The reborn abandoned girl Jinghua

Chapter 1242 The Ending

Chapter 1242 The Ending (25)
There must be many people staring at the Hou's mansion, Song Mujin nodded knowingly, "Then Miao Xin must be with Miss ** now, if Miao Xin is there, don't worry."

Speaking of the last conversation, Xu Yang came over to report that the outside world was under control.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, Xiao Shu didn't let her go out the second door, held her hand, and said, "Beibei, I now..."

"I know, go to the palace to help." Song Mujin said with a smile, "There are guards in the mansion, and the former aunt and second aunt also sent dozens of people to help. Lu Ting and King An will definitely not Arrange two groups of people to come to the Hou's mansion, so the mansion will be fine, so you can rest assured, my child and I are waiting for you to come back, so you come back early."

"I'll go back as soon as I go." Xiao Shu bowed his head and kissed her, then let go of her reluctantly and turned to leave.

The hanging heart was finally put back, the outer courtyard was cleaned up, and Song Mujin took Peilan back.

Fearing that it might happen, she didn't pick up Xiao Jiecheng and the children immediately.

The crisis on the side of the Hou Mansion was resolved, but the East Palace was full of dangers. Lu Ting and Shao Jun led people to attack the East Palace directly.

Jiang Xueying in the delivery room was also almost attacked.

Hearing that someone attacked the East Palace, everyone in the room was startled. At this moment, two of the midwives' eyes turned cold, and they took out the prepared daggers from their sleeves. One stabbed at Jiang Xueying's stomach, the other stabbed at Jiang Xueying's stomach. It attacked Jiang Xueying's neck.

The two wanted to directly kill both adults and children at the same time.

Jiang Xueying was screaming in pain at the moment, but there were daggers in the hands of the two of them, but she had a big belly and it was difficult for her to move. While struggling to move to the side, she shouted, "Grab them both."

Only then did everyone turn their heads, and their faces turned pale with fright.

For a moment, Miao Xin, who had been standing quietly in the corner and handed cups and water to everyone, dressed in court lady's attire, raised her head, picked up two empty cups, and hit the two men's wrists, and the two people slowed down as soon as they avoided it. .

At the same time, Miao Xin's person flew in front of Jiang Xueying in an instant.

The others also came to their senses, and hurriedly stood beside the bed to protect Jiang Xueying.

Although the two midwives knew a few tricks, they were no match for Miao Xin, they were quickly beaten to the ground by Miao Xin, they looked at each other and bit their tongues and killed themselves.

The body was quickly carried out.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Jiang Xueying looked at Miao Xin, "Miao Xin, thank you."

In order to prevent people from seeing it, she has not looked at her all the time, and in order to relax the other party's guard, so this time the people who are arranged in the delivery room are all the people around her. The prince did not have any skilled female guards, but Miao Xin replaced a court lady beside her.

"Your Majesty is serious." Miao Xin said with a smile, then looked out of the window, "I don't know what's going on in the Hou Mansion."

She was really worried about Beibei.

But in order not to startle the snake, he couldn't see Beibei these days.

"Beibei is definitely fine." Jiang Xueying said, she couldn't help screaming again as the pain hit her.

"Your Majesty, don't be distracted. Don't worry about giving birth. I'm here." Miao Xin said hurriedly.

Jiang Xueying nodded.

The nanny who directed the people to move the corpse out came in, and said with a happy face, "Madam, Mrs. Yin, Master Hou has brought someone here."

Xiao Shu is here?Then the Hou Mansion will be fine!Both Jiang Xueying and Miao Xin were relieved at the same time.

The East Palace was bloody and rainy, and Princess Huyang filially fed Emperor Xuanren ginseng soup in the bedroom of Emperor Xuanren.

(End of this chapter)

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