenix eyes, as if afraid that I would fly away: "Then what is the master coming to this hidden place to say?"

I looked at her and smiled, and said intentionally: "As a teacher, I just came to see the scenery, what are you doing here?"

The little apprentice lowered his head and touched his nose, his eyes were scrambling, "I, I saw that the master behaved differently, and suddenly disappeared from everyone's eyes, but it seemed that he deliberately left a clue for the disciple, I, I I came after it."

I stopped teasing her, and I slowly said what I had thought up: "Well, it's like this, Teacher suddenly thought of visiting an old friend, just outside Jiangling City. But this old guy has a quirk, he doesn't see strangers, Therefore, as a teacher, you must go alone, and it is difficult to stay for a few days, and you and the Shushan disciples stay at the inn, don't run around, and wait for the teacher to come back." After speaking in one breath, he moved his eyes away.

The little apprentice who was suddenly suspicious stared at me suspiciously, and did not relax for a moment, "Really?"

"Oh!" I nodded, still looking at the bamboo.

Tianji looked at me silently, and after a long time, she said meaningfully: "That disciple is waiting for Master to come back."

I breathed a sigh of relief and happily agreed.

As the breeze swept by, the bamboo forest swayed, and layers of green leaves fell in the air, holding the little sunlight in the leaf bends, interweaving a bright light.I raised my hand to catch a bamboo leaf, put it between my fingers, put it between my lips, and played an unknown ditty out of my excitement.

Bamboo shadows whirling, forest sounds clear and clear, going up to Xiaohan, chasing flying flowers, entering secluded bamboo, cadenced and melodious like flowing waves.As soon as the song fell, I took the small leaf between my fingers and flicked into the bamboo forest under the wind.

The little apprentice was immersed in the tune and hadn't fully woken up yet, with a dazed expression, "Master blows it really nicely. I've never seen anyone blow bamboo leaves so melodiously."

I smiled modestly: "Actually, your master is better at blowing."

"Master? Daoist Chongxu?" Tianji blinked, "Master seems to have something to do with Sumeru Palace, I heard it when I was young."

"Your master ancestor was the leader of the righteous way back then, and he controlled the rivers and lakes by himself, so naturally he has something to do with the Western Sumeru Palace."

"Probably more than this level?" Tianji looked eager to try.

I patted the top of my little apprentice's hair, and said: "The past of your master and the master of the Sumeru Palace is all old history in the world. We don't care what outsiders say, but our younger generations have to hide it for the venerable." , don’t chew your tongue.”

"Oh." Tianji lowered her eyes and didn't study further.

After being lonely with Qiantui worry... No... After giving instructions, I explained to Tianji again, and I spoke to the head of Tang in Luojia Mountain again, and fed chicken legs to Wangcai, ordering the disciples of Shushan He was on standby and was about to step out of the inn gate.Suddenly, his feet sank, as if he was firmly bound by someone.I looked down and saw that it was Lan Ruo.

The nephew Sun Yiruan, who hugged my leg and knelt down, said: "Uncle Master, bring Lan Ruo to rescue..."

With a flick of my hand, I hit the dumb acupoint on the side of her neck, leaned close to her ear, and lowered my voice so that no one could hear me: "If you leak anything out, don't call me Shishuzu in the future. Especially don't tell your little master uncle."

Lan Ruo immediately blushed and nodded stupidly.Only then did I slap her dumb hole.

When I got up, I smiled happily at the unknown people in the inn hall: "Everyone stay, I will come back as soon as I go."

For a moment, the head of Tang and many female disciples blushed and lowered their heads.

Qiantoseyou hugged Wangcai and grinded his teeth: "Why don't you laugh so blindly! Shameless!"

Wangcai seconded: "Aww——"

I ignored it, and in a blink of an eye, I saw Tianji following a few steps, barely stopping inside the door, "Master, be careful!"

"Yeah." I glanced at her a few times, and finally decided to turn around and leave.

