Chapter 216
Hurriedly subduing the heavily panting accent in his nose, the three of them, Phantom Silver Wolf, Green Leopard, and Leng Xing, took a silent look, then tiptoed like thieves, stepping on the iron bridge, and slowly moved to the rest of the bridge step by step. The side of the nine phantoms.

And just when the phantom silver wolf, green leopard, and Leng Xing arrived at the sides of the other nine phantoms and turned their backs like the other nine phantoms, the lips of Xuanyuanyan and Shangguan Ningyue finally eased. Slowly pulled away.

Although the lips were drawn away from each other and the hug was separated, the eyes of the two were still looking at each other affectionately.

With a smile in Jianshui's autumn eyes, Shangguan Ningyue opened her lips and asked softly: "Yan, before Shabao and I landed from the sky, we found you standing quietly beside ten peach trees towering in a circle. Do you seem to be thinking about something? Could it be that...the road ahead of you has encountered obstacles?"

what, idiot?A blood vulture with an incomparably huge body and an extremely intimidating aura, Yue'er actually named it Silly Treasure?

Mo Mo glanced sympathetically at the Queen of the Blood Vulture who was still looking up at the sky, silently counting the stars in her heart, Xuanyuanyan looked at Shangguan Ningyue with a gentle smile on her face and said: " The road ahead is surrounded by black mist, and there is a strange formation that has disappeared in the rivers and lakes for nearly 300 years—the moon-watching maze. No matter how you walk, you will eventually return to the same road.”

"There is such a strange formation in the world?" Yu Mou glanced behind Xuanyuanyan, the road shrouded in pitch-black mist, Shangguan Ningyue raised her eyebrows slightly: "This strange moon-watching maze, can it be Can't even Yan, who is extremely proficient in battles, be able to break it?"

"It can be successfully deciphered, but the time is not right now." Gently grasping Shangguan Ningyue's right hand, and pulling Shangguan Ningyue to the side of ten towering peach trees, Xuanyuanyan opened his lips and asked: "Yue'er , did you notice anything unusual about these ten peach trees?"

Shangguan Ningyue withdrew her jade hand from Xuanyuanyan's palm, walked slowly around the ten peach trees, stood beside Xuanyuanyan again and said: "On the trunks of the ten peach trees, there are tall or low ones. Embedded with a silver colored glass bead."

"The same is true for the ten peach tree trunks on the other side, with a silver colored glass bead embedded in it at a higher or lower level." After pointing to the ten peach trees towering in a circle with his slender fingers, Xuanyuan Yan continued to open his lips slowly. stand up.

"Ordinary moonlight cannot illuminate the silver colored glass beads embedded in these twenty tree trunks at the same time. Unless it is the full moon, and it must be the full moon at the time of Mid-Autumn Festival, it can simultaneously illuminate the silver beads embedded in the twenty tree trunks. When the silver colored glass beads embedded in the twenty tree trunks are covered by the full moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival, they will condense into a silver circle of light in mid-air. Bounce back into the black mist, and the black mist will dissipate completely, then the moon-watching maze will naturally be broken."

Hearing Xuanyuanyan's words, Shangguan Ningyue couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "It's still several months away from the Mid-Autumn Festival, and if the moon is covered by dark clouds on the Mid-Autumn Festival, why not wait until next year to break through?"

Xuanyuanyan smiled with thin lips, but his black eyes were a little radiant and said: "Once the moon-watching maze is set up, even the people who set up the array will have to wait until the Mid-Autumn Festival when Wangyue is born, and mobilize the internal force to move the glass to the moon. Only when the pearly-silver circular light penetrates into the black mist can it break through the moon-watching maze and pass through smoothly."

Shangguan Ningyue, who understood the meaning of Xuanyuanyan's words, immediately opened her mouth to answer: "So the road that can reach the Xueying Pavilion Palace is not the only one in front of me, there must be other secret passages that outsiders cannot know. With the existence of the moon-watching maze, the people from the Snow Shadow Pavilion will not be able to come and go freely to block our way."

Xuanyuanyan raised his handsome eyebrows, and asked with thin lips: "Yue'er were also intercepted by people from Xueying Pavilion on the way?"

Shangguan Ningyue, who curled her red lips, said with a sarcasm in her voice, "If Mr. Wuhen hadn't pleaded for mercy, I would have wiped out those four overbearing ants."

Xuanyuanyan, with thin lips and a hooked smile, immediately said in a playful voice: "I have been bouncing around Taolin for a long time, and this Mr. Wuhen hasn't even shown a shadow. It's Yue'er's face, it's just a little After exercising his muscles and bones, he showed Mr. Wuhen in shock?"

"Show yourself! Mr. Wuhen didn't show himself, but his restless fingers ejected a white note of pleading for me." Shangguan Ningyue snorted coldly, and opened his lips quickly. After finishing speaking, he took out the white note in the sleeve and handed it to Xuanyuan Yan.

Seeing Xuanyuanyan who saw the black characters on the note, Junmei immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "What the hell is this Mr. Wuhen doing? Since he doesn't have any malice towards you and me, why should he order Xueying Pavilion The disciple intercepted us halfway, and then set up a moon-watching maze to block our way?"

Shangguan Ningyue, with red lips and bewitching hooks, said with a sneer in her voice: "When I meet Mr. Wuhen later, the brat in his heart will naturally show its original shape."

"If you want to see him quickly and let the little devil in his heart show its original form, it will be hard work..." Xuanyuan Yan smiled thinly, and at the same time looked at Shangguan Ningyue, who still had her big head up high, The King of Blood Vulture counting the stars in the sky.

At the same time, in a certain lush bamboo forest.

The emerald green bamboo leaves dance with the wind like elves. Although the fragrance of bamboo leaves permeates everywhere, it cannot conceal the refreshing tea fragrance in the air.

In a gazebo made of countless green bamboos, Mr. Wuhen, with black hair softly draped over his shoulders and white mourning clothes fluttering in the wind, is sitting in it with a calm smile on his face.

The soft silver moonlight, through the bamboo leaves swaying in the wind, lightly reflected on Mr. Wuhen's delicate face.Slowly raising his white wrist, Mr. Wuhen took a sip of the tea, turned the teacup inlaid with pink peach blossoms in his hand slightly, and glanced at the opposite side through the rim of the cup.

On the tabletop that Mr. Wuhen saw, there were two teacups inlaid with pink peach blossoms. The tea leaves with a faint fragrance were already lying at the bottom of the cups, and it was almost time to pour boiling hot water into the cups. up.

Who... I'm a little thirsty, remember to buy me a good cup of tea when we meet later.

These words were thrown to him by his merciful subordinate Shangguan Ningyue when he rushed to the peach forest to save the lives of the four Dharma Guardians.

"Shangguan Ningyue, I have already prepared this tea. As for whether it is a good tea that satisfies you, then... I don't know." Mr. Wuhen who shook the tea in the cup lightly, sniffed the tea. After the tangy tea fragrance, he lowered his eyes and took another sip.

Amidst Lin Feng's affection, Guardian Lu appeared in the gazebo, bowed his head and said in a respectful voice: "Pavilion Master, Shangguan Ningyue has joined Xuanyuanyan, I believe they will arrive at Snow Shadow Palace soon .”

(End of this chapter)

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