genius war girl

Chapter 400: One Wave Takes Away

Chapter 400

After the two planes passed by each other, Otowa first made the fighter roll half a circle, and changed the attitude back to the level flight state.

When the fighter plane leveled off, Otowa immediately rotated the fuselage 90° clockwise, and then pulled down the joystick with all his strength.

The slewing performance of the donkey is not bad. In the early days of the Great Patriotic War, many Soviet pilots took advantage of this, and fought back and forth with BF109E/F in horizontal air combat.

Unlike Otowa who chose to maneuver horizontally, Veronica chose to maneuver vertically.

She pulled up the fighter plane vertically, and then took a roll, pointing the lift vector forward of the I-16 position in the forward tracking.

"I caught you!"

After Veronica finished speaking, she pulled the joystick again and made a somersault maneuver.

However, this somersault is not very beautiful. In the later stage of the somersault, the production capacity of the fighter plane obviously cannot keep up.Veronica had no choice but to dive ahead of time, but she couldn't cut into the rear of the Otowa fighter.

"The production capacity of the fighter plane is not enough, Veronica is careless."

In the command tower below, Sophia and Wei Young are sitting in front of a holographic projector, watching the battle broadcast by the drone.

"Maybe I'm used to the production capacity and speed of advanced fighter jets." Wei Yang paused, and then continued: "The speed and production capacity of the hurricane are still a bit weak."

No matter what Veronica thinks, Otowa will not let go of this opportunity.After some maneuvers, she quickly bit the Hurricane's ass.

After seeing the offensive on the screen, Sophia couldn't help sighing.

"Otowa's reaction is really fast, and he made good use of the turning and rolling performance of the donkey."

"How will Veronica respond..."

Not long after Wei Young asked the question, Veronica directly pushed down the nose of the plane, causing the fighter plane to dive at a large angle.

"Are you trying to take advantage of the donkey's poor dive acceleration performance? Veronica also has a lot of experience." Sophia asked in surprise.

In addition to the difficulty of controlling and aiming the donkey, the acceleration performance under the dive is also a problem, and it is difficult to catch up with the enemy fighter jets that dive and flee.

However, Yin Yu's reaction was beyond the two's expectations again, and her fighter still followed.

"Otoyu is still catching up, don't you want to give up?"

"It should be to take advantage of it." Wei Young said thoughtfully.

At the same time, Otowa also pulled the trigger of the fighter.

Although this shooting window is not very good, Otowa still launched an attack.

As usual, Otowa also chose the stealth ammunition chain this time, and the mixing method is that every 3 rounds of armor-piercing incendiary bombs (API) are mixed with 1 round of trial-fired incendiary bombs (AI).

Since there are no tracers in the belt, the fired bullets are also invisible.It wasn't until the sparks from the test-fired incendiary bomb hit the fighter plane's fuselage that Veranika realized that Otowa had launched an attack.

Although the caliber of the Shikas aviation machine gun is less, it is still an excellent aviation machine gun.

The two guns installed on the nose of the donkey machine have a coordinated firing rate of 1650 rounds per minute, while the two guns mounted in the wings have a rate of fire of 1800 rounds per minute. The instantaneous output is still very violent.

In addition, the muzzle velocity of the Shikas machine gun is also very good, about 775-850m/s, and it does not need to take much advance when attacking.

By the time Veranika reacted, her hurricane had already suffered a lot of armor-piercing incendiary bombs.

Fortunately, the armor protection of the Hurricane is very good. The 12.7mm steel plate behind the driver blocked several bullets for Veronica.

In addition, several bullets pierced through the glass of the cockpit and flew into the cockpit.It's just that Veronica was lucky, and no bullet hit her.

Seemingly knowing that the Shikas machine gun couldn't do much damage at this distance, Veronica didn't make energy-wasting maneuvers, but just resisted like this, and got out of Otowa's range at the fastest speed.

"What a strong mental quality." Sophia spoke slowly.

I have to say that Veronica's ability to withstand pressure is really good. Otowa fired from 600 meters to 800 meters and stopped, but she just didn't move the joystick of the fighter.

"Although the armor of the Hurricane is very good, it still hurts a bit against a donkey for a round."

After Wei Young finished speaking, she looked at the screen that marked the information of the bodies of both parties.

The rate of fire of the Shikas machine gun was terrifying. Otowa fired a lot of bullets at a distance between 600 meters and 800 meters, and many of them hit Veronica's fighter plane.

Although none of the bullets could penetrate the steel plate of the cockpit, it could still cause a lot of trouble for Veronica.

First of all, some rudders and ailerons of the fighter were hit by bullets. Even if they were not damaged, they were not as sensitive as before.

But this is not the most deadly, several bullets hit the liquid cooling system protruding from the belly of the hurricane.

The 7.62mm armor-piercing incendiary warhead easily tore through the skin of the fighter, and then penetrated into the internal liquid cooling system.

Although these bullets are not many, they are enough to destroy the cooling system of the Merlin engine.

Liquid-cooled engines generally have better performance than air-cooled engines, but are far inferior to air-cooled engines in terms of reliability and shock resistance.

"Veranika is in serious trouble." Sophia paused, and then continued: "She probably didn't expect Otoyu to be so accurate."

"As expected of Kanzaki Kotono's older sister." Wei Young also had a complicated expression. "Can use the 'donkey' to achieve consecutive hits at a distance of more than 600 meters, the ability to control the fighter is really terrible."

Due to the upward tendency of the nose and the rigidly mounted engines, the Donkey wobbled constantly throughout the flight envelope, which made the aircraft lack stability as a shooting platform.

It is not an easy task to use this thing to snipe the enemy. In addition to superb artillery skills, it also requires the same superb or even stronger fighter control.

"Most people only know that the gun is very powerful in shooting, and few people notice that she is also powerful in air combat."

Looking at the two fighter planes on the screen, the corners of Sophia's mouth suddenly turned up.

"There's no need to waste any more time, call them down."

"Yes." Sophia nodded.

Otowa will not be able to catch up with Veronica for a while now, but Veronica has nothing to do with Otoyu now, and the battle has almost entered the stage of a game.

However, the heat dissipation system of the Veranika fighter plane was damaged, and her fighter plane could not last long in the sky, so it can be said that she had lost the capital of the game.

Sophia flicked her fingers a few times and turned on the communication system in the room.

"Okay, the battle can end."

"Eh, so fast?"

After hearing Sophia's voice on the radio, Otowa couldn't help but tilt his head.

"Well, the liquid cooling system of the Veronica fighter was damaged by you, and her engine won't last long."

(End of this chapter)

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