I walk in the world of heaven

Chapter 203 The Predator of Reality

Chapter 203 The Predator of Reality

Strong wind is coming!

Xiao Zhi only felt his body tense, and he avoided the contact of the white fire light dangerously!

It turned out to be Jiang Chuan Hezi, she hugged Xiao Zhi at the critical moment and ran out, the back of the windbreaker was eroded by the flames and holes were formed, she threw away the clothes casually, looked at Che Xiaoxing vigilantly...

Che Xiaoxing stood up in pain, clutching her belly: "You even hit girls, almost forgot, you killed them all, what is this?"

She unzipped the zipper of the school uniform, pulled out the belt, and pulled out the string on it. The belt kept emitting white smoke and the skin sizzled, and it seemed that the temperature was no lower than the white flame just now.

Che Xiaoxing dragged her hot belt, and said coldly: "Since the piece of paper prohibits time travelers from using gifts to kill each other in the real world, then our battlefield should be in the world of travel, and you will die quickly if you are so hard-pressed." ..."

Xiao Zhi looked at the hot and red belt, and it took him a long time to come to his senses: "As expected of a schoolmaster, a chemical explosive bottle, is this hot belt based on physics or chemistry?"

Che Xiaoxing flicked her wrist, and the originally one-meter-long waistband got out of joint and became longer, like a steel whip!There was a cold murderous look in her eyes: "Since there is chemistry and physics, they are all simple knowledge."

As he said that, he took two quick steps and pulled the super long belt forcefully, swinging the whole length sideways!

Xiao Zhi whispered, "Zygote!"

Jiang Chuanhezi threw the scissors in his hand, and with a bang, the end of the long belt was immediately nailed to the nearby tree. The bark couldn't stand the high temperature and instantly charred, and even a faint flame burst out.The corners of Che Xiaoxing's eyes twitched: "You found out so quickly?"

Xiao Zhi smiled, turned around, slid his hand over his neck, reached into his pocket and took out a silver-white pistol: "Yes, since the skills and items bestowed by Terror cannot be used to harm other traversers, It’s okay to use it for defense. Now put your hands up, don’t make big moves, or if I’m scared, this pistol will go off.”

Che Xiaoxing looked at the black muzzle of the gun, with beads of sweat dripping from her forehead, she suddenly smiled: "'The Exorcist's Gun'?

Following her gaze on the pistol, Xiao Zhi's head suddenly became dizzy. There was a row of silver-white English letters around the muzzle, which was the name of this pistol "Gun of the Exorcist". Who would do this with a normal gun? No wonder Che Xiaoxing is confident...

The two were in a stalemate, Che Xiaoxing raised her left hand, the small wings on a blue ring on her index finger suddenly moved twice, her legs bent, and she said with a smile: "Mr. It’s a good day, let’s go another day.” She had to leave here, because she did the calculations mentally but not intentionally, her usual weapons research results were kept at home, and if she was tough with Xiao Zhi here, she might die right away.

She exerted her strength, and her whole body soared upwards!
It can fly, there is still a law of heaven, is there still a king's law?

Xiao Zhi gave Zhezi a wink, Zhezi nodded, rushed out in an instant, pulled out the scissors, and began to wipe, and suddenly the branches as thick as arms fell down, and Che Xiaoxing was immediately smashed by the branches. With an ordinary body, and the fact that the previous punch has not been recovered, this fall is quite harsh...

This man actually used an indirect attack!

Another branch fell, Xiao Zhi caught it, and tapped it on Che Xiaoxing's neck: "I just want to say it again, this time I came to school, although I made preparations by the way, but I was surprised to meet you, now I want to ask you something The question, do you choose to die, or choose to admit defeat?"

With a tree branch on her neck, Che Xiaoxing has no doubt that the man in front of her will kill her, and the gift she has for defense is pitiful!Most of them are active offensive props, otherwise she wouldn't have to worry about learning new knowledge day and night to make weapons to protect herself...

After a long silence, she sighed, "Admit defeat."

Xiao Zhi's eyes fell on the pink watch on her wrist: "Take out your time travel props."

Che Xiaoxing didn't hesitate, and took off the watch simply: "It's useless, the time travel item is equivalent to our identity certificate, no matter whether you throw it away, give it to someone, or even destroy it, it's useless, it will still come back, unless you can Only when we meet ordinary people who are more suitable for owning it than us can we send it out..."

Xiao Zhi picked up the watch and said, "Use the gift of terror to 'travel through the predator', plunder!"

The watch was immediately shrouded in a red light, and slowly disappeared without a trace. The wing ring on Che Xiaoxing's index finger also disappeared with the disappearance of the watch, including other gifted skills and items.In other words, because of the disappearance of the time travel props, she instantly changed from a time traveler to an ordinary person...

There was no anger or resignation on her face, she seemed a little relieved.

She looked at Xiao Zhi quietly: "Can you tell me what's going on?"

Xiao Zhi threw the branch far away, and he said: "This is my special gift skill "Traveling Predator". It can plunder your time travel props in the real world and smash them into pieces. After being plundered, you will lose all the gifts you have in an instant. Given the skills and props, after 10 minutes, all related memories about traveling through the world and the pieces of paper will be completely erased..."

Che Xiaoxing was a little stunned: "This, this is not fair, the piece of paper does not allow us to hurt each other, but it just gave you such a domineering skill."

Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "Why don't you think about it in a different way of thinking, this gift is actually not harmful, and you can even take it as a liberation, an opportunity to liberate you from infinite world travel."

Che Xiaoxing also smiled: "Yes, it really feels much better to think that way."

Xiao Zhi rubbed his brows: "I don't understand one thing, in the game in Silent Hill, your task was to stand on the side of the church and fight against Dark Alisa, but I killed you, Dark Alisa Lisa also succeeded in revenge and killed the congregation. In theory, your mission has failed. Even if you have completed eight missions in the world, you cannot be resurrected without completing the mission.

I want to know what's going on here, or is it that after I left the world of Silent Hill, your hidden back hand came out to fight against the darkness, Alyssa helped you complete the task? "

It's not unreasonable to say that, in the world of the midnight bell, he was originally dead, but because he accepted Jiang Chuanhezi as an acceptance.

In the "eyes" of the piece of paper, she belonged to Xiao Zhi's camp.

Jiang Chuanhezi killed Sadako to complete the mission, which meant that Xiao Zhi also completed the mission, which happened to be enough for the resurrection times of the eight world missions, so that he was resurrected.This kind of setting of completing the task after death and reaching the required number of times can be resurrected. If you have never died, who knows that there is such a routine.

At least Che Xiaoxing didn't know, because she met the number of times, but not the mission conditions. She said: "I have a life-saving item 'Resurrection Cross'. Return to the original form, all gifts will be emptied...

It's not that my friends didn't get together, and I was killed by you in the time-traveling world. I didn't expect you to come to my door again in the real world. It's okay, I'm a little tired of such a nerve-wracking time-traveling life. "

(End of this chapter)

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