Chapter 27
Just like that, they were kicked out!The two girls were also very angry, and the girl in the water-blue dress asked, "Mother, do you want to knock on the door again?"

The two of them accompanied Mother Xiang only knew that they were here to pick up a lady, but they didn't know the identity of the lady they were going to pick up.

Presumably, Madam sent Xiangyu over to pick her up, so her status must be unusual.

It's just that they are too arrogant!
To actually drive the three of them out just like that!

Mother Xiang is one of the two most powerful mothers around Madam, she came here to save face!A family of poor ghosts actually drove them out!If they hadn't come to pick up some young lady, would they have set foot in this small and poor place?
Just because they are such lowly people are qualified to see them?
Xiang Momo said with a dark face, "Let's go!" Knock on the door and go in and be kicked out?If there is a big commotion, why not invite people to watch the joke?
Although Qingyuan Town is a small town, people come and go here, who knows if someone who has seen her will just pass by here?
"Go back?" The two girls were very surprised, and they said in unison, "Just go back like this? The madam..."

"Come back in tomorrow!" Mother Xiang cast a stern glance at the two of them.

How can I not go back?
Madam Qian confessed and entrusted them to take them back quietly so as not to alarm others, let alone let people know that they are from the Marquis of Wuning.

But the young lady threatened that they were liars and wanted to report to the authorities.

Didn't the reporter reveal everything?

got the wrong person?

The greedy faces of Song Daping and his wife must be the same as theirs!

Don't you think the money is too little?Just give 200 taels more tomorrow!Why don't they happily agree?
The two girls hurriedly lowered their heads, "Yes, Mammy."

The three left in anger.

Song Yang heard that there was no sound outside, so he threw the hoe in his hand aside, and ran back excitedly, "Father, mother, sister and the others are gone..."

The room was silent.

Song Yang touched his head, walked lightly to Song Daping's side, and looked at Song Mujin.

Today those people look very rich, my sister probably won't go back with them, because my sister said she won't go!
He only has this one sister!
Closer than dear!
Song Mujin raised her head and smiled at him, then said to Song Daping and Zhang Siniang, "Father, mother, these three people don't know where they came from, we don't care about them!"

"Beibei." Zhang Siniang pulled Song Mujin in front of her, "They—"

"Mother, don't believe what that Xiang mother said, who knows if she saw the piece of jade I sold?" Song Mujin said, "If they really gave it to my biological parents Why didn’t the people who came to pick me up dare to say the names of my biological parents? There wasn’t even a token, and they didn’t say a word even when they typed them! It’s really suspicious to be so secretive.”

In the previous life, she said that she was Song Ruotong's twin sister, and she was raised in the temple since she was a child because of her horoscope. In this life, are they going to take her back with such a deceitful statement?

I want to pick myself up, okay, come and pick me upright!

Song Mujin was sure that they would not be able to take her back in a fair manner, so even if she knew that the jade pendant Wen Lixiang bought was for the capital, she would have nothing to fear.

After hearing Song Mujin's words, Zhang Siniang showed some hesitation on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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