Chapter 371
Not long after Su Ruoji entered Glazed City, he felt that most of the immortals he met on the road gave her an extra look, especially the female immortals.However, the vision of an immortal is very subtle. If it wasn't for her strong spiritual sense, and what she revealed was the aura of a martial immortal, Bie Xian wouldn't be so wary, otherwise she wouldn't be able to sense it.

Although Su Ruoji still had the expression of a cold beauty and looked ignorant, he secretly raised his vigilance in his heart.She has never been to this Glazed City, and to the immortals outside the Earth City, she must be a strange female fairy.These passing immortals, who had never known her before, looked at her with special eyes, and she didn't need to make a conclusion to know that there must be something strange in it.

Su Ruoji felt that if the immortals in Liuli City didn't mistook her for another female fairy, then there was something weird in Liuli City that even his ancestors didn't know about.And this kind of inside story is likely to be related to himself, or to the strange fairy who just entered Liuli City, to be more precise, the female fairy.

Su Ruoji couldn't decide which of these two speculations was more accurate.She had to observe those immortals more carefully secretly, and soon she discovered an obvious phenomenon.

From the moment Su Ruoji flew close to the city, from the guards to the immortals she saw along the way, they all looked very old.Not to mention that there are young immortals who look about the same age as her, there are no immortals who look young in their 30s, and everyone looks like they are only 45 years old.

But because he is a fairy, although he doesn't look very young, his skin condition and complexion are in the best condition. Unless his lifespan is approaching, it is absolutely impossible for a fairy to have wrinkles on his face.The body is in the best condition, coupled with the aura of a fairy who has been honed through experience, it is definitely not comparable to young ordinary people in their 30s and [-]s.

But if there is no comparison, there is no harm. Even without looking in the mirror, Su Ruoji can imagine that compared with these immortals, she is undoubtedly a tender grass. It is estimated that she is set off as an old cow.

Regardless of whether she was mistaken for another fairy, or because she was a young fairy, the situation seemed to be unfavorable to her, and the meaningful eyes of those fairy were definitely not welcomed or liked.But these are just Su Ruoji's guesses. She can't run out of the city because of a guess before she knows the real situation. Just because she has to be careful doesn't mean she has to be cowardly.

Therefore, Su Ruoji did not intend to back down at all, but continued to move forward.Of course, she raised her vigilance and carefully observed her surroundings with her spiritual sense, so as not to be unaware of any situation.

As a result, after doing so, Su Ruoji unexpectedly discovered that in Earth City, Su Ruoji had only come into contact with four immortals, and she couldn't see the cultivation base of those four immortals with her eyes.But after she "looked" carefully with her spiritual sense, she realized that the cultivation base of all immortals was lower than hers, and she could "see" it all at once.

Su Ruoji didn't expect that she "saw" the two male immortals whose cultivation base was lower than hers.But her cultivation base is higher than hers, and the other party must use the fairy power to do it. She can't "see" the other party's cultivation base in such an ordinary way of "seeing".Su Ruoji "looked" all the way, and most of the immortals she saw were those who could not "see" their cultivation.

However, there is an immortal among them who should have a much higher cultivation base than her, and she can feel the faint coercion of the other party's momentum on her.This should be a fairy in the late stage of Xianjun, because the sense of oppression in this kind of momentum is similar to the sense of coercion given to her by Taishang Laojun, who is the cultivation base of Xianjun in the later stage.

Fortunately for Su Ruoji, on the streets of Liuli City, she only felt the same coercion as the Taishang Laojun from the body of an immortal.What's even more fortunate is that this fairy just glanced at her casually and then "walked" away, and didn't look at her with that kind of eyes.

Su Ruoji counted in her mind, since she entered the city and "walked" four streets, she met twenty or thirty immortals.There are two cultivation bases lower than hers, one cultivation base is high enough to kill her, and the other cultivation bases are probably only a little bit stronger than her.

Finding that along the way, there is only one immortal who can pose an absolute threat to him, which makes Su Ruoji feel at ease.No matter how many big bosses are still hidden in the city, if you don't see Su Ruoji, just act as if you didn't, and continue to act according to your own plan.

As Su Ruoji walked, he carefully "thought" about the relevant information in the jade slips of the city lord, and made sure that there was no mention of any strange things lurking in the glazed city.However, in this unfamiliar city, no matter if there is any abnormality, she tried her best to find Yulizhai as soon as possible, buy what she wanted, and leave the city as soon as possible.

As long as she can leave Glazed City smoothly, no matter what is weird in Glazed City, it has nothing to do with her.

At this time, Su Ruoji was glad that yesterday evening, he thought that if something went wrong in the glazed city, he would be easily caught by others if he stayed in the glazed city at night.So she deliberately stayed out overnight, planning to enter the city in the morning and try to leave the city in the afternoon.A day is long enough, and it doesn't seem strange to not stay in Liuli City.

Because of the jade slip map, Su Ruoji walked straight without asking for directions. When Su Ruoji reached the sixth street, he "saw" three flamboyant red fairy characters "Yulizhai" from a distance. ".

The building of this Yulizhai is also the standard glazed room, but Yulizhai is better than the houses around it because it is a three-story building.After discovering the target, Su Ruoji "walked" in front of Yulizhai in three or two steps.

The glazed wall seems to be transparent, but Su Ruoji stood one meter away and looked at it, and found that the transparency is just the true color, in fact, you can't see into the wall at all, not to mention the line of sight, even the spiritual sense can't get in. .

No wonder the entire city's buildings are made of this glass-like material. It turns out that it can isolate the spiritual consciousness.Immortals with divine sense must be restricted to some extent in this glazed city.But this Yuli Zhai not only can't "see" through the walls, even the open door, Su Ruoji can't see what's inside.

This situation is obvious. The building of Yulizhai is protected by an enchantment. After all, this is a place dedicated to selling all kinds of treasures, so it is natural to set up defense protection.

Standing in the gate of Yuli Zhai, Su Ruoji hesitated for a second before walking towards the gate of Yuli Zhai.When Su Ruoji stepped into the gate of Yulizhai, she didn't feel any obstacles, but she only saw a vast expanse of whiteness in her eyes.Now that she has stepped in with one foot, she is not allowed to retreat, and Su Ruoji did not stop, and continued to step in with the other foot.

When Su Ruoji's whole body completely entered the gate of Yulizhai, her eyes darkened, and the white scene suddenly disappeared, and a large hall appeared in front of her eyes.

Su Ruoji blinked her eyes, only to see a middle-aged immortal who couldn't see her cultivation level saluted her, and said loudly, "Welcome the immortal to visit our store."

(End of this chapter)

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