The reborn abandoned girl Jinghua

Chapter 85: You've Broke That Shop For Me

Chapter 85: You've Broke That Shop For Me (2)
Xiao Yu nodded knowingly and backed out.

Song Ruotong sat down for a while and went to Hu's side.

Let her sit beside her, and Hu asked concerned, "I heard that Xiaoyu next to you has been out of the house every day these days, what's the matter with you, Tong'er?"

Song Ruotong shook her head with a smile like a flower, "It's nothing, it's just that her mouth has always tasted bad these days, I asked her to go out and buy me food." She was not curious or concerned about why Song Mujin was kept outside.

Seeing her pretending not to know and avoiding talking about it, Mrs. Hu couldn't open her mouth.

You can't tell your daughter that she and Song Wen abandoned Song Mujin, right?


The shopkeeper and clerk in the store were from the previous store. Mrs. Wen directly gave Wen Lixiang their deed of sale together. The two were very experienced. Well, after Song Mujin came to the capital, the two of them tested together and invited a master surnamed Yu, who directly signed a contract of sale.

Before opening, Song Mujin asked Master Yu to make some snacks for Wen Lixiang to give to family members or friends. In addition, the shop in Qingyuan Town was well-known, and many businessmen who traveled all over the country knew it, so it didn't open. Already had a little fame.

Just like the shop in Qingyuan Town, it still only sells [-] boxes a day, and it sold out before noon on the opening day. To save face, they sent girls over to buy them, and some who watched the bustle passing by came in to buy them.

The shopkeepers, shopkeepers, and Master Yu have always been puzzled as to why they only sell one hundred boxes a day. It was a pity to see so many customers on the opening day, and it was a pity that some came late and returned empty-handed. Only the two owners insisted on In this way, it is not easy for them to persuade them, but it is also good to close the door early, so that they can rest early or do something else by themselves.

After ordering the income, Wen Lixiang said apologetically, "During this period of time, my grandmother who often goes out of the house is a little unhappy, so I may not be able to come to Beibei in the next few days. I have to work hard for you in this store. .”

There are many rules for high-ranking and wealthy families.Song Mujin smiled and said, "Well, I'm the one to deal with the store, so you don't have to worry about it."

"I'm sorry, you've only been in the capital for a few days, I should have stayed with you for a few more days..." Wen Lixiang said, "If you need anything, you can go to me, you can't do it alone."

"Okay." Song Mujin nodded with a smile.

Wen Lixiang had lunch with her, and Song Mujin thought that the draft had already started, so she said, "I don't know what will happen to Miss Jiang?"

"I didn't see her when I went to the palace to attend the palace banquet during the Chinese New Year, but she sent me a message saying that she was fine... I'll find out in a few days, Beibei, don't worry, she will be fine. "Wen Lixiang said.

Song Mujin nodded.

After sitting for a while, Wen Lixiang said goodbye and went home.


On the second day, the business was still very good. Not long after the door opened on the third day, seven or eight people came in aggressively with sticks in their hands, saying that there was something wrong with the dim sum in the shop.

"Did the guest officers make a mistake? Our store just opened the day before yesterday!" The shopkeeper, who had seen the storm, said with a smile, while giving the clerk a wink to tell him to report.

"Stop for me!" The leader threw a stick over, and then said fiercely to the shopkeeper, "A mistake? I bought a box of dim sum in your store yesterday, and my mother served it after eating it last night." Vomiting and diarrhea, and still unconscious!"

The stick hit the man's knee directly, and the man groaned and knelt on the ground with his legs crossed.

Master Yu in the kitchen at the back heard the commotion outside, glanced through the crack of the door, and then sneaked out from behind.

"Did Lingtang eat something else?" The shopkeeper asked with a smile, "My store doesn't sell anything except crystal mung bean cakes, or is it that Lingtang can't eat mung beans?"

The ingredients are all fresh and high-quality, as the owner has repeatedly told. Moreover, the main ingredient is mung beans, which can clear away heat and detoxify. How can there be problems with eating them?
The leader yelled loudly, "It's just something wrong with your dim sum!"


Song Yang and Lin Jun went out early this morning to find their new master. Song Mujin packed up and was about to go to the store with Miao Xin. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Master Yu running out of breath.

"Boss, someone is making trouble in my house." Master Yu said while lying on the gate, panting.

"Someone is causing trouble?" Song Mujin raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah." Master Yu took a breath and explained the situation again.

"How many people are there? What age are they, and did they go with the government?"Song Mujin asked.

Master Yu replied, "Eight people, all in their 20s, didn't go with the government..."

Song Mujin thought for a while, turned around and went back to the house. Miao Xin hurriedly followed in, and the two walked out one after the other in a short while.

As he walked out, he said to Master Yu, "Master Yu, please go to Wenfu to find Sister Wen."

Master Yu stared at the backs of Song Mujin and Miaoxin dumbfounded.My dear, don't these two little girls want to fight with those people?
The monthly salary is not bad, but look at today's posture - am I following the wrong employer!It took a while for Master Yu to regain his composure and run in the direction of Wenfu.

(End of this chapter)

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