Chapter 139
"Small is a childhood sweetheart, a childhood sweetheart, but when talking about the daughter in the boudoir, there is a smile on her face, which is better than a hibiscus flower, which makes Zhu Malang, who dare not look up!!"

"The friendship goes deep, the two sides fit together beautifully, and the smiling words are, when the bridal chamber is festive!! Lang rides a bamboo horse, green plums cook wine, and the place where the love is bubbling, is better than a fairy!!"

"However, when someone is old and yellow, the color is no longer the same as before, and the newcomer laughs at the old one! Tears fall in a foreign country, where is it??"

Qi side Fujin babbled and sang this big play, there was no one around, listening to the crying voice from the outside, the voice was very penetrating.

The second miss is gone, almost everything that should be known in this picture is already known, and the servants are all guessing, is it because Qi Fang Fujin and the second miss are deeply in love with their mother and child, so this Qi Fang Fujin is insane .

Qi Fangfujin and Fei Yanggu fell in love with each other when they were young. Even if there was a big change in their family, they were not rejected.

Although she has endured some hardships and had some frictions and conflicts with Su Celi, Qi Fujin Kyoko is still gentle and virtuous, and tolerates everything.

If not, Su Celi's attack was too ruthless, and the six-month-pregnant child would be wiped out abruptly.

It doesn't mean that he committed the wrath of the public and was locked up in the small dark house for dozens of years.

I have to mention that Fei Yanggu treated Qi Fangfu Jin with great affection, and vowed that there would be no one else except these two! ! !
After hearing this, the whole family of Ulanala family could not do it. Su Celi gave birth to a girl, and Qi Cai Fujin also gave birth to a girl. No matter what, a boy must be passed on to carry on the family line and continue the incense line! !
No, Qi Cai Fujin has it, and everyone regards this baby as a treasure, but it's just that good, and all the frustrations of life are gone.

Fei Yanggu is 40 years old and can be called a mature man. When he was young, he was naive and felt that there was nothing wrong with staying with his family for a lifetime! !But when you get old, you can't help but want someone to carry on your family, even if you die, someone who will throw pots at you! ! !

Qi Fujin resented and angry, complaining about Su Celi, lost the child, and ruined her own foundation.

He also complained about Fei Yanggu, the promises made at that time have disappeared with smoke, and they are no longer what they were before.

He even complained about his own daughter, who left early and slipped away alone in this world.What else in this world is worth your nostalgia?
But now I cry and cry, and no one is there.

The only thing I can do is to avenge my daughter, and I will never let the murderer who killed her live freely in this world! ! !

At that time, I was talking about the family, watching the elders who grew up and were as close as children!Seeing that Su Celi's daughter has become the prince Fujin, it's over after finishing the matter of human life! !

The one who held himself and his daughter in his hands back then has long since disappeared in the long river of time! ! !

Now, the one who begged for forgiveness, the one who betrayed the original oath, was only the third-rank official Fei Yanggu! !

Qi side Fujin touched the fine lines on the corners of his eyes, even if he took the best care of himself, he was still not as good as a young girl!I can't stop it, Fei Yangguna is a beautiful wife and concubine.

"Su Celi, Ulanara Shulan, I don't think it will make your mother and daughter live a happy life even if I live in this world for a day!!"

Qi Fang Fujin decided to live a good life, not to let the person who hurt her have the last laugh for no reason! !

Didn't Fejancourt want a boy?Then let him live! !I am also an old man, and it is not a bad thing to have a child for the elderly! !
As for Su Celi, hehe, if he has the ability to imprison her for ten years, then if he has the ability to imprison her again.

(End of this chapter)

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