My daughter-in-law is the sweetest in the world

Chapter 150 The Little Girl's Hobbies Are Strange

Chapter 150 The Little Girl's Hobbies Are Strange

Jiang Feiran said calmly: "I made it clear to my family, but I don't know what uncle told them on the phone."

Chen Xin snorted: She just said that what Jiang Feiran's sister and brother-in-law did was so weird, it turned out to be a misunderstanding!

Now is not the time to explain these things, the most urgent thing is to help the young couple who are suspected to be clarified, and Chen Xin didn't say a single superfluous word.

With their testimony, and more importantly, a clerk in the department store recognized Jiang Wenjing and said she was a regular customer, so the matter was quickly resolved.

"Let's go when you've finished shopping. You still have to go to the bookstore, right?" Jiang Wenjing felt a little ashamed. She put on her sunglasses, hat and mask again, and wanted to leave quickly.

Jiang Feiran said: "We still have to go shopping and see what else we can buy. Where is your car parked?"

"On the side of the road diagonally opposite the gate, the jeep." Mo Wei said.

Jiang Feiran handed him the wooden box containing the microscope: "Go and wait for us in the car."

Mo Wei took the microscope and asked casually: "Your school asked you to help buy this? Did you issue a certificate?"

Jiang Feiran said: "Who is free to go shopping in the city and help the school buy things? This is my gift to Chen Xin."

"Gift?" Mo Wei stared at the word "microscope" on the wooden box and carefully looked at it. He always felt that his eyes were dazzled today. Otherwise, why did he always feel that these three words should not be pronounced with these three sounds? ——Have you ever given someone a microscope as a gift?

Jiang Wenjing was also surprised, this thing is actually a gift? !
Who gave this little girl a gift?
She glanced at Chen Xin silently, thinking: This little girl's hobbies are really strange.

After dismissing these two weirdos, Jiang Feiran and Chen Xin walked around the department store again.

Chen Xin mainly wants to know what is popular to sell now, which is equivalent to market research, and shopping is second.However, she brought small gifts for each of the other four members of the family.

When the two of them were visiting the department store, Jiang Wenjing and Mo Wei stared at the wooden box with the microscope in the jeep outside the store.

"Why does the little girl like this kind of thing?" Jiang Wenjing asked.

"I also find it strange." Mo Wei pinched his chin in a contemplative state: "I've never seen such a thing as a gift for a girl I like. Why buy this back? As a decoration?"

Jiang Wenjing said: "Maybe it's not a microscope, but something else."

Mo Wei wondered: "Is it true? Department stores will use this kind of packaging wooden box to pack other things?"

Jiang Wenjing raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes: "Don't you know if you open it?"

Mo Wei realized that his wife should be digging a hole for him, so he quickly shook his head: "No, I'm not curious."

Jiang Wenjing smiled softly and beautifully: "No, you are curious."

Mo Wei: "...." He didn't want to be curious! ! !

Jiang Wenjing said persuasively: "Are you curious, your wallet will lose blood in their next activities today. Be curious and save your wallet some dignity."

Mo Wei: "...." Well, he's curious!

Under Jiang Wenjing's close watch, Mo Wei opened the wooden box.

"It's really a microscope."

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, both felt that Chen Xin's hobbies were really incomprehensible.

Jiang Wenjing leaned back on the chair without much interest: "Close it, pretend you never opened it."

Movey put the lid on the box and put it away carefully, looking at the door of the department store and asking his wife if there was any other way to save some dignity for his wallet.

(End of this chapter)

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