Supernatural Destiny Madwoman

Chapter 457 The Reborn

Chapter 457 The Reborn (1)
This is the most horrifying thing that Gu Qinghua has seen so far in his two lifetimes. Even if he encounters a life-and-death crisis, it cannot compare to the shock that he can see. It is the fear from the soul, which completely transcends the human body and spiritual acceptance.It wasn't until this moment that she really realized how terrifying the battle of supernatural beings was.

Gu Huairan was lying in the corner, the blood under her body was flowing meanderingly, judging from the slight ups and downs that can only be seen every few minutes, at this time, she had already breathed in less and exhaled more, and the color of the bloody "death" characters gradually faded, The smell of blood in the air seemed to fade as well.

In the narrow tunnel plus Gu Huairan herself, there are only three people in total, one of them is a foreign man who is clearly dead on the side.As for the other one, it can be analyzed from the huge coercion emanating from him that this person is an S-level ability user.

What's going on here, S-level supernatural beings can be seen everywhere like Chinese cabbage?
Gu Qinghua's eyes darkened slightly, and he stared at the weak Gu Huairan with a complicated expression, because it had been a while, his eyes were a little dry and stinging.She couldn't help blinking.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a huge pressure coming towards her, and she turned sideways, only to find that there were the same energy fluctuations in several directions.

She couldn't help feeling anxious, that man, what exactly is his ability!
With a "bang", the door of the wine cellar and the granary shattered, and it was at this moment that Gu Qinghua finally saw clearly that the opponent's abilities were countless lines as thin as hair.

"Betrayer No. 17, I didn't expect you to find a helper so quickly. However, no amount of helper is in vain. It's just a death for nothing." The S-level power user said expressionlessly, but his eyes did not Not on Gu Huairan, nor on anyone else.

Gu Huairan didn't know if he was really exhausted or didn't want to answer his words, so he didn't even lift his eyelids.

The S-level supernatural user pursed his lips expressionlessly, and walked out of the wine cellar with elegance, as if walking on a red carpet instead of a dilapidated and bloody wine cellar.At the same time, a line flew out, dragging behind Gu Huairan who was still alive.

Having already met, Gu Qinghua stopped avoiding and looked at the other party with a frown.

"D-level supernatural beings? Although in your eyes, D-level supernatural beings are already an existence that ordinary supernatural beings look up to, but little girl, S-level and D-level abilities exist in two worlds." Wearing a big gray robe with a hood, he couldn't see his face clearly. As soon as his voice fell, a powerful coercion came to Gu Qinghua.

Gu Huairan on the ground couldn't hold on any longer, and spit out another mouthful of blood. His face was pale, his pupils were dilated, and finally he closed his eyes, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Gu Qinghua could feel that coercion, but that coercion didn't have a big impact on him.Although she is not an S-level power user, her mental power is much higher than the power.

"This is Huaxia. If you openly kill people here, aren't you afraid of causing international disputes and bringing troubles to your organization?" Gu Qinghua said coldly. The opponent underestimated the enemy, and the opponent's ability happened to be a mental attack, otherwise she would have no chance of winning at all.

"Dispute?" The S-level power user gave Gu Qinghua a strange look in his eyes. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, he could still roughly judge his expression when he spoke from his tone.He seemed to sneer, and the lines in his hands were flying like countless tentacles, making people get goose bumps just looking at them.

"Hmph, in the world of supernatural beings, only the strong are respected! They are above any law!" After finishing speaking, those lines stabbed towards Gu Qinghua like a dog seeing a bone.

(End of this chapter)

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