genius war girl

Chapter 559

Chapter 559
The safe zone can only be said to be relatively safe. If an unstoppable force attacks, this place will still turn into a battlefield.

A team of operators in special combat uniforms entered the hotel, and then rushed directly to the room where Otowa was.

The equipment on these operators is quite good, and their cooperation is also quite tacit. Compared with those mercenaries who only have money in their eyes, they don't know how much better they are.

After leaving a few people to block the aisle, the rest of the people went to the next door one after another, and scattered explosives were placed on the wall here.


The scattered explosives exploded, instantly turning the room where Otowa and Camilla were in ruins.

The door of the room was kicked open, and several well-trained operators rushed into it, but they didn't see anything.

"This is the knight, the target is not in the room, over."

"The king received it, execute plan B, block..."

The communication was suddenly interrupted here, and then there seemed to be a few gunshots from the opposite side.

"What happened? King, please answer!"


Through the thermal imaging images sent back by Valkyrie, Otowa saw many operators entering the hotel.

It has never been Otowa's character to sit and wait for death. By hacking into the enemy's communication channel, Otowa successfully locked down their leader.

There is no suspense about what happened next. When the target was unprepared, Otowa used CQC to complete the instant kill in an instant.

Although the surrounding operators noticed something strange, they were all shot by Otowa with the MP5 he had snatched. In terms of reaction speed, how could ordinary people be opponents of Force Warriors.

After grabbing the weapon, Otowa didn't stay too long, and rushed out of the hotel with Camilla.

There were two T-80 tanks parked at the entrance of the hotel, but all the members fell to the ground, as if they were dealt with before getting into the car.

"Camilla, get in the car!"

It is impossible to run away with only two feet, Otowa made a decision without even thinking about it.

"Ah, okay."

Camilla quickly climbed onto the roof, and then jumped into the turret from the open roof.

As for Otowa, he opened the front driver's hatch and entered the cockpit of the chariot.


While looking at the simple instruction manual on the communication equipment, Otowa opened a small box on the left, and then quickly flipped a row of switches on the right.

After doing all this, Otowa closed the box, and then flipped a few switches on the left.


After a little confirmation of the operation, Otowa immediately pressed the ignition button with his right hand.


There was a faint whine of turbos coming from the rear of the tank, which soon became louder and louder.

The T-80 in Yin Yu's hand is a modified model, using a 1250-horsepower GTD-1250 gas turbine, so the sound sounds similar to a jet fighter engine.

Feeling the howling sound getting louder and louder, Otowa couldn't help sighing.

The last time she heard such a voice was in the Campbell League. At that time, she was driving a La-15 and dismounted the much-anticipated Meili. What a beautiful scene that was.

The readings on the left instrument panel quickly level off, and the sound of the gas turbines reaches saturation.Otowa didn't hesitate too much, and directly stepped on the accelerator of the chariot.

Although the gas turbine has the disadvantage of burning oil, it also has many advantages, the most prominent of which is the fast start.

It only takes 1 minute to start the gas turbine, while the diesel engine has to be warmed up first, and it takes almost 30 minutes to start according to the practice.

Although Otowa had never driven a T-80 before, she had touched the predecessor of the T-80, the T-64, so it didn't take much time to get started with the T-80.

"Damn, the target ran away."

By the time the commando members ran out of the hotel, the T-80 that Otowa was on had already accelerated.

Although the gas turbine used by the T-80 is 1 horsepower less than that of the M250, it is 16 tons lighter in weight. Its maneuverability does not know that it is a few blocks away from the M1. The nickname "flying tank" is not for nothing.

Yinyu was really racing along the way, and it didn't take long for him to increase his speed to over 70km/h. All the passers-by on the highway were stunned.

Drop drop-

Suddenly the siren sounded in the tank.

"I, I didn't touch anything." Camilla said in a panic.

"I know, it's the sound of the laser warning device."

The T-80 that Otoyu is currently driving is a refurbished version that Mozi has only pulled out in recent years. Naturally, all kinds of equipment are available, and it can be regarded as a 3.5th generation tank.

Don't complain about why Maozi pulled out the sealed T-80 to improve it. The price of Amata is really touching. Da Mao's life is not easy now, so he must live frugally.

A helicopter appeared right in front of the chariot, which was exactly the "Tiger" type they encountered last time.

"Sit tight!"

After Yin Yu finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

call out--

A spike missile broke away from the pylons on both sides of the helicopter and flew straight to the tank where Otowa was.

The protection of the T-80 may be good in the 80s, but it is not enough in front of other tanks in the 21st century. It was really hit by a spike missile, and the two of them may have to explain it here today.

Fortunately, the T-80 that Otowa was in was not without any means of counterattack. The missile was locked by the Doppler radar on the vehicle not long after it detached from the pylon.

The "Thrush" active defense system located on the tank's turret started to work, firing an interceptor bomb in the direction of the missile's attack.

The interceptor bomb exploded 7 meters away from the tank, and the violent impact detonated the incoming spike missile on the spot.

Countless fragments hit the front of the tank, but this level of attack is not painful to the tank armor at all.

"It's dangerous, dangerous."

Yin Yu was covered in cold sweat, and for a moment just now she even thought she was going to die.

Da Mao, who inherited the Soviet heritage, still has a lot of good things in his hands, such as the active defense system for tanks. If they didn't have this thing, they might have to play GG just now.

Otoyu is currently driving a 21st Century Mokai T-80, which is basically top-equipped with a T-90, and even what Amata has.

Using the smoke from the explosion, Otowa quickly turned the direction of the car and turned into the side street.

The current situation on Otowa's side is quite passive. They can only use the tall buildings next to the street to play hide-and-seek with the helicopters in the sky, and then try to break out.

Otowa misses Nazuki more and more now. If she was there, Otowa would not have to hide at all in this situation, and would just shoot the helicopter down with a cannon-fired missile.

(End of this chapter)

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