Leaving the inn, I no longer suppressed my footsteps, and directly used my magic walking to leave Jiangling and go up to Wu Gorge.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon set foot in the Central Plains, and the place where he lived temporarily, that is, the place where he left Piaoyazi, was so close to Shushan Mountain.

I put the boat on the river, stand alone in the boat, use my internal strength to go against the river, the sound of apes on both sides of the river, Wushan Mountain is extremely hopeful, and within half a day I can see the graceful posture of the Goddess Peak.

Exactly, the Gaotang Chu Palace is gone, and the goddess is hidden in mist.

The boat travels to the Goddess Peak, where the cliffs are lined up, the peaks are majestic, majestic, the canyon is deep, the passing water flows vertically, the waves beat the shore, and the river wind whimpers.

"Mu Taiwei, head of Shu Mountain, come here for a visit—"

The echoes overlap, and the sound shakes mountains and rivers, crashing into layers of mountains and deep pools and canyons, and lasts for a long time.

Not long after, a figure in white clothes appeared on the Goddess Peak, his clothes fluttered by the mountain wind, as if he was about to transform into a feather and leave immediately.The peak stands a hundred feet high, and it is hundreds of feet away from Jiangbo.I fixed my eyes and saw that person's brows were vague, as if he had seen him before.

The other party also carried the internal force to transmit the sound: "Master Mu, please!" The ending sound hides a smile, and the voice is also slightly familiar.

I stood on the boat and gestured: "It's too high, I can't go up."

A wave of Bai Lian was struck from the man's hand, as if extending endlessly, it fell straight to the bottom of the river like a long dragon, splashing a jet of water.Bai Lian Qianjiang was stirred up for a while, and he didn't know which stone pillar under the water got entangled.A section of Baizhang soft rainbow was built out of thin air.An expert's skill, showing a little clue, is not bad.

I abandoned the boat and leaped to the middle of the river, stepped on this Bailian Hongqiao, faced the strong wind, surrounded by clouds and fog, and flew all the way up the Wu Gorge, with strange peaks and towering peaks under my feet.Up to the Goddess Peak, she shifted shape and shadow instantly, and landed on the ground.

"Sect Leader Mu is so light!" Someone in front of him praised him.

Only then did I see him clearly, "Is it you?"

"It's rare that Master Mu still remembers me." The man in white smiled, with a coquettish demeanor and a raging evil spirit. His words and actions were full of demonic aura. He was the priest of the Moon Worship Sect, Dongxian.

"You haven't settled your debt for injuring my apprentice." I said without pretending.

"As an apology, I will lead Sect Master Mu to meet our leader?" Dongxian still smiled complacently.

Since I came to rescue Piao Yazi's master and apprentice, I will save this account for the time being, but of course I don't like this person, "Thank you."

Dongxian led the way, and I fell behind for a certain distance. I looked around casually, and I always felt that this person was not reliable. If you want to save someone, you must first watch the road.However, the dangerous peaks and cliffs on the Wu Gorge are similar to Shushan Mountain, so it is not so easy to stop people from Shushan Mountain.This leads to two more things.One is that Piao Yazi was trapped, so he must have used other insidious means; the other is that the Moon Worship Leader chose this place, there must be something hidden.

While I was thinking about how to escape 36 times if I failed to capture the Moon Worshiper alive, Dongxian took me to a cave on the Goddess Peak. The entrance of the cave was dark and malicious.I stopped.

Thinking that I was suspicious, Dongxian smiled calmly and said: "There is an old friend of Sect Master Mu in the cave mansion. I think Sect Master Mu must meet the old man to catch up with the past before going to visit our leader, right?"

"Well, you can have this, but..." I gestured to the so-called cave with the tip of my eyes, "The old man is more principled, but he doesn't like dark places. What if there are snakes, mice, and insects?"

