Chapter 107 Private Engagement
Sensing Mo Xiaobei's abnormality, Wang Manwen was a little worried, and said, "Xiaobei, why are you crying? What happened last night? What did Cheng Ze do to you..."

Thinking that last night was really a nightmare, she didn't think that after Su Baihan left, that man actually called two men over. This was a nightmare she never wanted to remember in her life, and those people even videotaped it as a threat. Obedient, they will be exposed, no, she must not let these things be exposed

"I don't know...don't say anything, I don't know anything..." Mo Xiaobei yelled and hung up the phone.

Hearing that Mo Xiaobei was so excited, Wang Manwen still wanted to call, she couldn't ask anything, at least she could comfort Xiaobei.

As soon as he picked up the phone, he saw the old lady come down from the stairs with a face full of anger, "Chengze is such a's outrageous, do you really think that we elders don't exist? He used to play It’s fine to play, but this time it’s even true for me..."

Wang Manwen didn't hear well, Chengze must have made something big, and the old lady was so angry, "Mom, what's the matter, that kid Chengze has broken something..."

The old lady glared at her, "Look at your good son, turn on the TV and watch it yourself, it's just too nonsense."

Wang Manwen quickly turned on the TV, and Ou Chengze's news happened to be broadcast on it.

The second youngest of the Ou family, Ou Chengze, made public the scandal and admitted that his girlfriend is Qiao Na, and the two held an engagement ceremony just a week after the announcement, and the previous 1 million Star of the Sea was the engagement token...

Wang Manwen fell down on the sofa, the two of them got engaged privately, this child Cheng Ze is really too nonsense, how could that star of the sea be sent so casually.

And Xiao Bei said that they were not together yesterday, could it be that Cheng Ze knew that he was involved in this matter, so he did it in order to fight against him.

"Mom... what do you think we should do now?" Wang Manwen asked the old lady for her opinion.

The shrewd eyes of the old lady flashed some impatience, "Whatever these women are planning with Aze, we will give it away and solve it, but the star of the sea must be taken back."

in the hotel

Yifan Yunyu, Qiao Na couldn't get up even more after being tossed, and waited for Ou Chengze with dissatisfied eyes.

Satisfied, Ou Chengze put his arms around Qiao Na, and the two of them lay on the bed to rest.

Thinking of last night, Ou Chengze still wanted to know who was involved in the plan to frame Qiao Na, "Nana, who gave you the drugged wine last night, do you know?"

Qiao Na shook her head, she drank many glasses of wine at night, and she really didn't know which one it was, "But Su Baihan gave me a glass of wine, I don't know if it was that one."

When Ou Chengze heard Su Baihan, his eyes flickered coldly, Su Baihan, Su Baihan, I didn't expect you to think of such shady attention in order to break us up.

"Nana, how did you discover the problem yesterday, why did you hide in the staff room..."

"Although I'm a little confused, I still have the awareness of self-protection. When I found out that I was taking traditional Chinese medicine, Mo Xiaobei was by my side. I had no choice but to pretend to be dizzy. Only in this way can I escape..." Qiao Na said She glared at her, "Am I that idiot? I knew how it felt when I took the medicine last time, so I knew it in advance this time..."

"Mo Xiaobei..." Ou Chengze frowned, thinking of Mo Xiaobei's behavior in the car last night, he thought it was a problem with the wine at the dinner party, "Why did she ask you to meet in the hotel room?"

(End of this chapter)

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