That game anchor is too sassy

Chapter 199 Sleep Where else do you want to go?

Chapter 199 Sleep Where else do you want to go?
Mu Nan was the first to choose his favorite band, and the band also inquired about the news in advance and knew that he was the most musically talented among the artists, so he decisively handed over the badge.

Xi Yingjuan and Fang Xueqing asked Ji Zhao's opinion in a daze, and Ji Zhao made an Amway band based on their voice conditions.

When Ji Tingting came up, he took the initiative to chat with the Dreaming band. The members didn't show her face, and with the help of the translator, they played Tai Chi with her perfunctorily, and they didn't intend to give her a badge.

Seeing that Yu Yuchen was at a loss and wanted to help him, Ji Zhao was stopped by his friend before he had walked a few steps.

"Sleep, where else do you want to go?"

Ji Zhao turned his head and waved to the Dreaming band: "I'll be there right away."

The hottest curly boy in the band urged: "Hurry up, or we will give the badge to someone else."

"Give me five minutes."

Ji Zhao hurriedly communicated with Yu Yuchen about the type of song he wanted to sing and the most comfortable vocal range to help him choose a band.

Mu Nan looked at Ji Tingting suspiciously.

Didn't Ji Tingting be the original lead singer Sleep?
The staff present were dumbfounded.

Sister Ji is Sleep?

Oh my god... what the hell is Ji Tingting?

Everyone looked at Ji Tingting who was left hanging aside.

Her smile was a little stiff, but there was no embarrassment.

Didn't she know about the hot search?

No way, if the popularity is so high, do you not know the reason for the increase?

After Yu Yuchen passed the band test and got the badge, Ji Zhao walked towards the members of Dreaming: "Here we come."

It was Ji Tingting's expectation that Ji Zhao would cooperate with Dreaming, but she didn't expect that during the time when she was acting and pretending to be old acquaintances with the band, all the other bands had already chosen candidates to cooperate with, leaving only the rock band which was still vacant. .

"Tingting, is your rock style okay?" Ji Zhao stepped down the steps for her, "I've heard Danger's songs, and I really want to collaborate with them once."

Ji Tingting was about to promise Sister Jin to help her reject: "Fans should look forward to Sleep and Dreaming collaborating again after a few years. Although we Tingting can't rock and roll, we are willing to challenge and try, right Tingting?"

Ji Tingting almost hated Sister Jin to death, who wants to challenge the rock style, she obviously took the persona of a versatile, elegant and beautiful young lady.

But before they came to the variety show, they agreed that she would absolutely obey Sister Jin during the recording process, otherwise Sister Jin would ask the company to replace her.

Ji Zhao was also a little dazed seeing Ji Tingting being taken away without love.

What did Ji Tingting do to Sister Jin?Do evil.

If Sister Jin is worried that Dreaming fans will accuse Ji Tingting of hindering their further cooperation, she can say it out and ask her to help Ji Tingting say a few words to prevent it. If she just pulls it away, it means that she has the attitude of not making mistakes and being found by the leader. He doesn't want to plan for Ji Tingting.

Dreaming's new lead singer has a smoky voice full of stories, and Ji Zhao discusses with them to sing a lazy ditty with a hypnotic effect.It can also be regarded as the main style of original songs when Dreaming was first established, quiet and soothing, they performed slowly, and the audience listened slowly.

They are all old partners, and the inspiration came quickly. They completed the composition and lyrics in less than five hours, and they took a lot more time to record songs than other groups.

The protagonists of this song challenge task are artists and managers. Dreaming's new lead singer happily paddled in the early stage, and then came back with big bags to help after the recording step.

Ji Zhao said anxiously: "I'm sore, I also want to go shopping."

After recording all the material, the rest of the work is handed over to the post-production brother. Ji Zhao and Sun Xin went to other groups to see if there is anything they can help. Fang Xueqing and the others are still making progress even though they are in a hurry. For the Tingting group, they haven't even finished composing.

The band repeatedly asked the translator and the program crew to emphasize that Ji Tingting did not cooperate with them to complete the song.

"What's the situation?" Ji Zhao asked the translator.

The lady translator told her cryptically.

Ji Tingting didn’t let Danger band make rock songs they are good at. The request was too many and complicated and they didn’t participate in the production and played with their mobile phone outside the camera like a normal person. The band wanted her to explain her request in detail, but Ji Tingting said She is not professional and doesn't know how to express it and let them drive by themselves. Danger worked hard to make a version, and Ji Tingting said that he didn't like to have them redo it when he heard the beginning.

The band members got angry and asked the director team to communicate with Ji Tingting, either use the first version or ask Ji Tingting to compose the music himself, they don't want to serve this young lady anymore.

In desperation, the director approached Ji Tingting to discuss it, and Ji Tingting repeated the reason for prevaricating, in fact, he just didn't want to use his brain and wanted to pick up ready-made ones.

The director laughed angrily: "If you don't have the ability, you can sing according to the song composed by the band, or compose it yourself."

"Why do they ask me to do their job after they received the money?" Ji Tingting was very unconvinced, "Director, you should tell them instead of asking me to compromise."

The director slapped the table seriously: "You also took my money, I asked you to cooperate with the band, you have to cooperate with the band, if you don't do it, get out!"

Ji Tingting was so angry that he pointed at him: "Dare you tell me to leave? Aren't you afraid that Ji Ming Media will withdraw its capital!"

The director sneered: "As far as I know, you don't have that much right to speak."

Ji Tingting choked, if Ji Zhao was not in the program group, she could still lie to others, but now she is waiting outside the room, then she has no right to speak.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to mess with you." She frowned and asked the staff to bring over the first version of the score, "I have the right to write lyrics, right?"

The director reminded her: "There are only three hours left before the stipulated time, if you can't produce the finished product by then, you will have to accept punishment."


Ji Tingting picked up the pen and stared at the blank paper thinking about the lyrics.

Ji Zhao was drunk when he learned from the director that Ji Tingting dared to play his temper in front of so many people, why didn't she even bother to pretend.

After Danger was liberated, they complained to other bands who had rested for at least half an hour, and the other bands expressed sympathy for what happened to them.

On the other hand, the professionals invited by the director team are checking and accepting the results, and they also opened the voting channel for passers-by.Each professional has five votes, and can only vote for one work all at once, while passers-by only have one vote, and one hundred passers-by corresponds to one hundred votes.

Half an hour later, the background counted the votes of the six groups.

The Munan group ranked first, only two more tickets than the No.2 Sun Xin group.

Next came Fang Xueqing, Yu Yuchen, Xi Yingjuan and Ji Tingting.

Ji Tingting insisted on turning a rhythmic song into a love song, her voice was so sweet that it was so inconsistent that only three passers-by were willing to vote for her.

Ji Zhao even felt that if Sister Jin sang the whole song alone, the votes would be much more than three votes.

"According to the rules, Xi Yingjuan's group and Ji Tingting's group are ready to accept punishment." The director issued a punishment card.

Xi Yingjuan saw that the frog's legs had weakened ahead of time: "Dance around the hall and you may not be able to see me in the next issue."

(End of this chapter)

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