Transmigration girl, don't be cowardly

Chapter 330 Anger, carry it to grab a kiss [7]

Chapter 330 Anger, carry it to grab a kiss [7]

"Emperor, the old minister has always cared for the emperor."

Zuo Wenxiong's old face looked meticulous, and his tone of voice didn't want to be lying.

"Oh? Then Mr. Zuo Xiang, what do you think I should do now?" Qin Liushang calmed down the ice in his eyes, and then asked lightly.

Zuo Wenxiong thought for a moment before saying: "In the opinion of the veteran, the emperor should first release those ministers who were imprisoned in the punishment room, and then take some time to prepare for the selection of concubines."

"Choose a concubine? Hehe, Prime Minister Zuo. I really don't know who to choose as my concubine." Qin Liushang's heart slowly became gloomy.

This is his so-called uncle. When the country was in crisis, he didn't think of a way to defend against the enemy, but now he was thinking of choosing a concubine for him. Such thoughts are really puzzling.

"Since Mr. Zuo Xiang said that he wants to choose a concubine, let all the civil and military officials come in to discuss."

As soon as Qin Liushang's words came out, Zuo Wenxiong thought that Qin Liushang had figured it out, and he was overjoyed in his heart and said: "The emperor is wise, and the old ministers are going to invite them into the palace."

However, Qin Liushang took out the rice paper and Langhao, and began to practice calligraphy. He looked very leisurely, as if the unhappiness just now had never happened at all.

Soon the courtiers kneeling outside the hall quickly entered the hall.

Qin Liushang didn't raise his head and said: "Everyone don't need to kneel down. The king summoned you to discuss the matter of choosing a concubine. This matter was brought up by Mr. Right. I have been to Tenglong for a long time, but I don't know that I, Shenyu Which daughters are suitable to be my concubine."

Everyone had just heard Zuo Wenxiong say that the emperor was going to summon them, and they were trembling in their hearts, not knowing what kind of medicine Qin Liushang was buying, but now when they heard this, they immediately felt relieved.

It turned out that the emperor wanted to accept a concubine. This news is undoubtedly a good opportunity for those courtiers who have women of the right age at home to increase their ranks and climb the dragon and the phoenix.

"The minister dares to speak out."

A middle-aged man stood up, glanced at the article on the left and said: "I think that the right minister's daughter is educated, reasonable, beautiful and extraordinary, and is a cousin of the emperor, so she is the best candidate."

"Oh, cousin." Qin Liushang glanced at the loyal ministers who seemed to remember something.

Then signal them to continue.

"I have a daughter, sixteen years old, and I have admired His Majesty for a long time." The servant of the Ministry of Rites also came out to recommend his daughter without showing any weakness.

Qin Liushang has been writing his own words for a long time, listening to the ministers below recommending women of all colors one by one.

The coldness in his heart became more and more intense, these idiots, Jiu Ding and Xi Ming were all bullying Shen Yu.

When he talked about Nafei, there was not even a single objection.It was his governance over the years that made these people get used to being pampered, or they forgot that he is the king of this country.

Whoever he wants to marry actually let them finish the master.After listening for a while, most of them suggested Zuo Wenxiong's daughter.

His cousin?Qin Liushang couldn't even remember her face.How to get him to love, it seems that Zuo Wenxiong's influence in the court has grown in the days when he is not in Shenyu.

"Are you finished?"

Qin Liushang's indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and for some reason he was very annoyed when he heard these noisy ministers.

In the next second, everyone in the hall silenced their voices and lowered their heads, as if they did not dare to overstep.

"Your performance is really wonderful!"

(End of this chapter)

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