The Lunatic Priest who stared at me for a moment finally compromised, twisted his fingers, and a cluster of flames ignited, raised his hand and broke a piece of dead wood from the mountain peak, made a temporary torch, held it in his hand, and stepped into the entrance of the cave first. .

I struggled to keep up, stepping carefully, not wanting to step on a mollusc.

The cave was deep and deep, and after walking for a while, it finally opened up and brightened up. It looked like a cave, with tables, beds and people.

A young man with a familiar face was sitting cross-legged on the stone bed and chewing peanuts. When he heard someone coming, he raised his head and screamed, "Xiao Mu! You were arrested too?"

I was also very surprised: "Mr. Lin?"

Disguise lover, Mr. Lin Mengxi.

Dongxian hung the torch on the stone wall and retreated: "You two are talking about the past, I won't bother you." After saying that, it disappeared like a gust of wind.

Lin Mengxi jumped off the stone bed, ran to my side, dragged me onto the kang, swept the peanut shells casually, with an enthusiastic and apprehensive expression: "Xiao Mu, come and have a rest, don't be afraid."

I didn't expect to meet Mr. Lin at this moment, I was stunned for a moment, and Mr. Lin stuffed me with a handful of cooked peanuts.

"Mr. Lin, why are you here?" I'll just sort out the clues.

I saw Mr. Lin's bright eyes dimmed immediately, with a look of crying, he pulled my cuff, and said in a whisper: "Since Qinfang left, I have been tossing and turning, Xiaomu, you left without saying goodbye, and then I I also left Taoyuan Town and lived in the rivers and lakes for a while. Before I knew it, it was the full [-]th month. Didn’t I be planted by Qing Ye with a love Gu? ..."

So I sent it to my door and asked for the antidote.

But wait, I was surprised: "Qing Ye? On Shennv Peak?"

Lin Mengxi said: "Yes."

I looked at him with a complicated expression: "Qingye is the leader of worshiping the moon?"

Lin Mengxi blinked: "Probably, but I'm not from the Jianghu, so I don't care about these things."

It was rumored that the moon worship leader who was neither male nor female was actually a woman.I sorted out the clues, and came up with a shocking idea: "Could it be that the worship of the Moon Sect Master is a consideration of coveting beauty?" But my senior brother Piao Yazi is very old, so he can't be associated with beauty.

"So Xiaomu, you were also taken captive?"

The question seemed to have gone to an unimaginable angle, I sighed, peeled a peanut and ate it, "I came here by myself."

Lin Mengxi was taken aback, and jumped up again, "Xiao Mu, run away quickly! Being planted with a love gu is worse than death, you will never want to suffer that feeling!"

I told him to calm down, "Don't worry, it's not that easy to make the Moon Worshiper succeed. By the way, let me ask you something, have you ever seen a mature and prudent middle-aged Taoist priest on the Goddess Peak?"

"Middle-aged?" Mr. Lin grabbed the keyword and shook his head without thinking, "How could there be a middle-aged person? Qingye likes the most beautiful young people. After moving to Goddess Peak, he changed his taste somehow. You like the young and handsome Taoist priest, so The cave on the West Peak has locked up many trail masters, all of whom are sixteen or seventeen years old."

Hearing this, I frowned: "She won't even let go of her family?" So frantic.

Lin Mengxi looked lonely: "Her taste is getting more and more curious."

I fell into a difficult thought.Since the Lord of Worshiping the Moon likes teenagers, and out of a certain curiosity, she prefers cultivators recently, then what is the purpose of her asking Piao Yazi to imprison him and his whereabouts are unknown?You can't be curious for the sake of middle-aged and old people, right?I couldn't help shivering.

For the sake of my brother's personal safety, and for the sake of the innocence of Shu Shan's acting head, I must make a quick decision.

"Where does the Lord of Worshiping the Moon live? I'll go meet her and ask her to let her go." I got up from the stone bed.

Lin Mengxi grabbed me and was terrified: "Xiao Mu, don't get overthinking it! Before she has any ideas about you, run away!"

