Master Fu, after the divorce, my wife is looking for a substitute

Chapter 370 Chapter 370: Uncontrollable emotions

Chapter 370 Chapter 370: Uncontrollable emotions
Ji Wan stopped her movements and returned to him lightly.

"Yes, so we can see each other if we can. I don't want him to misunderstand. In this regard, your fiancée probably doesn't want to see you get close to your ex-wife."

After finishing speaking, Ji Wan opened the door and walked in.

Fu Jingchen stood where he was, his heart began to feel uncomfortable again, and it started to hurt just like that night.

At the moment the door closed, he supported the wall beside him. At this moment, the pain in his heart spread to his head, and the waves of pain were clearly imprinted on his head.

This feeling was like the symptoms of that night, Fu Jingchen's hand changed from covering his heart to covering his head.

The headache is attacking again, why is the headache attacking so frequently?

In the past three years, he had only had one seizure once in a while, but when he returned to Qingcheng, he had already had two seizures.

Fu Jingchen wanted to suppress the pain, but no matter how he suppressed it, it was useless. The pain in his head became more and more severe, and the pain was close to that of last time.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?" The nurse who passed by him asked enthusiastically when he saw that Fu Jingchen was precariously leaning on the wall.

"Help me to Dr. Liang." Fu Jingchen finished the sentence despite the pain.

When the words fell, people fell on the wall.

The nurse on the side recognized who he was and rushed into the ward where Ji Wan was.

"Miss Ji, come out quickly, Mr. Fu suddenly fainted." After the nurse finished speaking, she turned around and ran towards Fu Jingchen.

Ji Wan was originally looking at the forehead of the kitten, but after hearing what the nurse said, she froze for a moment before stepping out of the ward.

When seeing Fu Jingchen lying on the ground, Ji Wan also looked a little surprised, and strode over.

"What's up with him?"

"I don't know either. When I passed by just now, he seemed to be suffering from some kind of pain. After I asked him, he collapsed."

"I'll call for someone, you stay here and watch." After the nurse finished speaking, she got up and ran away.

"Wanwan, what's wrong with him?" Ji's mother, who came out after her, was also panicked when she saw Fu Jingchen lying on the ground.

"I don't know either, Mom, go get my phone out." Ji Wan said while picking up Fu Jingchen's wrist and feeling his pulse.

It's okay if you don't feel the pulse, but when you feel the pulse, she's taken aback.

His breathing was very chaotic, and there was a problem with the blood circulation in his head. At this time, Ji Mu had already folded back with the mobile phone. Ji Wan immediately put down his wrist, took the mobile phone from Ji Mu's hand, and dialed a number.

"Master, Fu Jingchen suddenly fainted in the hospital. What's his condition?" Ji Wan spoke quickly about the situation when the phone was connected.

"Having fainted again? That's very dangerous. He has a blood clot in his brain. I tried medicine and acupuncture to resolve it, but I haven't seen any effect. Now I'm fainted again. The situation is worse than I thought. It's worse." Jiang Ye's voice came from the phone.

"What shall we do now?"

"Give him a painkiller injection in the hospital first, and I'll talk about the rest when I get here."

After answering the phone, the staff led by the nurse arrived.

"Miss Ji, Dr. Liang is here." The nurse's voice sounded behind her. Ji Wan stood up and turned to look at Dr. Liang.

"Doctor Liang, show him."

Dr. Liang nodded towards Jiwan, squatted down, and began to examine Fu Jingchen. After the examination, he was moved to a moving bed.

"Mom, you look at the kitten, let me go and have a look!" Before leaving, Ji Wan explained to her mother.

At this time, even if she wanted to keep a certain distance from him, she couldn't ignore that he was unconscious now. At least someone had to follow him and notify his girlfriend.

When Fu Jingchen entered the emergency room, Ji Wan called Mo Shengxing while waiting outside, told Mo Shengxing about Fu Jingchen's current situation, and asked him to notify Fu Jingchen's girlfriend.

It seems that the only people Fu Jingchen is close to now are his girlfriend, and of course, there are also the servants of Qigong Villa.

Ji Wan didn't know whether Mo Shengxing had notified Fu Jingchen's girlfriend, but she knew that she had notified Qigong's servant, because when Jiang Ye arrived, Uncle Lei also arrived.

"How is it?" Jiang Ye asked me concerned when he was standing in front of Ji Wan.

"Just after he was transferred to the ward, the doctor gave him painkillers. For the specific situation, you can ask the doctor later." Ji Wan said.

"Miss Ji, didn't the doctor tell you about your husband's condition?" Uncle Lei asked.

"No doctor." Ji Wan shook her head, but she didn't ask.

"Let's go in and see!"

"Master, I won't go in, you just go in and have a look, the little cat is still drinking medicine, I have to go and have a look."

Jiang Ye looked at Ji Wan, his eyes naturally understood why Ji Wan didn't go in, so he nodded in agreement. "Then go and see Kitty Cat!"

After Jiang Ye entered the ward, Ji Wan turned around and left.

When Jiang Ye entered, Fu Jingchen had already woken up, but he closed his eyes until he heard Jiang Ye and Uncle Lei's footsteps.

"Why did you commit the crime again?" Jiang Ye asked after sitting down.

Fu Jingchen looked at Jiang Ye, and answered after a while: "It should be related to the ups and downs of mood."

Ever since Fu Jingchen woke up, he had been thinking about why he had frequent headaches, and before Jiang Ye and the others arrived, he finally had some ideas.

"Mood ups and downs?" Jiang Ye wondered about the meaning of these four words.

In medical theory, any problems in the human body have a lot to do with emotions.

This was especially the case with Fu Jingchen. Emotions were more able to induce the onset of illness.

When Jiang Ye was about to ask what made you emotionally ups and downs, he thought that Ji Wan was also in this hospital, maybe something happened between the two of them, so he stopped asking.

"Since you know that emotions can cause headaches, you still need to control your emotions." Jiang Ye said.

"You used to be very able to control your emotions. What's going on now? You lost your memory, and you can't even control your emotions anymore?" Jiang Ye looked at Fu Jingchen and replied very dissatisfied.

Fu Jingchen was silent, Jiang Ye saw that his disposition of not wanting to answer was still the same as before, and he felt a little worried.

"Ah Chen, since you don't remember the past anymore, don't think about the past anymore. The past is not important, look back, live a good life, don't be too horny." Jiang Ye said these words suddenly.

Fu Jingchen raised his head and looked at Jiang Ye, "Uncle, you don't want to see me recover my memory because you are afraid that I will pester her?"

Jiang Ye snorted coldly, "What do you want to do so much, you have to remember, if you are divorced, you will get divorced because you have no feelings, so there is no need to think about it."

"If there is no emotion, how did the child come?"

"How do I know how the child got here?" Jiang Ye raised his neck and stared at him.

Fu Jingchen looked at Jiang Ye like that, didn't say anything more, lowered his eyes, and spoke leisurely after a while.

"Uncle, I saw her with other men, and I couldn't control my emotions. My heart ached and I had a headache. How can I cure this?"

(End of this chapter)

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