genius war girl

Chapter 149 Please, No

Chapter 149 Please, No

"The fighters go up first, and then let the AD-2 drop the bombs."

After arriving at the predetermined attack position, Xuezhi immediately gave the order to attack.

Griffin's fire-breathing climb is very fast, and it takes only a few minutes to climb to the current height of the big wash machine group, so there is not much time for the big wash to hesitate.

"There is no space for one of them to go up, and the four-machine formation will drop bombs directly."

Although the benefit of the four-machine formation is not as great as that of taking turns dropping bombs, it has a higher penetration rate when facing anti-aircraft artillery fire.

Oarai's four pandas directly formed a formation, and then launched a dive towards the enemy ship.

All the anti-aircraft guns on the Royal Ark were mobilized and launched an attack on the four fighters in Oarai.

In a sense, the Ark Royal's anti-aircraft firepower is even stronger than the Dido-class anti-aircraft cruiser that Otowa faced before. There are a total of 8 dual-mounted 110mm guns, 8 quadruple-mounted 40mm bang-boom guns, and 8 quadruple-mounted guns. Installed 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun.

The shells hit like raindrops and flew towards the four fighter planes of Oarai Women's Academy.

"Hold on, hold on, shells only find the faint of heart, so don't worry..."

Before Fuko finished speaking, Yin Yu saw her fighter plane was hit by a shell, and then disintegrated in the air.

It seems that our classmate Fengzi really panicked...

But Yin Yu can't take care of her now, because Yin Yu can't protect himself.Although he could dodge the shells to a certain extent, there were too many shells fired at Otowa.

A few sparks splashed from the wing. If Otowa guessed correctly, this should be the 12.7mm machine gun bullet that hit him.

Fortunately, the angle of this thing's hit was not very good, a ricochet occurred, and nothing was damaged, which is considered a blessing in misfortune.

Shells exploded around the Otowa fighter plane, and some fragments even hit the fuselage directly.Fortunately, the fuselage of the Panda is still solid, and there have been no problems.

A 12.7mm machine gun bullet hit the glass in front of Otowa. Fortunately, the windshield is bulletproof, but it only made a crack and did not penetrate the glass.

Even so, Otowa was still taken aback.

But it wasn't over yet. After that, Otowa felt the fuselage visibly shake a few times, and then the engine also emitted black smoke.

The output of the engine on the dashboard is also much lower, and something must have been broken.

However, as an air-cooled engine, the R-2800 has nothing to say in terms of reliability. In World War II, a P-47 turbocharger lost control. The entire engine exploded with 9 cylinders, but it still flew back to the airport safely.

Well, it should be fine...

As soon as Otowa thought this, he saw the nose of the aircraft was on fire.

Hey, this is too much, I just praised you a few words, why did you suddenly make trouble?
"Otowa, are you okay? I saw your engine was on fire."

"There is no problem with the control system of the fuselage." Otowa paused for a moment, and then continued: "It should be able to persist until the bombing is completed."

In order to prevent the fire from spreading, Otowa immediately shut down the engine.

Anyway, it's a dive attack now, and it doesn't matter whether the engine does work or not.

As for whether the engine can still be started after the dive is completed... This is something that needs to be considered later. Now let's blow up the opposite aircraft carrier first.

Turning off the engine + diving at a large angle still has some effect, and the fire on the nose is quickly extinguished.

From now on, Otowa just needs to focus on throwing the bomb.

Otowa first put the enemy aircraft carrier into the aiming ring, and then fixed his eyes on the altimeter.


When the reading turned to 500, Otowa detached the bomb without hesitation, and then pulled the joystick to the bottom.

After throwing away three 1000-pound bombs, the fighter jet instantly became much lighter, and the nose quickly pulled up.

Although the Panda is not as flexible in terms of flexibility, it has a stronger structure and is much more durable than the Spitfire. You don't have to worry about whether you will break the fighter all the time.

The two bombs also all hit the aircraft carrier. This kind of armor-piercing bomb dedicated to ships easily penetrated the deck and got into the hangar.

This is also thanks to the fact that the Royal Ark is not an armored aircraft carrier. If it is replaced with a brilliant-level armored aircraft carrier, these two bombs may not be able to penetrate it.

The fuzes on the bombs finally worked, detonating the three 1000-pound bombs in the hangar.

Although the two bombs achieved extremely high results, Otowa has no time to worry about this now.

"cnm, did you hear that, cnm!"

Otowa pressed the ignition button of the engine again, but there was still no sign of the engine starting.


Otowa punched the button directly... Then she almost shed tears of pain.

But it seemed to have an effect, the fuselage shook a bit, and the engine seemed to work again.

"It finally worked!" Otowa's eyes lit up.

It didn't take long for Otowa to be excited, the fuselage trembled again, and the engine stopped working again after emitting a cloud of black smoke.

"...No, please."

Otowa was about to cry.

A fighter plane whose engine can't work is already ordered by a dead fish. Once the energy is exhausted, it will crash.

Behind Otowa, Mika and Yukie also finished dropping their bombs.But they were probably too flustered, none of these bombs hit the enemy ship.

Not everyone can hit the coquettish aircraft carrier like Yin Yu, against the anti-aircraft fire from the opposite side.

Of course, even if it is still crooked, the 1000-pound bomb is still a 1000-pound bomb, and the huge impact still sent away a group of anti-aircraft gunners on the side of the deck.

After four Pandas, there are six Skyraiders.

With four Pandas serving as human shields in front, the six Skyraiders faced much less anti-aircraft fire when attacking.

However, the reaction speed of the other side was also very fast, and all the fighter planes that took off were dragged over on the spot, and they rushed towards the Sky Raiders against their own artillery fire.

When the Sky Raiders attack, in order to pursue higher precision, they always turn on the speedbrake.While the slowdown in dive speed allows them to aim longer, it also makes them easier to intercept.

Three of the six Skyraiders were shot down during the dive, and only one of the remaining three scored a hit, throwing two 2000-pound bombs onto the carrier's stern.

The two 2000-pound bombs are still very powerful, and a mushroom cloud soars into the sky in an instant.

After Ass was touched, the aircraft carrier's rudder engine failed together with the propulsion system, that is, it lost the ability to maneuver.

(End of this chapter)

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