Chapter 103 She Was Not Wrong
Since childhood, my father's love was robbed, the title that originally belonged to her was robbed, the brother I admired was also robbed, and even the person I loved the most was robbed. As a royal princess with a strong heart, How could she be willing to lose to a common man?
If it were me, maybe I would not be reconciled, but fortunately this kind of thing didn't happen to me.

Nangong Wanqing has done so much. In the final analysis, she just loves Jun Yihan and her royal relatives too much. Because of love, she does not allow others to share. Because of love, she wants to abuse anyone who robs her. ...she was not wrong...

The only thing wrong is that unbalanced mentality, which member of the royal family is not full of wives and children?Since Nangong Wanqing is in the royal family, these things must have been experienced since she was a child. The emperor has many children, no matter what, it is impossible to favor only one child.

"The princess doesn't need to know." Jun Yihan smiled lightly, there was something called indifference in those clean and sad eyes.

"I see." Unexpectedly, Nangong Wanqing was not stalking, she shook her hand, then turned around, and was about to leave, but paused in place, and then I saw her The corner of my eye shot at me like a poisonous snake, and the sinister phoenix eyes were full of hatred and determination. At that moment, I knew I was wrong.

Perhaps, Nangong Wanqing might be more ruthless than anyone else, but she hid it too well. To be honest, that kind of look made me uneasy for a moment, and I was extremely uneasy, but I also regained my composure in an instant.

"It's all right." With a shallow smile, the white robe cut a perfect arc, Jun Yihan comforted me with a smile.

"Hmm..." I nodded in a daze, and waved my hand at him: "Yihan, I will trouble you with that matter, I'll go first."

Before he opened his mouth to keep me, I ran out quickly, Xiaotie was still waiting for me!

When I ran to the main hall, I saw Xiao Tie and a few maids muttering about something, I let go of my concern for a moment, and my steps slowed down to a normal speed. people around me.

(End of this chapter)

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