Chapter 323 Chapter 323: Get caught
"I know it's useless, but what I want to tell you is that your mother hasn't landed yet, as long as I make a phone call, I can let her go into the sea to feed the fish."

"Then hit me, I want to see how you threw my mother into the sea." Ji Wan's disapproving attitude made Xiao speechless, and it took him a while to hum.


After that, Xiao stopped talking, and his attack on Ji Wan became more violent, with murderous intent in every punch.

Ji Wan is not bad, but on a boat, her balance is weaker than on flat ground, so her lethality is a bit weaker.

Xiao Xiao saw the change in Ji Wan, and while attacking fiercely, he threatened coldly at the same time.

"Ji Wan, if you leave here with me in peace, it will save you from suffering, otherwise, I will throw you into the sea."

Ji Wan is afraid of water, this is the best way to handle her.

Ji Wan chuckled: "Although I'm afraid of water, I dared to come here today, so I didn't take life and death seriously. Even if I died, I would hold you back."

Xiao's face was even darker than before, his threats were useless, and the patrol boat was approaching again. In desperation, he stomped his foot on the board of the boat, and his body began to exert strength, shaking the boat.

With this sway, Ji Wan's body also swayed. With this sway, Xiao took the opportunity to grab Ji Wan by her wrist and lock her throat again.

Ji Wan was captured by Xiao Xiao.

"At sea, you can't beat me, why don't you be obedient." Xiao Xiao said, dragging Ji Wan into the dark cave.

Ji Wan was able to be captured by Xiao because she was seasick. Because she was afraid of water, she rarely took a boat, and now she is seasick.

In the end, Ji Wan was still dragged into the dark hole of the ship's cabin by Xiao. After that, he picked up the rope and was about to tie Ji Wan's body.

"Wait... I'm seasick, you don't need to tie it up." Ji Wan said quickly.

"You'll be better behaved if you're tied up." Xiao Xiao had suffered from Ji Wan's loss, so he naturally didn't believe it.

Ji Wan wanted to struggle, but now she was seasick, and struggling would only consume her energy, so she let Xiao tie her up, but she didn't expect Xiao to put a cloth ball into her mouth after the tie was over.

And the smell of the cloth ball made her vomit in disgust, no matter how much she shook her head in protest, it was useless.

Xiao left, the dark warehouse was pitch black, without a ray of light, Ji Wan suppressed the bouts of nausea, so she had to close her eyes to rest her mind to ease the seasickness.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps entered her eardrums, and it came from above.

"What's here?" came a small voice.

"They are all tools for fishing."

The voice that answered was very unfamiliar, but she was sure that it was Xiao Xiao's voice after it had been changed.

Immediately afterwards, another person stomped vigorously on the board, and then the person in front spoke again.

"No matter what, your ship needs to be detained. Some people have reported that criminals have mixed in on these ships. Now we need to conduct a comprehensive search, and your ship needs to undergo a comprehensive inspection."

"Brother, you can check now. If we are detained, we will lose a lot. There are old and young in the family. If there is no harvest today, what will we eat!"

Xiao Xiao said pitifully.

"This is something that was explained by the superiors, and there is nothing we can do about it."

As they spoke, there was a loud fighting sound, but it disappeared quickly, and then there was no sound from above.

Xiao killed the person who boarded the ship for inspection?
No matter what the situation is now, she needs to slow down for a while. Only when her spirit is recovered can she save herself.

About 10 minutes later, Ji Wanjue gradually recovered, so she began to break free from the rope in her hand. Because of time constraints, the tying was not too hard, and within a few strokes, Ji Wan broke free from the rope in her hand.

After moving her hands, she took off the cloth ball in her mouth, and after taking off the cloth ball, she spat some saliva, something was stuffed into her mouth, and it smelled so bad that it made people vomit.

Ji Wan slandered inwardly.

Although she couldn't see it, she walked forward according to the memory she saw just now.

Suddenly, she heard a vibration under her feet, and looked down, but there was no light, and she couldn't see any objects at all.

So she lay on the board, with her ear against the board, listening to the movement quietly.

Something seems to be colliding with the ship below, no, it's not colliding with the ship, but something is cutting the floor.

Did it hit a reef?
Or some nasty fish in the sea biting the bottom of the boat?
Thinking of this, Ji Wan was startled. Once the board of the ship is broken, the ship will flood and sink.

Thinking of this, she stopped staying and walked forward blindly. Fortunately, after a while, she touched the edge of the stairs, and then she climbed up. Although there was no light, this kind of stairs was not difficult for her, and soon Arrived at the Gashid exit.

She didn't push the boat board immediately, but put her ear on the board, listening to the movement outside.

After listening for a while, I only heard a vague gunshot, but I didn't hear any movement outside.

Is Fu Jingchen really here?
Regardless of what's going on outside, Ji Wan forcefully pushed the door open, and this push pushed the door open.

The moment she pushed it away, the light shone directly into her eyes, and she couldn't help but squint, but she quickly got used to it.

After getting used to it, she poked her head out to look out, but there was no one.

She jumped out quickly, and when she jumped out, she saw bloodstains on the board of the ship, a large pile of blood that hadn't solidified yet, and smelled like blood.

No matter what the situation is, Ji Wan quickly came to the door, looked outside, and saw a man standing outside, Ji Wan ran over very fast, just when the man was about to scream, she restrain him.

"Don't bark, or I'll finish you off." The man nodded and looked at Ji Wan in panic.

"Has anyone been on the boat just now?" Ji Wan asked.

The man nodded, and Ji Wan continued to ask: "Is it the police?"

The man nodded again, and then Ji Wan asked again: "The person who arrested me killed him?" The man continued to nod.

"Where is that person now?"

The man glanced back with his eyes, and Ji Wan followed his eyes to look in the direction of the ship plank. After getting these, he raised his hand, knocked the man unconscious, and then dragged the fainted man into the room Li, after finishing, she walked towards the cab.

Now she only has the person in control of the cab to prevent the boat from escaping to the high seas, otherwise it will be difficult to catch him once he passes the high seas.

Ji Wan came to the door of the driver's cab, and through the glass window, she could see two people in the driver's cab, and then looked around, there was nothing wrong.

She pushed open the door and ran in. When the two men came to their senses, one was knocked unconscious by Ji Wan, and the other driver was strangled by her.

"Don't make a sound, or your neck will break."

The driver did not dare to say anything, but Ji Wan said, "Turn the boat back."

(End of this chapter)

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