Transmigration girl, don't be cowardly

Chapter 145 Battle against the Ancient Alien Beast [4]

Chapter 145 Battle against the Ancient Alien Beast [4]

At night, the stars in the sky are sparse.

There is a cold wind hanging in the sky, in a palace with extremely gorgeous furnishings.

There are two figures shaking.

"Have you ever done what I told you?"

The voice seemed familiar yet unfamiliar, and the woman turned her back to a handsome man behind her.

"My subordinates have already settled the matter. For those men who came to participate in the competition, I have arranged them to live in the Xiangyuan Inn according to your wishes. I just wait for the Tiangou Eclipse Day three days later. When the yin and yang alternate, the master will show his skills!"

"Haha, good! You don't have anything to do here, you go back first!" The woman looked at herself in the mirror and laughed wildly.

"So, when will you save my wife?"

But the man was not in a hurry to leave, he looked at the hideous woman in front of him expectantly and said.

"Your wife, of course I will save you. You just need to be a good wizard of your Tuoba tribe. As long as I practice magic skills in three days, your wife will not be difficult at all!"

There was a strange light in the woman's eyes, looking at the face in the mirror, her voice was arrogant and cold.

"The sixth princess came back suddenly, I don't know if it will spoil the master's affairs, and I don't know what she is doing this time?"

Seeing the woman's answer like this, the man breathed a sigh of relief, just like the past few times.

"You don't need to worry about that. Although my younger sister is a little bit more courageous, she is also not smart. I will kill them all in three days, especially the young man who follows her. It seems to be a very nourishing thing."

Thinking of Jing Fanyin's crystal-like beautiful face, the woman stuck out her long scarlet tongue and licked her lips.

Tuoba Yuyan's beautiful face suddenly lost all sense of beauty.

Seeing this, the man quickly bowed his body in fear and backed out.

Seeing the man walking away, the woman turned her head and smiled evilly.

Then he walked to the bed, squatted down, and stretched out his hand to pull out a lively young man who was tied up all over his body.

Looking at the terrified man, she smiled evilly. Then, her face slowly deformed, turning into the face of a baby.

The half-smile look is very strange.

Then, two red lights suddenly appeared in her eyes, and the man who was still struggling in fear seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit.

Staring blankly at the monster in front of him, he showed a foolish smile, compatible with sluggishness.

Looking at the man's appearance, the monster had a malicious cold light in his eyes.

He opened his mouth and began to suck the man's energy, wisps of white energy continuously poured into the monster's mouth.

In a moment, the man in the monster's hands became a stiff corpse!

Looking at the dead body, the monster let out an excited and weird hungry baby laugh, and then two sharp canine teeth appeared from its mouth.

It bit down on the monster's neck.

"Crack, Kick!"

The sound of bones breaking.The monster cannibalism is very fast, and the appearance of eating is terrifying.

I saw that man's body was quickly eaten by monsters.And the dead man still had a contented smile on his face.

His blood didn't flow to the ground at all while the monster was nibbling.

There was a red light all over the monster, and it sucked all the blood from the corpse into its own body.

There was nothing left, and after about ten minutes, the man was left with only a skeleton.

The monster seemed to be full, stood up and looked at the skin on his arms.

Feeling a little dissatisfied, I frowned!
(End of this chapter)

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