Psychic Queen: Beware of ghosts in the harem

Chapter 725 The Source of Memory 14

Chapter 725 The Source of Memory 14
Ahead was a cliff, on the edge of which they had once sat.

Wait a minute, why did she suddenly come here.

And why can't it go all of a sudden.

It was clearly this place in her dream, why couldn't she pass.

Baitang rapped violently, feeling more pressure in his body.

It's like the feeling of a drop in air pressure, compressing all the air that a person can breathe.

She gradually got down on the ground and continued to knock on the wall.

I always feel that it is about to open, but every time it misses something.

After falling into the darkness again, she was truly unconscious.

When I woke up, I saw myself lying in the room.

It was the place where she lived in Qingfengya.

Baitang sat up abruptly, took a deep breath, and checked if there was anything wrong with his body.

No no, she doesn't seem to have any problems.

Even his own spiritual power didn't seem to show signs of being taken away.

Thinking about it this way, helping Li Xun Huan recover his memory was like a dream.

When I woke up, it was just a normal day and nothing happened.

How else would she be lying here so safe and sound, like any other normal morning.

Baitang stood up, put on a Taoist robe, and walked out the door.

It was just noon, and it was still a bit hot outside.

It is already midsummer, because it feels cooler in the mountains.

When the wind blew over, passing by her wide Taoist robe, it immediately refreshed people.

Probably the only discomfort is feeling hungry.

Baitang walked a few steps and saw Luoluo holding tea.

"Lolo, Lolo!"

Luoluo turned her head, smiled at her and said, "Sister Bai, you're awake."

Baitang was a little puzzled, "How long have I been asleep?"

"About two or three days."

Two or three days, no wonder she will feel very hungry.

"Is there anything to eat now, I'm very hungry."

Luoluo said: "I know, I know, Daoist Mo has already expected it. Sister Bai, you should go to Qingming Palace to find him."

Baitang frowned, "What are you doing looking for him in Qingming Palace? I want to eat."

"Go quickly, Daoist Mo has specially prepared a pill for you, and we can eat later."

(End of this chapter)

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