genius war girl

Chapter 973 Doomsday Ray

Chapter 973 Doomsday Ray
After a short period of shock, the Lord of the Void Realm immediately controlled the defense facilities in the Void Territory.After all, this is her lair, even if there is no guard, it doesn't mean she can't fight back.

Numerous defense platforms spread out around her location one by one, launching pitch-black energy bombs towards Infinity.

Before Otowa could give an order, the forts on the Infinity launched a counterattack under the operation of the lolis, but the shells they fired were deflected by an invisible light curtain.

This layer of light curtain seems to only block their attacks, and the pitch-black energy bombs fired from the opposite side are all unimpeded, and the battle situation suddenly becomes a unilateral attack by Infinity.

Although Infinity's shield is strong, it's not a solution to be beaten all the time.

"Su Xiaoyu, where is your doomsday ray cannon?"

In the constantly shaking bridge, Otowa yelled at the communicator.

"It's about to be adjusted, hand over the control of the battleship to me, and watch me do his 〇 shot." Sakuha's voice came from the communicator.

Sakiha didn't stay on the bridge. After starting the infinite engine, she came to the fire control room in front of the Infinity and directed the firepower of the entire battleship.

The most powerful firepower of the Infinity is not the three triple-mounted 480mm turrets on the upper deck, nor the 200 missile vertical silos at the rear, but a huge launching device located on the center axis of the battleship and directly connected to the Infinity engine.

This device is called the doomsday ray cannon by Sakuya.

It can be said that the entire Infinity is built around this artillery. It is not so much a battleship as it is a self-propelled fort with mobility and self-defense firepower.

After getting control of the battleship, Sakiha immediately started. She only kept part of the shield in front of the battleship, and mobilized all the remaining energy of the infinite engine to the doomsday ray cannon.

Sitting around Sakiyu is not a witch, but a loli, and the panel in front of her is not a magic circuit, but a console full of technology.

"Doomsday ray circuit open."

"Emergency valves are all closed."

"Energy injector activated."

"Safety off."

The voices of the Lolitas echoed in the cabin. Although these broadcasts were of no use to Sakuha and the Lolitas who were connected to the spiritual network, Sakuha enjoyed this feeling very much.

"Energy injector activation confirmation."

"Finally the insurance is lifted."

"Target scope, activate!"

The last sentence was shouted by Sakiha, and a floating panel appeared in front of her eyes, marking everything on the ray axis.

"The tachyon pressure in the ammunition compartment increases, 86... 93... 100, and the energy is filled by 120%."

The power of the infinite engine, the water pump, was turned on to the maximum, almost crazily extracting energy from the deep space, and the energy gathered in the magazine had reached a very terrifying number.

"Error correction +3°."

Sakiha fine-tuned the direction of the battleship so that the ray axis was aligned with the base camp of the Lord of the Void - a giant palace floating in the center of the Void.

"Gravity anchor locked."

The recoil force of the doomsday ray is quite huge. In order to avoid the embarrassing situation of being pushed out of the void, it is necessary to lock the surrounding phase in advance.

"Prepare 10 seconds before launch."

A large amount of light converged on the gun muzzle of the bow, and almost all the sensors on the opposite side detected the extremely terrifying high-energy response.


The defense platform on the opposite side opened fire as if going crazy, but the shield of Infinity was still strong and could not be broken in a short while.


If it was in the past, the Lord of the Void would never have resisted such brutal firepower, but now she is sealed in her palace by Baili, and it is impossible for such a huge giant building to be activated in a short period of time.

Whether she likes it or not, she has to resist the blow now.


With the end of Sakiha's countdown, the energy accumulated in the magazine was released instantly, passed through the orbital acceleration in the center axis of the ship, and gathered in front of the gun muzzle.

At the muzzle where such power was gathered, the space was even distorted, which looked extremely strange.

After a moment of tranquility, there was an incomparably violent eruption.

A scarlet ray shoots out from the muzzle, this ray contains a heart-pounding destructive force, it is like doomsday to the enemy.

The light curtain, which was still indestructible just now, only blocked the rays for a moment, and then shattered into countless pieces.This is a disaster for the defense platforms behind the light curtain, everything on the ray axis is almost instantly evaporated.

The beam of light hit the shield of the palace of the lord of the virtual realm - as the palace where the lord of the virtual realm went out, the defense was naturally extremely strong, and the beam of light was actually blocked for a while.

One side is energy full of destructive power, and the other is a shield blessed by the Lord of the Void Realm himself. The collision between the two lights up the entire Void Realm.

Fortunately, the witches were hiding in the CIC to fight, otherwise the dazzling light would have caused irreversible damage to their eyes.


There was an extremely strong explosion on the palace of the Lord of the Void, even if the Lord of the Void tried his best, he couldn't completely block the ray.

Most of the ray's energy was consumed when it broke through the shield, but this part of the defense still caused great damage to the palace, almost paralyzing the palace's defense system.

The Lord of the Void Realm is losing money, but Yin Yu's side is not much better.

"The output of the infinite engine is declining, and the shield and engine are about to stop."

Holly couldn't help shaking as she watched the warning messages that almost filled her face.

"Sakura, what's going on?"

Yin Yu didn't hesitate, and immediately contacted his technical chief assistant.

On the other side of the screen, Sakuya also looked devastated, and said nervously, "It seems that the Infinity Engine extracted too much energy just now, and it sucked up the area connected to the deep space."

"You didn't say that would happen before."

"I don't want this kind of thing to happen either." Sakiha sighed, and said helplessly: "The energy core, infinite engine and doomsday ray are all proper black-box technologies, so it's not surprising what happens."

In a sense, Yin Yu and the others are really lucky. So many black-box technologies have been stitched together, and they have not lost the chain until now.

"Forget it, how long will it take for the infinite engine to recover?" Yin Yu said with a headache.

"About... three days?" Sakuya flaunted her cuteness to the screen.


Otowa didn't want to talk, but he really wanted to punch Sakuha twice.

Wait, did this guy run to the fire control room early to take refuge because he knew the car would overturn?

(End of this chapter)

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