"To be honest, I'm here to save my brother." I said frankly.

Seeing that I was determined to save people, Lin Mengxi gritted her teeth: "That can't be forced, Qingye has too many tricks, Xiao Mu, you are too simple, you will suffer!"

The simple old man paused: "Mr. Lin, what better way?"

Lin Mengxi stretched out a finger: "One word, outsmart!"

When I put on a Daoist robe and keg scarf, disguised as a mysterious Taoist priest, and touched the Xifeng Prisoner, I saw a group of young Taoist priests in the cave with dejected expressions, and their faces were full of despair.I counted them, and there were about 20 people of the same age, but the colors of their Taoist clothes were different. It can be seen that they were captured separately from various Taoist temples.

I automatically put myself into the role, and said the channel number: "Fellow Taoists, the poor Taoist came from the East and passed through the Wu Gorge. He heard that there was something wrong here, so he came here to meddle in his own business, no... he came here to rescue you all. Don't panic, I wonder if there are any other fellow Taoists imprisoned here?"

The little Taoist priests stared at me blankly for a moment, but no one made a sound.

I had no choice but to put on a more sincere tone: "Pindao promises to Sanqing that he will rescue you!"

After moving out of Tianzun, the expressions of the little Taoist priests were a little shaken, one of them stepped out and slapped his head: "This fairy elder, it's not that we don't want to leave, it's that we have all been poisoned by the demon girl, and we can't escape for a few days. As for whether the witch imprisoned other people, we don't know."

I sized him up: "Fellow Daoist, do you know what kind of Gu you have?"

The little Taoist shook his head in despair: "I don't know."

I thought about it again: "Then do you know where the antidote is, I will steal it for you."

The eyes of the little Taoist priests were gradually ignited, as if seeing the dawn of hope.

"The antidote is under the witch's pillow!"

"..." Pindao, who originally wanted to save all sentient beings, suddenly had a bad premonition.

After leaving the prison, the old man wandered around Xifeng again, but he still didn't find other prisons.As night fell, I followed the light in the mountain and found a strange cave where several maids walked out.I hid my figure in the dark and sneaked into the cave without a trace.

The cave is wide and dimly lit by a lamp. A woman is lying on the stone table with a wine jug in one hand, not moving.I smelled alcohol, so I must have been drunk, so I couldn't help but feel relieved, whether she was the Moon Worshiper or not, I checked under the pillow first.

I walked out of the shadows without a sound and touched the stone bed.Before he put his hand under the pillow, he felt that there was a difference in the aura at the moment, and he was about to withdraw, but he heard a voice behind him.

"Have you summoned someone tonight, or did you come from the pillow seat?"

I froze on the spot: "Pindao is just passing by, seems to have lost his way, let's go now, don't disturb the girl's rest."

Before I could take a step, a strong force came from behind me, and I dodged away. At the same time, I lifted the corner of the pillow with one hand, but was firmly pressed against the side of the pillow by the continuous domineering force, which was quite strong.Pindao rolled up his sleeves, he couldn't lift the pillow if he didn't believe it!
The fragrant wind and gust of wind from behind hit me together, cutting towards my lower back.The old man was afraid of flashing his old waist, so he stopped flashing immediately, put one hand on the pillow, rolled up the sleeve of his Taoist robe with the other, brewed a carefree flick, and hit the back.Sure enough, the gust of wind in front dispersed suddenly, but it seemed to be collapsed, and there was a sense of chaos that was self-defeating.I haven't thoroughly brushed this free-for-all exercise to the end.

"Who... are you?" There was an imperceptible vibrato in the voice, letting out the domineering arrogance that was just me.

"Poverty is from the east..." I was perfunctory while pulling out a small pouch from under my pillow.

