genius war girl

Chapter 391 It's time to come

Chapter 391 It's time to come

"It should be almost..."

After checking the time on the watch, Otowa put the phone away.

Calculating the time, the quarrel between the two of them is almost over now, and Yin Yu goes in now... there shouldn't be much danger.

After taking a deep breath, Otowa stepped into the gate of the registration point again.

There are not many people in the registration point. After all, there are only so many people participating in this competition, and there is no need to queue up or anything.

Relying on the invitation letter in hand, Yin Yu was quickly brought into a private room.

In the center of the single room is a large table with an elderly woman sitting behind it.

Although it's not obvious, Yin Yu can still feel a bit of majesty from her, obviously her status is not ordinary.

"Excuse me, are you Ms. Izumi Otowa herself?"


Even in the face of such an existence, Otowa quickly adjusted his state.

"Please let us confirm."

After finishing speaking, the aunt sitting across from Otowa took out an unknown device that Otowa called, and then shook it in front of Otowa a few times.

If Otowa guessed correctly, this should be scanning the irises.

"Okay, Ms. Izumi Yinyu, you are signing up for..." After reading this, the aunt's face suddenly became quite strange. "Air battles, land battles, and naval battles, right?"

"Three items?"

After hearing the words on the other side, Otowa tilted his head in doubt.

No, she only signed up for air combat on the official website before, why suddenly there are two more, it's too weird.

"Isn't it?"

"Wait, I remember I only reported one item."

There must be a mistake somewhere, doing all three at the same time is a hell of a thing.

"Please wait."

The aunt sitting across from Yin Yu tapped the keyboard quickly, as if searching for some information in the system.

Without making Otoyu wait long, the aunt stopped her movements, and at the same time turned her attention to Otoyu again.

"The thing is like this, you signed up for the air combat project online before, but your sister Marina added two other projects for you after that."


Too many slots!
Who is your Marina's younger sister? How can there be an older sister who plots against her sister all day long!Also, the organizer of the event is too casual, and the life-saving can even bypass her own.

"So, are you going to compete in the triathlon?"

"No, I only participate in air combat!"

There are some things that people can do, but there are some things that people can't do, and Otowa still has his strengths.

She is alone, and it is no problem to drive a fighter plane, but there is nothing to do with tanks and warships.

"Ms. Izumi Otowa, your sister Marina used two extra invitation letters to sign you up for two other projects. If you abstain here, those two invitation letters will be invalidated. You should know How precious is an invitation letter?" The aunt said helplessly.


Woji, is it so scary?
Although he knew that there would be restrictions on registration, Otoyu still didn't expect that a project would require an invitation letter.

Having said that, Marina's ability is really powerful... To be able to get three such precious invitations at once, it is obvious that her influence is far higher than these families in Europe.

"Then sign up."

After thinking for a while, Otowa made a decision.

If she made the move to abandon the two invitation letters now, this big news would definitely spread in the circle immediately.

Although Yin Yu is not afraid of high-profile, but now is not the time to be high-profile, otherwise it will be fun to be targeted by unhappy people in team battles.

As for the competition... it won't matter if you can't play a big deal and just abstain from it.

And if you can fight, it will be three times the bonus, if you don't get it for nothing, don't get it!
I am the dividing line——
After finishing the registration matter, Otowa embarked on his way back to the hotel.

"Hey, it's Otowa!"

As soon as Yin Yu walked out of the gate of the registration point, she heard a voice that gave her a headache.

"Good afternoon, Minister Betty."

Even with some reluctance in his heart, Otoyu still had to turn around and greet the golden retriever loli not far away.

"Otoyu, why did you appear here, could it be that..."

"I'm here for the Campbell League."

Before Betty finished speaking, Otowa interrupted her.

"Hey, where did you get the ticket?"

"Given by a kind person."

"Why would someone give you a ticket!"

Betty's eyes widened, apparently in disbelief.

"Why can't someone give me a ticket!"

Otowa also refused to give in, and directly replied to Betty with the same words.

"Listen to you, we are opponents this time." Betty paused for a moment, then barked her teeth and said, "I ran away for you last time, this time I must teach you a lesson!"

"Last time, it was you who wanted to dog me first!"

What the two of them were talking about was naturally the practice battle on the aircraft carrier.

"Okay, this time I want you to be as good as me!"

Betty's voice was very loud, and people who didn't know it might think that the two were arguing.

"Your relationship is still as good as ever."

Just when Otowa was about to have a big fight with Betty, the voice she didn't want to hear suddenly came from her ear.

Martina didn't know when she appeared nearby, smiling and looking at the two of them.

And most importantly, Sophia and Hualisi who were by her side had disappeared, which meant that no one could check and balance her.

Why did this happen? In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, Yin Yu deliberately stayed away from the three of them for a period of time. Why did she still encounter this kind of thing?How could she stand it.

Betty was the first to react. She hid behind Otowa without saying a word, with only half of her head protruding from Otowa's shoulder.

"Yo, Otoyu, think of a way!"

"Is there any way, I am also desperate!"

Otoyu doesn't have the combat power of Jesnia, let alone protect Betty, and now he may not be able to protect it.

"Otoyu, how do you choose?" Martina smiled, and then continued: "Should I take the initiative to get out of the way, or follow me with Betty?"


(End of this chapter)

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