Chapter 700

Chen Xin stared at him speechlessly: "I've misunderstood, did Han Yuqi also misunderstand?"

Such a smart person, how can such a big BUG be ignored?

"You are very right." Jiang Feiran said: "Go on."

"I'm done." Chen Xin said.

Jiang Feiran: "...That's it?"

"That's it." Chen Xin said, "What else can I have?"

"No, what tasks have you done so far? Why don't I know?" Jiang Feiran felt amazing.

He asked again: "You can see these words, it's from the day we met in the small bamboo forest behind Xiangshui Village? It's the day I helped your brother and sent him back."

Chen Xin nodded.

"Then why don't I know when and what mission you have done?" Jiang Feiran said: "We have been together all the time."

"I've said it all, it's all about medical tasks." Chen Xin said, "Didn't I treat people all the time?"

Jiang Feiran was taken aback: "That's all?"

"That's right. My cheat is quite humane, and I feel that it pampers me. The tasks assigned to me are all tasks that I can complete quickly." Chen Xin said like a treasure: "I used to be in the ring When I was in Shuicun, the task assigned to me was to treat people and treat injuries. Later, when we went to university, I planned to develop in the direction of research, and the task assigned to me was about research. Ah, my two A small laboratory is one of the tasks I have completed. The large research center I am building and the pharmaceutical company are two major tasks. When I complete the task, I will definitely learn a lot of advanced knowledge. Think about it It's exciting."

Jiang Feiran suddenly felt envious.

Although sitting in front of him was his wife, his beloved, but he found that he couldn't help feeling envious of her.

"Why don't I have this kind of plug-in?"

He looked pitiful and looked as sour as if he had eaten too many lemons.

As for the meaning of cheating, Chen Xin had already told him - Chen Xin had told him that she was Jiang Feiran's cheating!

Chen Xin twisted Jiang Feiran's face with a smile.

"People, don't be too greedy, you already have me, what more do you want?"

Jiang Feiran stretched out his hand to pull Chen Xin over, and kissed her on the lips.

He who got cheap and behaved well said, "This is a reward for you."

"What did I do to get a reward?" Chen Xin smiled and said, "Because I told you the truth?"

"How can such a small reward be used for this matter?" Jiang Feiran shook his head, "This reward is to reward the person you just said, I have you."

"Eh? Why does it sound like I should get a big reward?" Chen Xin's eyes sparkled like a pair of dazzling precious opals.

Jiang Feiran lowered his head and pecked her lips again.

"I have a gift for you." He said softly.

"What gift?" Chen Xin's eyes were full of anticipation, and what he said was indeed: "You have a gift for me, shouldn't you give it to me as soon as you see me? Why did you wait until now?"

Jiang Feiran gave her a blank look: "The first time I saw you, who would have the heart to give you a gift?"

Chen Xin: "...."

This man is really shameless!
(End of this chapter)

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