The strong wind picked up again, and a hand patted my shoulder. I took advantage of the trend and caught it. The touch was soft and boneless, but it didn't prevent the old man from throwing it to the stone bed, ready to evacuate.Unexpectedly, the person who was crushed to pieces the stone pillow was not afraid of death, and grabbed my arm with his backhand, vowing to take back the medicine bag.Regarding the antidote for everyone's life and death, I didn't dare to be careless, so I immediately transferred the medicine bag.

Fighting and scrambling, unconsciously, I have gone through hundreds of moves.When he was about to subdue him with one move at last, his internal force suddenly froze and stopped moving, he hit the road at once, was pulled by the witch, and fell to the stone platform.

"Hey, I really want to recommend myself a pillow seat."

The demon girl also pointed out the acupoints in my heart and sealed my internal energy, but when I searched for the medicine sachet, I couldn't find it, "Where did you hide my sachet?"

The old man was lying on the stone bed, sighing deeply that the world is going down, and the Taoist voice is immeasurable, and he is turned over all over his body.

The witch raised her hand, and the candlestick on the table flew to her hand.She put the candlelight on my face, "So it's you!"

The old man who had adjusted his breath for a while opened his eyes and took a look at her, and saw her familiar face: "The poor Taoist sees that the benefactor is kind, so it is better to be a kind person and release the young Taoist priests who have been arrested."

"It's only been a few days, and you don't even remember me." After throwing the candle back to the table, the witch sat down on the stone bed, smiling evilly, "Yuejun Inn, I even drank a glass of wine with you. "

It was her!Old Fu suddenly felt that his fortune has been poor recently, and he always encountered some evil stars.Thinking of the strange thing that was inexplicably driven into the body by this demon girl on the night of the Lantern City, I am afraid it is also a Gu.

I was about to get up, but she pressed a few acupuncture points quickly, my body went limp, so I had no choice but to continue to rest: "Since we met once, why don't you let Pindao go?"

"Since we are predestined, how can I let you go easily, don't you think so?" She took the time to look at me, "Besides, you have been planted with the most cherished Gu by this seat, how do you leave this seat?"

After hearing this, the old man immediately got up and sat down, and slowly showed a black bug out of his palm: "Is it this one?"

The smug expression on her face suddenly disappeared, and she unconsciously walked away from me: "How did you do it?!"

"Miss Qingye is the leader of worshiping the moon, why is she so disrespectful, don't you know that the Central Plains has its own anti-gu technique?" I said it calmly, as if this kind of common sense should be known by everyone.

I saw the demon girl's face was full of surprise and doubt, she didn't know whether she believed it or not, she still looked at me secretly and was wary of me: "Really, then why have I never missed it?"

I adjusted my internal breath in my palm, turned the Gu worms into dust in a blink of an eye, and patted them off with my palm: "That's why the leader has not met the poor."

"Who on earth are you?" A question gnashed his teeth.

"Hasn't the leader already guessed it?" I made a formula, and offered the Xiaoyao Kung Fu method to my fingertips. With a flick of my finger, a moth fluttering on the candlestick was cut off from its wings and landed on the table with a snap, temporarily saving my life. One life, although not for long.

The charming girl who has not changed her beauty but has been branded by the years in the corners of her eyes is suddenly happy and sad, looking at me as if piercing through a layer of void, "20 years, I saw Xiaoyao again , I really want to...kill you."

I made a look of embarrassment: "But Pindao has no grievances or enmities with you."

With a sound of "bang", the stone table was split in half by a violent woman, the half with the candlestick was still safe, and the other half was humiliated and humiliated on the ground.

"Don't the Taoist priest know that there is a word for venting anger in this world?"

"Immortals value life, and there is no limit to people. Injustices have heads and debts have owners. Dead friends don't die poor people. Donors stay behind, and poor people say goodbye." The disciples told me, remember to run when you encounter danger.Rolling up his sleeves, the old man teleported a few feet away, another step and he was about to escape completely.

"Since the Daoist is not the rescuer brought by Shushan, I just lighted the sky lantern with the head of your acting head." A soft sigh whispered.

