Chapter 296 Finding the Exit
The white crane was released, and before it was ready to get close to its master, the master looked at it expressionlessly: "Go and catch some wild game!"

Bai He had no choice but to obey obediently.

"Samurai Soul, you go too!" Yang Qingqing ordered.

"Yes, Master!" Samurai Soul was very obedient, and immediately went to look for game.

In less than a moment, Bai He and Samurai Soul caught many of them back.

Xiao Yihan and Samurai Soul were roasting next to them, and several pairs of eyes were staring at them.

Yang Qingqing: *罒▽罒*
Huo Huo:  ̄﹣ ̄
Green dumpling: o( ̄▽ ̄)d
Meow Xiaobai: ﹋o﹋

Zhizhi: (⊙v⊙)
Bai He: ヾ(≧O≦)〃哦~
However, Xiao Yihan and Samurai Soul directly ignored those burning eyes.

"Miss, you eat!" Xiao Yihan handed the roasted chicken legs to Yang Qingqing.

Yang Qingqing held it in her hand, opened her mouth and was about to bite.

Then seeing five pairs of eyes staring at the chicken leg in her hand, she suddenly couldn't bite down.

With a mournful face, I don't know who is better to share it with.

Fortunately, a deer roasted by Samurai Soul was also roasted, and the venison was cut up and placed on the plate.

Put it in front of Yang Qingqing: "Master, please eat!"

"o( ̄▽ ̄)d
Yang Qingqing gave him a big smile back: "Thank you for your hard work!" "

"Not tired!" Samurai continued to cut the meat.

Yang Qingqing looked back at the freshly cut meat, and the table was empty.

Huo Huo's little wings were holding the plate and licking it, and four pairs of eyes looked at it jealously.

A black line was drawn across Yang Qingqing's forehead, and he reprimanded: "Huohuo, why don't you give them some?"

Huohuo put down the plate, her eyes were wet: "Mama, Huohuo is hungry!"

"Huh╭(╯^╰)╮, remember next time, no matter how hungry you are, don't eat it alone!" Yang Qingqing educated it.

"Yeah, Huo Huo got it!" Huo Huo lowered his head like a child who did something wrong, blaming himself.

No way, it really really likes to eat.

The speed of Samurai Soul is very fast, and they cut 6 plates and brought them over, one plate for each person, so there will be no disputes.

Huohuo opened his beak to eat, and another plate went into his stomach.

Look in front of them again, there is still a lot of meat left to eat, it is drooling, but there is a numb lesson, no matter how hungry it is, it will not snatch it.

Yang Qingqing tore off a deer leg and put it in front of it: "Eat it!"

"Thank you Mama!" Huo Huo continued to eat touched.

Yang Qingqing tasted some venison, and then ate Xiao Yihan's grilled chicken legs.

"Xiao Xiao, the chicken legs are very good!" Yang Qingqing praised with a smile.

"I baked it for my husband, of course it's delicious!" The lady praised him, and Xiao Yihan was very proud.

A group of beasts were breeding inside, while Xiao Yihan and Yang Qingqing were studying the ghostly place outside and how to get out.

The research was fruitless, and when the two came out, they were forced to become the main body again.

"Xiao Xiao, I don't know where the hot air balloon we made last time went, how did we leave this time!" Yang Qingqing was distressed.

"Does the strange cat you contracted know?" Xiao Yihan asked.

"Tuantuan doesn't know, it said it was the first time it saw creatures like us." Yang Qingqing expressed helplessness.

"Those little bird people may know." Xiao Yihan said.

"However, it's so difficult to communicate with them!"

Don't listen to their birdsong even if Yang Qingqing is killed.

But in the end, Yang Qingqing had no choice but to try and see if those little angels knew.

Yang Qingqing gestured to the little angels.

She pointed to herself and Xiao Yihan, and then made a gesture of going with her fingers.

The angels whispered.

Angel [-]: "ㄜβ$$f'" (she wants to fly?)

Angel [-]: "ㄛΨξ.κ" (Are they going to heaven?)

The third angel looked at their little wings: δζㄖξΨ¢" (can't move them)
(End of this chapter)

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