Psychic Queen: Beware of ghosts in the harem

Chapter 646 An Unknown Accident 38

Chapter 646 An Unknown Accident 38
Baitang nodded and left immediately.

It was getting dark outside, and the faint brilliance of the moon shone down.

Sure enough, there was no one in the palace. In this dark and quiet place, she passed through several halls and high walls, walking among countless shadows.

Her steps were a little chaotic, and she was about to fall several times.

When Baitang finally found Fengyi Palace, he looked at the flames from afar.

There was a feeling of suffocation in my heart for a while.

Those fires were so dazzling, as if the feeling of being burned by the fire just now could strike again.

Are these flames eroding Huayan?

Or is it all over?

Baitang went crazy and rushed towards Fengyi Palace.

She ran all the way to the gate, only to find that the gate was locked.

Those flames are outside Fengyi Palace, surrounding a whole circle.

She couldn't get close, those flames were burning hotter and hotter, just like her eager heart.

Li Xunhuan!
Where is Li Xunhuan?

She searched everywhere, and finally saw Li Xunhuan in a dark corner.

She didn't care what he was doing, she just pushed over and smashed all his instruments and the things on the altar.


Hearing this panicked voice, she felt that Li Xunhuan was coming to stop her.

Baitang pushed back with his hand, "Go away!"

The interruption just now caused him to suffer an immediate backlash.

Now he was pushed violently again, and some unknown force rushed over, causing him to immediately fall to the ground without making a sound.

After Baitang crazily smashed everything, he looked back at Li Xunhuan who was lying on the ground.

The thin trace of blood at the corner of his mouth kept flowing out.

"Li Xunhuan..."

The flame has been extinguished in an instant, the surrounding fire light has disappeared, and it has entered the deep darkness again.

She doesn't know if Li Xun Huan is dead, this kind of thought makes people feel timid.

She had never killed anyone, and never wanted to.

Especially with someone I know.

Baitang walked a few steps, "Li Xunhuan...Li Xunhuan..."

After shaking for a few times, Baitang checked his breath, fortunately, he was still alive.

(End of this chapter)

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