The old man almost hit the stone gate with one step, turned back, found a stone bench and sat down: "Senior, what is your deep hatred for Shushan?"

The next moment, the old man's stone bench was chopped into ashes. After dusting off his clothes, the old man found another stone bench.

The seductive face of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon alternated between hot and cold, with a mixture of jealousy and hatred: "You dare to call me senior again, and I will tell you to be buried in Wu Gorge with Piao Yazi, and feed fish with your body!"

I let out a long cry: "Sorry, I forgot that Senior is also a woman who cares about her age..."

With a bang, another stone bench was smashed to pieces, and I continued looking for a place to sit.

In front of the seat in the Piguang Cave Mansion of the Patriarch of Worshiping the Moon, I finally felt tired and wanted to find some tea.Sitting a few feet away from her, I waved my sleeves and stretched out my hand, a cup of tea on half of the stone table flew towards me steadily, I took it and drank it, and then returned the teacup.

The leader of Moon Worship silently said in a cold voice: "You are so brave, I didn't see it before. You returned my medicine bag, I can consider treating you as a guest."

I sat comfortably and said calmly, "Then how can it be, the poor Taoist has to save those little Taoist priests who have fallen into the hands of the leader. They always have no grievances with you, why bother to harm the Taoist sect, and hurt Your own blessing?"

"It turns out that the Taoist priest is here to save all living beings." The Lord of Worshiping the Moon raised his eyebrows in disdain, "If those stinky Taoist priests and Piao Yazi can only save one side, who are you going to save?"

I was surprised and said: "If Pindao saves one side, he can save the other side, how can there be a situation where he can only save one side?"

The Moon Worshiper who stared at me for a while was forced to sneer: "Arrogance!"

"Acceptance." I cupped my hands.

In this atmosphere of looking at each other and hating each other, the priest of the Moon Worship Sect, Dongxian, came with a candle, entered the stone gate, and attracted attention to the messy scene of broken tables and chairs inside, and then took a look at me. Just owed to the woman at the head.

"Master, who will serve you tonight?"

The woman who had been irritated to the point of insanity raised her hand and pointed at me, saying viciously, "He!"

Dongxian seemed to be surprised: "Master Shushan Mu?"

"Shushan sect master?" The leader of worshiping the moon twitched his brows, his face became gloomy, and he glanced at me, "You are the sect master, so what is your relationship with Piao Yazi?"

"He is Pindao's senior brother, so no matter what, Pindao will rescue him." I replied sincerely.

The master of worshiping the moon turned his face to look out of a window opened on the stone wall, his expression was cold: "So, you are both his own disciples?"

Dongxian lit the candle on the stone wall, and looked at me secretly in the light and shadow, not knowing if it was a hint.I didn't figure it out, and couldn't comprehend this hint, so I said casually, "Who is it?"

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon suddenly looked at me: "Who did you learn from?"

I respectfully said: "Master Chongxu Daoist."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the Moon Worshiper's gaze is between trance and chill, which is quite complicated and difficult to distinguish. I don't know if it's brewing murderous intent or reminiscing about the past, which sets off her seductive face that conceals the years like ice and snow.The whole room fell into an eerie silence, only the faint sound of the dancing candlelight, reflecting the tall and graceful figure of the female leader, as if she was staying in the years for someone.

In this situation, I dare not speculate, as if I want to touch the secret buried deep in the ruins of time.

The leader of Moon Worship, who was suddenly silent and then suddenly spoke, said coldly: "Then you can't blame me. Who told you to be that person's disciples?"

As soon as the words were finished, she slapped the head of the bed with one hand, a mechanism rang, and the old man's feet were empty, and the whole person fell into the most hated darkness in his life.There was a rapid fall, until the old man landed in a space smoothly, gusts of cool wind blew up, his feet stepped on the ground, and the light reappeared.

"Taiwei?" Someone actually called me.

