genius war girl

Chapter 518

Chapter 518

The two seniors of Otoyu are both veterans of flying fighter jets, and now it is a matter of course to change the waterplane, and it is easy to get started in just one day.

And the time finally came to the day when the naval battle project started.

As before, the opening of the naval warfare project is quite low-key.Otowa and his party boarded the ship prepared by the organizer at the port, and then waited for the organizer's order.

In order to prevent everyone from engaging in small organizations again, the time and location of each ship entering the sea area are random.

I don't know if it was luck or bad, but it didn't take long for Otowa and the others to be named by the organizer, and they received an order to enter the sea area immediately.

The boiler of the battleship started running at full speed, and the 10-horsepower turbine drove the propeller to rotate, quickly accelerating the speed of the ship to over 30 knots.

The maneuverability of the Cleveland-class light cruisers is still good, with rapid acceleration and deceleration, and a maximum speed of 32 knots.

The sea surface was cut into two pieces by the streamlined bow, and a lot of the knocked-off sea water fell on the deck, wet the turret at the bow.

"It's really unknown."

Seeing the fog gradually rising around him, Otowa couldn't help frowning.

Before, she couldn't feel the abnormality of this sea area from a distance, but after entering it personally, everything seemed to have changed, and Otowa's intuition kept reminding her that it was dangerous here.

"Our navigation system isn't working."

As an excellent navigator, Arisa immediately noticed the abnormality of the instrument in front of him.

The compass suddenly lost its function, and then started spinning around, not knowing where it was trying to point.

"It seems that the magnetic field here is extremely chaotic." Arisa said with some concern.

Needless to say, this must be the fault of the organizers again. God knows what black technology they used to change the environment here.

"We have entered the combat sea area and are preparing to fly the reconnaissance plane."

After Otowa finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the gate of the bridge.

"Are you serious?"

Arisa hesitated for a while, but finally spoke.

Now the sun has been blocked by clouds and fog, and the compass has lost its function. If you attack rashly, you will easily get lost in the sea.

"Don't worry, we won't be too far away from the ship." Otowa said confidently.

The visibility in this sea area is not bad, about 10km, far from the horrible fog that Otowa had when he grabbed the T-64 last time.

As long as it doesn't exceed this distance, it shouldn't get lost in the sea.


"I'll be counting on you later."

"Well, I'll do my best!"

The one attacking with Otowa was an acquaintance, Kitajima Koyuki.

In the three years at school, she not only studied nursing and cooking, but also took the subject of observer in order to have another way out in the future.

The catapult at the stern of the ship slowly turned, and the seaplane quickly pointed to the sea surface along with the orbit.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah!" Xiaoxue nodded nervously.

"That's it."

After Otowa finished speaking, he pushed down the joystick that controls the throttle valve.

A large amount of aviation fuel poured into the engine, and the 450-horsepower Pratt-Whitney engine also roared.

The crew on the ship also activated the catapult very cooperatively, and under the huge thrust, the kingfisher that Otowa was in was directly thrown out.

In terms of power alone, the catapults of these World War II cruisers are far worse than those of later generations. Fortunately, piston seaplanes do not need much speed to take off.

The fighter plane stabilized quickly, and then began to climb slowly under Otowa's operation.

After Otowa, three other seaplanes of the same type were also ejected into the sky one by one, and it didn't take long before they caught up with Otowa's kingfisher.

"This weather is really bad."

This is probably the worst environment that Otowa has flown through. The surroundings are surrounded by thick fog, and the whole world seems to have only the white sky and the blue sea.

"Everyone, be careful, don't get too far from the boat."

After Otowa finished speaking, he glanced at the compass on the dashboard.

Just like what she saw on the bridge just now, the compass on the plane was not working properly, and the pointer on it was also jumping constantly.

"keep alert."

Although Otowa and the others can't go out to conduct reconnaissance now, they can still patrol around the battleship and warn the mothership when ships are approaching.

In this way, the four seaplanes circled around the mother ship, constantly searching for enemies that might appear at any time.

"Xiaoxue, did you find anything?"

"I can't see anything around...wait." Xiaoxue stopped suddenly in the middle of her words, and then continued after a while: "There seems to be a dark shadow in the direction of 11 o'clock."

"OK, let's go and have a look."

Otowa slightly turned the joystick in his hand, and pointed the nose in the direction Koyuki said.


Before they could see the true face of the black shadow, the fighter plane suddenly shook in the air.

The fighter plane will not shake suddenly by itself, and it is not the first time for Otowa to fly a plane to participate in a naval battle. Of course, he knows that it was attacked by an anti-aircraft gun.

The one that can have this range should be a large-caliber anti-aircraft gun with a diameter of 100mm or more.

Damn ass, the AI ​​must be on the hook. I am such a small plane, and I was attacked as soon as it entered the limit range of the anti-aircraft gun. Is it unreasonable?

"This is Otowa, we have been attacked by large-caliber anti-aircraft guns, pay attention to the direction of the ship at 3 o'clock."

When Otowa said this, he slightly pushed down the joystick in front of him, and lowered the height of the fighter smoothly.

The strength of this seaplane is not inferior to that of a fighter jet, if you are not careful, it will break it.

Cannonballs continued to explode around the fighter plane, and the fuselage also swayed.

Fortunately, the AI ​​did not cheat on the aim, the aim of these large-caliber antiaircraft guns is quite historical.Although the surrounding artillery fire seemed intense, none of it landed on Otowa's fighter plane.

Soon, Otowa saw the AI ​​battleship attacking them.

Judging from the design of the turret, this should be a basic destroyer, but the specific model Otowa is not clear.

"Front 1, rear 2... 4 torpedo launchers, it is a Yanyang class!"

Unlike half-baked guys like Otoyu, Xiaoxue came from a professional class, and learned the specific methods of distinguishing various warships in school.

"Yangyang class?"

Wo Ri, do you need to go too far, just come up with such an exciting thing.

It should be the main gun of this thing that attacked them just now, the three-year-style 127mm dual-mounted gun.

Although the maximum elevation angle of this thing is 70°, the shooting director is for anti-ship use, and it only has the ability to attack air in theory. In actual combat, the person who uses this thing to hit the plane must have a problem with his brain.

Ahhh, this group of dog AIs are really on the hook!

(End of this chapter)

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