Chapter 117
Hmph, Xiao Mian, it’s been a long time since I used such a shabby trick, I think it’s childish.

"Then let's go..." Nangong Junxie raised his eyebrows triumphantly, he even thought his trick worked, but he just fell into the net I cast.

I casually wore a long purple dress with a lotus flower belt of the same color around my waist. I tied half of my hair with a silk strip and let the other half loosely spread over my shoulders. In addition to my petite figure and stunning plain face , cold and beautiful phoenix eyes, and a look of calm and prestige, this kind of me looks stunning and energetic, and also gives people a natural nobility.

Seeing Nangong Junxie's astonishing eyes, I have to sigh again, it is really beneficial for a woman to look good-looking, and choosing clothes carefully can still play a certain role, at least satisfying my vanity as a woman heart is not? ! !
After a while, a pair of golden boy and jade girl created in heaven appeared in Zijing City, the capital of the Jinlin Kingdom. They held hands and wandered around the street like no one in the world. The appearance of the two attracted the attention of many passers-by. .

The woman in purple clothes, with flying belts, looks like a nine-year-old fairy, with a beautiful face facing the sky, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and after a while she pointed to a product and asked the handsome man in black beside her.

The man's gaze is as deep as a black gem. When he is looking at others, his gaze is cold and devoid of any emotion. If you pay close attention, you will find that his gaze is always chasing the woman around him, and the affection in his eyes can be seen at a glance. At.

What a pair of peerless beauties made in heaven, the crowd sighed and turned their envious eyes on the two of them again.

Once again holding hands with Nangong Junxie and walking on the streets of Zijing City, I am completely in the mood to play games, but I have more eyes than usual. Of course, this heart is not known by Nangong Junxie, otherwise I will get it .

"What's this thing?" Pointing to a long vase-like thing on the small stall, I looked at Nangong Junxie with vague eyes, not to mention how innocent it was.

(End of this chapter)

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