Chapter 523

The phone in the palm of his hand kept ringing persistently, and he recalled in his mind that Han Renxu used to do something for him, and the days when he was friends with him really felt pretty good, his black eyebrows frowned suddenly, How could it be so difficult...

"Hello..." Zhihou gesticulated many times with his slender fingers and wanted to hang up, but he closed his eyes and couldn't help but connect the phone...

"Zhihou, I'm broken in love, I...I'm so sad, I..." Han Renxu's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, but now the voice was drunk and vague.

Before Zhihou could say anything, there was obviously another person on the phone, "Hello, are you this gentleman's friend? Your friend is already drunk, please go to the xx bar on xxx road to pick him up." Let him go." There was no room for Zhihou to say anything to refuse, and then the phone hung up.

He really wanted to ignore him and continue thinking about what he was going to do, but as a former friend, he couldn't leave him alone, complained angrily, turned around, picked up his coat and went downstairs.Pray silently in your heart, pray empty, don't get angry with him because of this.

Zhihou came to the bar according to the address suggested by the person on the phone. Zhihou looked at this place in surprise. As a member of f4, a popular master of mythology, how could he not have been in nightclubs and bars, but this The place is very different from the places he's been to in the past, the same feasting, the same noise, but there are no enchanting women with smoky makeup, and some only brighten up when he comes in. The man who squinted at him...

Zhihou frowned tightly, his silver-gray eyes covered by long eyelashes shone with a repelling light, if it weren't for the cold air exuding from his body, there would probably be a lot of men Jumping forward, resisting the disgust in his heart, Zhihou finally found Han Renxu in a corner who was still drinking from cup to cup.

Walked over in two steps, held down the wine glass that he was about to drink up, "Okay, don't drink, you are drunk, I will take you home."

"Zhihou, you're here, you're really here, I'm sad, I'm broken in love, unlike you, your lover, your noble lover, just returned to China, you will have more time together in the future, You will be more affectionate, and I will be more sad!" Han Renxu pushed Zhihou's hand away, drank the wine in his hand, and directly picked up the wine bottle on the table next to him, ready to kill the whole bottle.

"Okay, don't drink any more, I know, okay, I know you're broken in love, go home, go home quickly." Zhihou persuaded patiently without the knowledge of a drunkard.However, seeing that his persuasion was useless, he still drank one cup after another.

"No, I just want to drink. You Yin Zhihou is happy, but what about me? I am very sad. I have lost my relationship. I have lost my relationship before I even fell in love. A love that has ended before it even started. What do you want me to do? Don't be sad, don't be sad. Come on, you drink with me, if you don't drink, you will look down on me." I have to say that Han Renxu's alcohol capacity is really good, after drinking so much, he is still conscious and clear-headed.

"Han Renxu, we don't have to say something very clearly, because after we say it clearly, we are not even brothers. Therefore, in order for us to be friends, I will accompany you to drink this, but only because we are friends, there is no other reason." It means that I only like Ruixian, and I only have one lover." Before Zhihou picked up the glass again, there was only one thought in his mind, maybe this is the only way to have both.

The ancients said that fish is what I want, and bear's paw is what I want, and I can't have both.Indeed!
Yin Zhihou doesn't drink well. As a brother, how could Han Renxu not know.But this is his only chance. I don't know if it is because of the butterfly effect that he came to this world, or because of other reasons?Yoon Ji Hoo is actually with Min Seo Hyun, so what about him?Where should he go after traveling through this world?Could it be that the author who created this world really has nothing to do.I don’t think it’s impossible, he is the master and creator of this fandom world, he will definitely find a way, Yoon Ji Hoo this is our last chance, I hope we can really be together.

Han Renxu, who had drunk the hangover medicine in advance, looked at Zhihou who had slumped into a river of spring water on the sofa, and showed a meaningful smile.After paying the bill, Han Renxu supported the drunk Zhihou, rejected other people who came forward to hunt, and walked out of the bar under their ambiguous eyes.

As long as you walk a few hundred meters further and arrive at the hotel there, everything will be a foregone conclusion by tomorrow, so what belongs to Zhihou is mine after all... Han Renxu clenched his fists tightly, his eyes revealing firmness, The unstoppable light...

(End of this chapter)

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