I squinted my eyes, adapted to the sudden light, and saw clearly that this place was a sealed cave, and two figures gradually moved towards it.The first person, with slightly disheveled hair, but neat clothes, bored in solemn face, surprised in bored, is Piao Yazi.Followed by a young man, simple and stable, respectful and respectful, he immediately bent towards me, bowed his arms in salute, his eyes sparkled: "Yuan Bai has met Master Uncle!"

I groaned: "So you master and apprentice are here, you can be considered to have found it, but you can't get out right now."

I briefly explained the ins and outs, and Piao Yazi also briefly explained the process of the middle set.It turns out that worshiping the moon to ask the head of Shushan to ask the master is a trap.Yuan Bai went first, and was hit by the poisonous miasma set by the Moon Worship Sect.Naturally, Piao Yazi couldn't sit idly by, so he could only seek the antidote with his own body.The antidote has been found, so it can be seen that Baiyuejiao's move is not to kill them.Piao Yazi put himself in danger and did not hesitate to be imprisoned, because he wanted to find out the purpose of Moon Worship Sect's trip, but no, Moon Worship Sect never gave him a chance to figure it out.

Piao Yazi felt slightly apologetic: "Junior Brother, I have troubled you."

I waved my hand and leaned against the stone wall to meditate: "Looks like there is no food or tea here, brother, why don't you save some energy, when the Moon Worshiper finds out with his conscience, maybe he will let us out."

"How could that witch find out with conscience." Piao Yazi sat down weakly, "She is venting her anger, unless she tortures us to death, her anger cannot be dispelled."

Hearing this, Piao Yazi seemed to know something.I just inquired: "What kind of grievances does she have with Shushan?"

Piao Yazi paused, breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't hide his smirk: "Junior brother doesn't know, it's naturally a grievance with Master."

I glanced at my nephew and teacher, the child seemed to understand, and immediately looked at his nose, nose, and heart, and don't listen to evil.I glanced at Piao Yazi with dissatisfaction: "Senior brother, you should be taboo about elders."

Only then did Piao Yazi restrain his tone, and frowned: "Junior, do you know the reason why Worshiping the Moon Sect has not violated the Central Plains for 20 years?"

I shook my head: "I don't know."

Piao Yazi said in a deep voice, "It's because of Master!"

I was surprised for a moment, but then felt it was reasonable, and then I was not so surprised: "Oh, Master, he is indeed an old man who can shock the world."

Piao Yazi looked at me sarcastically: "Junior brother thinks very simply. Even though Master is strong enough to deter Nanjiang, after his old man left, Nanjiang still did not violate the Central Plains until 20 years later. Don't you find it strange?"

"Since it's because of the master, I think it's because the master and her have a 20-year agreement not to offend each other." I deduced along the reason.

"A generation of witches from the Demon Sect can keep their promises, do you think it's only the Jianghu agreement?" Piao Yazi looked at me with heavy eyes.

My brows twitched, my bad premonition came out, I raised my hand to press the center of my brows, and said in a dark voice, "Brother, don't speak nonsense."

"I found out the private letters between them from the relics of the master. They are not involved in the rivers and lakes or in the martial arts." Piao Yazi said in a quiet voice, "I only mentioned the similarities and differences between the scenery of southern Xinjiang and Shushan, and when the winter plum blossoms, Send your wishes to the east wind."

A muffled thunder rolled into my ears, and I vented my anger on Piao Yazi: "Why are you digging through Master's relics?"

Piao Yazi said with a sullen face: "If you follow your example and hide yourself in the rivers and lakes, throwing your hands away and ignoring common affairs, how will you know that Master has left a suicide note?"

I don't care about him for the time being, my eyebrows twitched a little: "What does the suicide note say?"

"Ten years later, worship the moon and commit crimes in the north, and use my name to suppress it. Don't mention the date of my death. Taiwei remembers it, and it is very important."

I sat under the stone wall and listened to the last voice of ten years later, as if the old man was just yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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